About Campus
Enriching the Student Learning ExperienceSubmit your manuscript today at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aboutcampus
About Campus is a scholarly magazine that focuses on bringing theory to life in stories of practical application as a way to enrich the student learning experience. The magazine seeks to be a space where authors engage in storytelling that highlight day-to-day praxis for postsecondary educators on and off college campuses. The magazine’s readership is wide and far-reaching, including a diverse array of administrators, faculty, staff, students, and policy-makers across educational contexts. With this readership in mind, authors are invited to use theory, practical experiences, and conceptual thinking to illuminate approaches to ongoing challenges facing postsecondary education.
About Campus prioritizes manuscripts that focus on timely and pressing issues affecting student affairs and higher education contexts. Authors are encouraged to focus their manuscripts on pressing issues and how they can imagine alternative, emancipatory, and/or liberatory possibilities in education. In this way, About Campus offers a space for authors and readers to continue collectively reimagining the field of higher education.
About Campus publishes articles revolving around three main focal areas:
College students: the magazine advances critical understandings about who college students are and the environments in which they live, learn, work, think, play, and get to know themselves and others. We invite submissions that detail rich, complex, and compelling narratives about students and student learning in postsecondary educational contexts.
Student affairs praxis: the magazine invites work that advances knowledge on pressing issues while challenging dominant narratives of student affairs work. We invite submissions that explore innovative and exciting directions in the application of theory to practice to enhance student learning.
The process and values of postsecondary education: the magazine amplifies work that focuses on education as a process and its varied effects on the student learning experience. We encourage submissions that invite readers to wrestle with the complex challenges facing postsecondary education, especially those that offer fresh perspectives and creative, transformative approaches to addressing those challenges.
About Campus addresses these aims by offering authors multiple possible article types which provide an in-depth exploration of a timely topic (Campus Feature), profile an innovative campus practice or program (In Practice), examine assessment practices around student learning (Taking the Pulse), feature first-person stories of educational praxis (View from Campus) or claim a stance regarding a compelling campus issue (Bottom Line).
Z Nicolazzo | Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona |
Roman Christiaens | Doctoral Candidate, Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona |
Reginald Blockett | Assistant Professor, Higher Education Administration, Auburn University |
Laila McCloud | Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Counseling, Grand Valley State University |
Moira Ozias | Assistant Professor, Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona |
Purvi Patel | Director of Civic and Campus Engagement, Institute of Politics, University of Chicago |
Adrián Arroyo Perez | Associate Director of Faculty Affairs, Office of Faculty Affairs, University of Arizona |
Carmen Rivera | Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Colorado State University |
Erin Simpson | Assistant Dean of Students, Director of the Gender and Equality Center, and Coordinator of OU Advocates, University of Oklahoma |
Michele Tyson | Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Denver |
Cynthia Villarreal | Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, Northern Arizona University |
Rachel Wagner | Associate Professor, Educational and Organizational Leadership Development, Clemson University |
Katherine Wheatle | Culture, Race, and Equity Officer, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation |
Alina Wong | Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Macalester College |
D. Chase J. Catalano | Assistant Professor, Higher Education, Virginia Tech |
Becki Elkins | Associate Professor, Student Affairs Administration, University of Wisconsin La Crosse |
Leonard Taylor, Jr. | Director, National Survey on Student Engagement and Associate Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington |
Susana Muñoz | Associate Professor, Higher Education, Colorado State University |
Alan M. “Woody” Schwitzer | Old Dominion University, Norfolk, USA |
Amanda R. Tachine | Assistant Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University |
Melvin Whitehead | Assistant Professor, Student Affairs Administration, Binghamton University |
Alex C. Lange | Colorado State University, USA |
Ryan Evely Gildersleeve | University of Denver, USA |
Jean M. Henscheid | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition |
Patricia M. King | University of Michigan, USA |
Marcia Baxter Magolda | Miami University of Ohio, USA |
Charles C. Schroeder | University of Missouri at St. Louis, USA |
Frank Shushok, Jr. | Roanoke College, USA |
Michele Tyson | University of Denver, USA |
Heather Shea | ACPA President, Michigan State University |
Flo Guido | ACPA Governing Board Director of Research and Scholarship |
Chris Moody | Executive Director |