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Four Volume Set
Edited by:

November 2012 | 1 632 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Since the 1970s, the number of formally democratic states has grown exponentially whilst coherent alternatives to democracy have steadily diminished in terms of their global relevance. Yet, democracy remains an extremely problematic, conflictual and unfinished enterprise - as a process and a project. The progress of democratization, inside nation states and globally, is partial, unsteady and at times thin, and efforts to extend democratization outside the nation state, whether to international bodies or civil society or the private sphere of the family and even intimate social relations, are sometimes highly contested.

For researchers and scholars, there is an undoubted challenge in understanding and interpreting the multi-layered and multi-dimension processes of democratization and gauging their significance for the social and political world. This collection explains aspects or experiments in democratization across the world and relates the substantial body of work on comparative, cross-regional and cross-case work across thematic fields of research. With this collection, researchers, policy makers, students, social and economic organizations such as businesses and labour movements, and NGOs in fields such as development, democracy promotion, social rights and international relations, can make sense of the best of a broad and potentially intimidating field of study.

Volume One: Theories, Methods and Historical Perspectives

Volume Two: States and Political Economies of Democratization

Volume Three: Civil Society, Human Rights and Culture in Democratization

Volume Four: The Global Politics and Globalization of Democratization

Conceptualising Democracy and Democratization
Democratization as Deliberative Capacity Building

John Dryzek
Citizenship and Social Class

Thomas Marshall
Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual

John Stuart Mill
Recent Theories of Democracy and the 'Classical Myth'

Carole Pateman
Socialism and Democracy

Joseph Schumpeter
Democracy as a Universal Value

Amartya Sen
Dissident Citizenship: Democratic Theory, Political Courage, and Activist Women

Holloway Sparks
Theorising Democratization
Comparative Democratization: Big and Bounded Generalizations

Valerie Bunce
Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research

David Collier and Steven Levitsky
Three Paradoxes of Democracy

Larry Diamond
An Economic Theory of Political Action in a Democracy

Anthony Downs
Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy

Seymour Martin Lipset
Modernization: Theories and Facts

Adam Przeworski and Fernando Limongi
What Democracy Is… And Is Not

Philippe Schmitter and Terry Lynn Karl
Transitology Literature and its Limits
How Democracies Emerge: The "Sequencing" Fallacy

Thomas Carothers
What Do We Know about Democratization after Twenty Years?

Barbara Geddes
Toward Consolidated Democracies

Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan
Democratization Backwards: The Problem of Third Wave Democracies

Richard Rose and Doh Chull Shin
Bringing Back States and Markets in Democratization Literature
Market Economy and Democratic Polity

David Beetham
Democratization, Sequencing, and State Failure in Africa: Lessons from Kenya

Daniel Branch and Nic Cheeseman
Comparing Democratic Systems

Donald Horowitz
On the State, Democratization, and Some Conceptual Problems: A Latin American View with Glances at Some Post-Communist States

Guillermo O'Donnell
Institutions Matter?

Adam Przeworski
Challenges to Democratization
Democracy from the Outside-In? International Organizations and Democratization

Jon Pevehouse
Markets, States, and Democracy: Patron-Client Networks and the Case for Democracy in Developing Countries

Mustaq Khan
Why Democracy needs a Level Playing Field

Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way
Does Oil Hinder Democracy?

Michael Ross
The Role of Civil Society in Democratization
Labour and Democratization in South Korea and Taiwan

Yin-Wah Chu
Adding Collective Actors to Collective Outcomes: Labour and Recent Democratization in South America and Southern Europe

Ruth Berins Collier and James Mahoney
Toward Democratic Consolidation

Larry Diamond
Questioning Tocqueville in Africa: Continuity and Change in Civil Society during Nigeria's Democratization

Carl LeVan
Gendering Politics and Policy in Transitions to Democracy: Chile and South Africa

Georgina Waylen
Claiming Citizenship Rights in the Global South
Human Rights, Democracy and Development: The Debate in East Asia

Rosemary Foot
Religion and Democratization in Africa

Jeff Haynes
The Politics of Democratization: Lessons from Bosnia and Iraq

Alex Jeffrey
Democracy, Indigenous Movements and the Postliberal Challenge in Latin America

Deborah Yashar
Democratizing Civil Society
The Taming of the Idea of Civil Society

Gideon Baker
Democratizing Civil Society in Latin America

Alison Brysk
Civil Society, Social Capital and Development: Dissection of a Complex Discourse

Goran Hyden
NGOs, Civil Society and Democratization: A Critical Review of the Literature

Claire Mercer
Accounting for the 'Dark Side' of Social Capital: Reading Robert Putnam on Democracy

James Putzel
Conceptualizing Democratization beyond Nation States
Developing Democracy beyond the State

Gráinne De Búrca
Globalization and Democracy

Donatella Della Porta
Diffusion and the International Context of Democratization

Kristian Skrede Gleditsch and Michael Ward
Democracy's Third Wave

Samuel Huntington
Other Domains of Democratic Theory: Space, Power and the Politics of Democratization

David Slater
Role of External Actors in Democratization
Democratization and Ideational Diffusion: Europe, Mercosur and Social Citizenship

Jean Grugel
Disembedded Democracy?: Globalization and the 'Third Way'

Joseph Lewandowski
Human Rights, Principled Issue-Networks, and Sovereignty in Latin America

Kathryn Sikkink
Democracy and the Multinationals

Richard Youngs
Civil Society and Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Roberto Belloni
Stalled Transitions and Contradictions of Democracy Promotion
The Contradictions of Democratization by Force: The Case of Iraq

David Beetham
The International Context of Morocco's Stalled Democratization

Francesco Cavatorta
Transnationalizing Democracy Promotion: The Role of Western of Political Foundations and Think Tanks

James Scott
The politics of 'public opinion' in the Philippines

Eva-Lotta Hedman

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ISBN: 9780857020901