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Some subscription journals charge authors page or publication charges to publish their article. There has been ambiguity when an article, from one of these journals, has any of these associated costs as well as open access (OA) as to what should be charged. Therefore, Sage is clarifying its policy on the subject (July 2022).
There are two ways an article in a subscription journal can publish OA, one is through requesting to publish your article OA, this is called Sage Choice, or the article may have been identified as part of one of our Open Access Sales Deals (OASD).
We understand that as an engaged member of the research community, you have a multitude of commitments competing for your attention alongside your day-to-day work – whether it’s applying for grants, securing funding, writing and peer-reviewing academic papers, teaching, presenting at or attending conferences – the list is endless.
Child and adolescent therapy concentrates on how to approach young people when it comes to understanding their emotions and counselling them.
Every year another 2 million scholarly articles are published. The sheer volume, and constraints on time to keep up with the literature, mean that inevitably not all of them will be widely read.
Between us, we can improve the chances of your article being found, read, downloaded and cited – of your article and you making an impact.
To help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of the online teaching transition and working in a post-COVID world, we've assembled the following resources. Curated by experts, they are based on extensive research to tailor to your current needs.