An IBM® SPSS® Companion to Political Analysis
- Philip H. Pollock III - University of Central Florida, USA
- Barry C. Edwards - University of Georgia
—Michael Burch, Eckerd College
In Pollock's trusted IBM SPSS® workbook, students dive headfirst into actual political data and work with a software tool that prepares them not only for future political science research, but the job world as well. Students learn by doing with new guided examples, annotated screenshots, step-by-step instructions, and exercises that reflect current scholarly debates in American political behavior and comparative politics. This Sixth Edition of An IBM SPSS® Companion to Political Analysis features thoroughly revised and updated datasets and is compatible with all post-12 releases of SPSS.
Discounted package deals available with the IBM® SPSS® Statistics Base Integrated Student Edition and Philip H. Pollock’s Essentials of Political Analysis. See more information on the “Packages” tab or contact your CQ Press | SAGE sales rep.
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Instructor Teaching Site (Password Protected)
SAGE edge for Instructors supports your teaching by making it easy to integrate quality content and create a rich learning environment for students. This site includes:
- Datasets that accompany the workbook
- Syntax files for each chapter of the workbook
- Solutions Manual that accompanies exercises in the workbook, along with an associated syntax file
- All tables and figures from the workbook
- Screencast videos, created by author Philip Pollock, of the guided examples from each chapter
SAGE edge for Students provides a personalized approach to help students accomplish their coursework goals in an easy-to-use learning environment. This site includes:
- Datasets that accompany the workbook
- Screencast videos, created by author Philip Pollock, of the guided examples from each chapter, intended to enhance understanding of key topics
“[The text] provides by far the best introduction for students wanting to learn how to use SPSS in conducting statistical analysis. Its clear in-depth examples makes data analysis accessible to even the most numbers-phobic student.”
“With a focus on both the mechanics of SPSS and interpretation of data, An IBM SPSS Companion to Political Analysis provides a very useful and useable addition to a Political Science Methods course. The chapters have engaging exercises that address many areas of the discipline and are organized to build students’ understanding of statistical interpretation and skills with SPSS. Students learn to run the statistical procedures, to interpret the results, and to construct arguments with the data.”
Excellent exercises, support videos, and step-by-step instructions
This is a very good resource