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Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

January 2010 | 1 672 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This Major Work is an authoritative overview of Cultural Anthropology in four volumes;

i) Moorings: include articles -- by cultural anthropologists and others -- that have had a particularly forceful impact on the anthropological imagination in the last fifty years;

ii) Modernities: explores the many ways cultural anthropologists have examined, critiqued and been part of modernist projects articles will work through topics such as nationalism, citizenship, human rights, etc.;

iii) Emergence, explore anthropological work that has focused on the re-making of society and culture in the wake of massive change such as "globalization";

v) Engagements, examines engagements between anthropologists in different national and culltural contexts, engagements with other disciplines and engagements with the public sphere

Operations of "Culture"
Clifford Geertz
Thick Description: Toward an interpretive theory of culture
Marilyn Strathern
No Nature/ No Culture
Gupta Akhil and James Ferguson
Beyond "Culture": Space, identity, and the politics of difference
Lila Abu-Lughod
The Interpretation of Culture(s) after Television
Michael M.J. Fischer
Culture and Cultural Analysis as Experimental Systems
Designing Research
Laura Nader
Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives gained from studying up
George Marcus
Ethnography In/Out of the World System: The emergence of multisited ethnography
Paula Ebron
Contingent Stories of Anthropology, Race and Feminism
Michel Foucault
Nietzche, Genealogy, History
Teresa De Lauretis
'Introduction', Technologies of Gender: Essays on theory, film and fiction
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing historiography
Charles L Briggs and Richard Bauman
Genre, Intertextuality and Social Power
Homi Bhaba
Articulating the Archaic: Cultural difference and colonial nonsense
J. Clifford
Ethnographic Allegory
Trinh T. Minh-Ha
Difference: 'A Special Third World Women Issue'
T. Ochoa
Versions of the Dead: Kalunga, Cuban-Kongo materiality, and ethnography
Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Margaret Lock
The Mindful Body: A prolegomenon to future work in medical anthropology
Aihwa Ong
The Gender and Labor Politics of Postmodernity
Tim Ingold
Becoming Persons: Consciousness and sociality in human evolution
Arturo Escobar
After Nature: Steps to an antiessentialist political ecology
Consciousness, Affect, Subjectivity
Michael Taussig
Reification and the Consciousness of the Patient
Nancy D. Munn
Constructing Regional Worlds in Experience: Kula exchange, witchcraft, and Gawan local events
Charles W. Nuckolls
The Misplaced Legacy of Gregory Bateson: Toward a cultural dialectic of knowledge and desire
Structures and States
P. Abrams
Notes on the Difficulty of Studying the State
Ann L. Stoler
Making Empire Respectable: The politics of race and sexual morality in 20th-century colonial cultures
Elizabeth Povinelli
The State of Shame: Australian multiculturalism and the crisis of indigenous citizenship
Teresa P.R. Caldeira and James Holston
Democracy and Violence in Brazil
Resistance, Counterpublics
Sherry Ortner
Resistance and the Problem of Ethnographic Refusal
Rayna Rapp
Refusing Prenatal Diagnosis: The meanings of bioscience in a multicultural world
Stuart Kirsch
Indigenous Movements and the Risks of Counterglobalization: Tracking the campaign against Papua New Guinea's Ok Tedi mine
Re-Conceiving Wholes
Arjun Appadurai
Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy
Anna Tsing
The Global Situation
Brad Weiss
Thug Realism: Inhabiting Fantasy in Urban Tanzania
Susan Bibler Coutin, Bill Maurer and Barbara Yngvesson
In the Mirror: The legitimization work of globalization
Robert J. Foster,
The Work of the New Economy: Consumers, Brands and Value Creation
Figuring Historical Difference
Gananath Obeyesekere
The Fire-walkers Kataragama: The rise of Bhakti religiosity in Buddish Sri Lanka
Emily Martin
The End of the Body?
Jean Comaroff and John L. Comaroff
Occult Economies and the Violence of Abstraction: Notes from the South African postcolony
Judith Farquhar
Technologies of Everyday Life: The economy of impotence in reform China
Bruce Grant
New Moscow Monuments, or, States of Innocence
Faye Ginsburg
Embedded Aesthetics: Creating a discursive space for indigenous media
Rafael Vicente
The Cell Phone and the Crowd: Messianic politics in the contemporary Philippines
Tom Boellstorff
Dubbing Culture: Indonesian gay and lesbian subjectivities and ethnography in an already globalized world
Modes Of Care
Lawrence Cohen
Where it Hurts: Indian material for an ethics of organ transplantation
Peter Redfield
Doctors, Borders and Life in Crisis
Jacques Derrida
Structure, Sign and Play
Donna Haraway
Situated Knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective
Joan W.Scott
The Evidence of Experience
Nathaniel Mackey
Other: From noun to verb
James G. Carrier
Occidentalism: The world turned upside-down
Catherine Lutz
The Gender of Theory
(Re)Conceiving The Political
Stuart Hall
The Problem of Ideology: Marxism without guarantees
Ulrich Beck
The Anthropological Shock: Chernobyl and the contours of the risk society
Alcida Ramos
A Hall of Mirror: The rhetoric of indigenism in Brazil
Renato Rosaldo
Cultural Citizenship, Inequality and Multiculturalism
Nadia Abu El-Haj
Edward Said and the Political Present
Crossing Fields
Sharon Traweek
Border Crossings: Narrative strategies in science studies and among physicists in Tsukuba Science City, Japan
Jane Guyer
Anthropology in Area Studies
Susan McKinnon
On Kinship and Marriage: A critique of the genetic and gender calculus of evolutionary psychology
Marcia Inhorn
Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology: Divergences or convergences?
Engaging Public Spheres
Christine J. Walley
Searching for "Voices": Feminism, anthropology, and the global debate over female genital operations
Sally Engle Merry
Human Rights Law and the Demonization of Culture (and Some Anthropology along the Way)
Paul Farmer
An Anthropology of Structural Violence