Hok-Bun Ku The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Dr. Hok Bun KU got his PhD from the department of anthropology and sociology at SOAS, University of London in 1999. In 2001, he joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and now he is associate professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and has been program leader of MSW (China) for 14 years. He is also the deputy director of the Peking U-PolyU Social Work Research Center, associate editor of Action Research, and executive editor of China Journal of Social Work. He was Fulbright Scholar at Washington University in St. Louis in 2007 and Senior Research Fellow at Durham University in UK. He has been an honorable professor at the Minzu University of China, Yunnan University, Sun Yat-sen University in China, China Youth University for Political Sciences, and Shandong Youth University for Political Sciences. He has also been visiting scholar at the Central China Agriculture University and Taiwan National Central University, York University in Toronto.Dr. Ku heavily engages in practice and action research in China. He endeavors to advocate the participatory research methodology. He has been involved in China’s rural development for about 15 years and has written extensively on topics related to rural development, cultural politics, participatory design, social exclusion and marginality, and social work education.