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Russell D. Hull Alberta, Canada

Professor of Medicine

University of Calgary


University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia M.B.B.S 1968 Medicine/Surgery

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON M.Sc. 1981 Clinical Epidemiology

Royal Austr. College of Physicians & Surgeons FRACP 1975

Royal Coll. of Physicians & Surgeons Of Canada FRCPC 1976

Positions and Honors

Positions:1969-1970, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia; 1969, Junior Resident (6 months Medicine & 6 months Surgery); 1970-1971, Rotary Postgraduate Overseas Fellowship: Summer School at the University of Oslo, Scandinavian Languages & Health Care in Norway; speaking tour of Sweden & Norway sponsored by Rotary; academic year at the University of Uppsala, Sweden in Internal Medicine, Clinical Cardiology & Clinical Research; 1970-1974, Chief Medicine Resident in General Internal Medicine & Coronary & Intensive Care Medicine; 1971-1973, Sydney Hospital, Sydney, Australia; General Medical Registrar & Fellow in Cardiology; comprehensive training in Internal Medicine & Clinical Cardiology; Acting Director of Hypertension Investigation Unit; 1974-1976, Fellow in Thromboembolism; Ontario Heart Fellow; 1976-1978, Lecturer in Medicine; Ontario Heart Fellow; 1978-1982, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine; 1980-1988,Continuing Appointment Without Annual Review; 1980-1988, Director, Non-Invasive Venous Vascular Laboratory; 1980-1986, Director Intensive Care Unit; 1981-1988, Chief of Medicine; 1982-1988, Associate Professor; 1982-1988, Associate Appointment, Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics; 1988, McMaster University/Chedoke Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario; Canada Professor, Department of Medicine;1988-1992, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Head; Division of General Internal Medicine; 1988 to current , Active Staff, Foothills Hospital, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Division of Hematology, General Internal Medicine); Director, Thrombosis Research Unit, Professor, Department of Medicine and Community Health Sciences.

Honors:1963 – 1968, Commonwealth Scholarship; 1975 FRACP; 1976 FRCPC; 1976 – 1978, Canadian Heart Fellow; 1978 – 1984, Canadian Heart Scholar; 1983 FCCP; 1984 FACP; 1984-1988, Research Associateship, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario; 1988, Research Associateship, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario; 1993, Distinguished Scientist Award, Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation; 1993, College Medalist Award Lecturer, American College of Chest Physicians; 1993, Investigator Recognition Award, International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis; 1997, William Cohen/Stella Fisher Lectureship, for the “perpetuation of scientific education at the highest level; 1998, I. Jerome Flance Lectureship, Washington University School of Medicine.