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Essentials of Organizational Behavior

Essentials of Organizational Behavior
An Evidence-Based Approach

Third Edition

December 2020 | 616 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Winner of the 2022 Textbook Excellence Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA)

Concise, practical, and research-based, Essentials of Organizational Behavior equips students with the necessary skills to become effective leaders and managers. Best-selling author Terri A. Scandura uses an evidence-based approach to introduce students to models proven to enhance the well-being, motivation, and productivity of people in the workplace. Experiential exercises and a variety of real-world cases and examples provide students with ample opportunity to apply OB concepts and hone their critical thinking. The Third Edition includes new “What's #Trending in OB?” boxes on timely topics such as social media addiction and virtual work teams during the COVID-19 pandemic; new case studies on important issues such as American Airlines' anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ workers; and the latest research on topics such as grit and inclusive leadership.

This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package.
  • Digital Option / Courseware
    SAGE Vantage is an intuitive digital platform that delivers this text’s content and course materials in a learning experience that offers auto-graded assignments and interactive multimedia tools, all carefully designed to ignite student engagement and drive critical thinking. Built with you and your students in mind, it offers simple course set-up and enables students to better prepare for class.
    • Assignable Video with Assessment
      Assignable video (available with SAGE Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. .
    • Assignable Self-Assessments
      Assignable self-assessments (available with SAGE Vantage) help students understand their own management style and strengths.
  • LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.
About the Author
CHAPTER 1 • What Is Organizational Behavior?
What Is Organizational Behavior?

Evidence-Based Management

What Is Critical Thinking?

Outcomes in Organizational Behavior

Levels of Analysis in Organizational Behavior

How OB Research Increases Employee Performance

Plan for This Textbook

Leadership Implications: Thinking Critically

CHAPTER 2 • Personality and Person–Environment Fit
What Is Personality?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The Big Five

Personality Traits and Health Research

Other Relevant Personality Traits

Psychological Capital

Person–Environment Fit

Leadership Implications: Understanding Others

CHAPTER 3 • Emotions and Moods
Emotions and Moods at Work


Emotional Labor

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Contagion

Leadership Implications: Mindful Coaching

CHAPTER 4 • Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
What Is an Attitude?

Job Satisfaction

Job Search Attitudes

Organizational Commitment

Perceived Organizational Support

Psychological Empowerment

Leadership Implications: Creating Meaning at Work

CHAPTER 5 • Perception, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving
Understanding Why Perceptual Biases Exist

Employability: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies During the Application Process

Individual Decision-Making

The Rational Decision-Making Model

Prospect Theory


Decision Traps

Creative Problem-Solving

Leadership Implications: Making Ethical Decisions

CHAPTER 6 • Leadership
What Is Leadership?

Path–Goal Theory

Leader–Member Exchange

The Importance of Trust

Full-Range Leadership Development

Moral Approaches

Leadership Implications: Flexibility Matters

CHAPTER 7 • Power and Politics
The Difference Between Power and Influence


Influence Strategies

Impression Management

Perceptions of Organizational Politics

Political Skill

Leadership Implications: Managing With Power

CHAPTER 8 • Motivation: Core Concepts
What Is Motivation?

Needs Theories

Goal Setting

Job Characteristics Theory

The Importance of Fairness

Expectancy Theory

The Pygmalion Effect

The Galatea Effect

The Golem Effect

Leadership Implications: Who Will Lead?

CHAPTER 9 • Motivation: Applications
Reinforcement Theory

Social Learning Theory

Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Rewards

Self-Determination Theory

Performance Management

Problems With Performance Reviews

Feedback Seeking

Leadership Implications: Motivating With Rewards

CHAPTER 10 • Group Processes and Teams
What Is a Team?

Team Purpose

Team Development

Team Effectiveness

Team Decision-Making

Team Challenges

Leadership Implications: Empowering the Team

CHAPTER 11 • Managing Conflict and Negotiation
What Is Conflict?

Conflict Resolution Styles

Team Conflict and Performance

Resolving Conflict Across Cultures

Third-Party Interventions


Leadership Implications: Perspective Taking

CHAPTER 12 • Organizational Communication
What Is Organizational Communication?

Barriers to Effective Communication

Communication Networks

Electronic Communication

Cross-Cultural Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Leadership Implications: The Management of Meaning

CHAPTER 13 • Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments

Generations at the Workplace

What Is Culture?

Developing Global Leaders

Culture Shock

Expatriate Adjustment

Leadership Implications: Becoming a Global Leader

CHAPTER 14 • Organizational Culture
What Is Organizational Culture?

Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans

Strong Organizational Cultures


Organizational Climate

Leadership Implications: Culture Change

CHAPTER 15 • Leading Change and Stress Management
Forces Driving Organizational Change

Planned Organizational Change

Resistance to Change

Leading Change

Stress in the Context of Organizational Change

What Is Stress?

Leadership Implications: Helping Employees Cope

Appendix 1: The Scientific Method in Organizational Behavior
Appendix 2: Organizational Structure
Author Index
Subject Index


Instructor Resource Site

For additional information, custom options, or to request a personalized walkthrough of these resources, please contact your sales representative.

LMS cartridge included with this title for use in Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by Desire2Learn (D2L), and Moodle

The LMS cartridge makes it easy to import this title’s instructor resources into your learning management system (LMS). These resources include:

  • Test banks
  • Editable chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides
  • Sample course syllabi
  • Lecture notes
  • All tables and figures from the textbook 
Don’t use an LMS platform?

You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.
Student Study Site

The open-access Student Study Site makes it easy for students to maximize their study time, anywhere, anytime. It offers flashcards that strengthen understanding of key terms and concepts, as well as learning objectives that reinforce the most important material.

Excellent content and case studies. The textbook is clearly laid out and well written.

Mr Ian Godfrey Finlayson
Business Administration, European School of Economics
April 30, 2023

A handbook presenting a contemporary view on OB in an interesting and comprehensive way; well equipped with resources (PPTs, lecture notes, activities) that support both teachers and students in the learning and exploration process.

Ms Grażyna Budzinska
Postgraduate Studies, University of Social Sciences
February 27, 2022
Key features


  • The Third Edition is available as a digital option through Sage Vantage, an intuitive learning platform that offers auto-graded assignments and interactive multimedia tools—including video—all designed to enable students to better prepare for class.
  • New “What’s #Trending in OB?” and Research in Action boxes keep readers up to date on timely topics such as social media addiction and virtual work teams during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • New Toolkit Activities provide additional opportunities for students to apply the material through team exercises and role-playing.
  • New and updated Case Studies cover current issues in organizational behavior such as “Perspective Taking: Health Versus Wealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
  • Discussion Questions have been added for all Toolkit Activities and Case Studies.
  • An organizing framework helps students understand individual behavior and learn how to influence and motivate others, build relationships, and lead change.
  • An evidence-based approach introduces students to theories, models, and concepts that are validated by research with an emphasis on newer approaches.
  • Chapter-opening scenarios feature research on an interesting real-world problem based on research or practice.
  • Leadership Implications at the end of each chapter help students understand how leaders can use OB concepts to affect positive change at the individual, group, and organizational level.
  • Critical Thinking Questions integrated throughout encourage students to pause, think, and then apply the material just covered to an organizational challenge for leaders.
  • Chapter Toolkits in each chapter include key terms, toolkit activities, and a short case study that allow students to review and apply concepts to master the material.



Chapters have been updated and reorganized to reflect new research in Organizational Behavior. A new Appendix on Organizational Structure has been added to this edition. Many of the opening chapter scenarios on interesting real-world problems based on research or practice have been updated. The Leadership Implications at the end of each chapter have been revised and expanded. Critical Thinking Questions in the chapters have been revised or added to reflect changes in the content of the chapters. New Boxed Inserts in every chapter: What’s #Trending in OB?” highlights current applications of OB research in real organizations or consulting examples. Many of the Research in Action Boxed inserts have been replaced or updated. Cases have been either replaced or expanded in length. Cases cover current issues in organizational behavior such as “Perspective Taking: Health vs. Wealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Each chapter will have one or two longer cases (3,000–5,000 words) selected from SAGE business cases (these cases are provided on the Instructor Resources website).





·   PART IIChapter-By-Chapter Changes


Authors and editors are asked to delineate detailed changes to a revision on a chapter-by-chapter basis. We recommend that you maintain a record of changes over the entire revision process. This report will be kept on file at SAGE in compliance with the legal standards required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act. Please utilize the form below to report chapter-by-chapter changes.



Please include all additions, deletions, and updates.


Table of Contents: (e.g. Reorganization of chapters, chapter deletions, additions, splitting, or combining)



Several chapters have been reorganized, and a new Appendix on Organizational Structure has been added for this edition.




·         Introductory Chapter Pedagogy

Chapter opening vignettes have been updated or replaced with current examples.


·         End-of-Chapter Pedagogy

New toolkit activities and self-assessments have been added or revised. New case studies have been added.



·         Chapter Features

New boxed inserts, “What’s #Trending in OB?” have been added to each chapter. Research in Action boxed inserts have been updated or replaced. Critical thinking questions have been updated to reflect revisions to the textbook.



·         Questionnaires/Worksheets

New surveys have been added, and many have been updated. These will now be online and self-scoring to provide feedback to students.


·         Glossary

The glossary has been updated to reflect new content.


·         Table/Figures, and/or Other Art

Many of the Tables and Figures have been updated to reflect current research or better communicate the concepts.




The references have been updated to reflect current (2017-2020) research.



Overall Manuscript Length:

The textbook has been streamlined in places to maintain approximately the same length while adding more research and a new Appendix on Organizational Structure.





The preface has been updated to reflect changes in the new edition.





The forward has been updated to reflect changes in the new edition.





This textbook does not have an introduction.



Chapter 1: What is Organizational Behavior?

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation

Summary of Changes:

New opening vignette on the crises in organizations leading to increased CEO turnover.


New Research in Action box focusing on the application of evidence-based management (EBM) to increase donations to universities.


Expanded coverage of outcomes in OB to include thriving.


New What’s #Trending in OB? box on “Organizational Behavior in the Gig Economy.”


New Case Study on “People Analytics and EBM at Google”


New Self-Assessment, “Are You Thriving?”



Chapter 2: Personality and Person-Environment Fit

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

New opening vignette on the personality effect in Unicorns (a privately-held start-up company with a value of over $1 billion) with a profile of Adam Neumann at WeWork


Updated research on personality change, self-monitoring, psychological capital, and person–environment fit


New What’s #Trending in OB? box on “Personality Traits and Social Media Addiction”


New section on resilience, which is positive adaptation to adversity



Chapter 3: Emotions and Moods

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated research in opening vignette, “Does Lack of Sleep Make You Grumpy?”


New research on moral emotions discussed


New figures for Affective Events Theory and The Effects of Mood and Affect on Performance that better communicate concepts


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Is It OK to Cry at Work?”


New section on Regulating Emotions.


Updated Self-Assessments: “The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ)” and “Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)”



Chapter 4: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes

Updated opening vignette with 2017 Society of Human Resource Management job satisfaction report data (and two new figures)


New research on generational differences, gender, and trans employee job satisfaction added


New Research in Action box, “More than Job Satisfaction: What’s your Calling?” Discussion of ideological contract fulfilment (ICF) and new key term added


New figure for Responses to Job Dissatisfaction that better communications the content


New What’s #Trending in OB? Box, “Your Attitude May Derail Your Job Search”


Expanded and updated research on employee engagement and two new figures added from


New Case Study, “Job Satisfaction in a Network of Family-Owned Companies”



Chapter 5: Perception, Decision Making, and Problem Solving

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

New chapter opening, “Would You Be Happier if You Were Richer?” to introduce the effects of perceptions on personal wealth


New Research in Action box, “Perception Is not Reality”


New discussion of big data analytics in decision-making with key terms added


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Using Big Data Analytics to Improve Decisions.” Examples from Coca-Cola, Netflix, Whole Foods, and Tesla included


New Figure for Three-Component Model of Creativity to better communicate the content


New Leadership Implications focusing on making ethical decisions


New Case Study, “Making Decisions Using Machine Learning at Lufthansa”



Chapter 6: Leadership

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated opening vignette with new 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer data (and a new figure)


New research on personality traits, trust, and humble leadership added

New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Is Narcissism Good for Business?” (updated from previous edition)


New figure for path–goal theory that better communicates the content

New research on inclusive leadership (and a new section) added


New research on followership (and a new section) added


New figure for Relational Attributions in Response to a Negative Career Event added that better communicates the content


New Case Study, “Melissa Reiff: Servant Leader of The Container Store”




Chapter 7: Power and Politics

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Chapter has been reorganized and begins with discussion of the difference between power and influence.


New research on influence tactics, impression management, perceptions of politics, and political skill added.


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Power and Ethics: Making Tough Choices”




Chapter 8: Motivation: Core Concepts

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated research on grit in chapter opening.


Updated research in Research in Action Box, “Who Cares About Fairness?”


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Putting the Past Behind You: Performance Resets and Motivation”


New Case Study, “Vision Boards at Lululemon”


Updated research on Maslow’s hierarchy, goal setting, and job characteristics theory




Chapter 9: Motivation: Applications

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated research on the meaning of money and gift exchange in chapter opening


Updated research on intrinsic motivation and pay dispersion


New figure for The Self-Determination Continuum of Research to better communicate the content


New What’s Trending in OB? box, “New Directions in Performance Reviews: Beyond the Bell Curve”


Updated discussion of remote working with discussion of the shift due to COVID-19


New Case Study, “Increasing Motivation at Delta One Chennai”


Revised Self-Assessment, “What Motivates You?”




Chapter 10: Group Processes and Teams

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated chapter opening, “Does Trust Impact Team Performance?”


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Distributed Virtual Work Teams During COVID-19”


Expanded coverage of virtual teams and how leaders can build trust in virtual teams


New table (updated) summarizing best practices in virtual team leadership


Expanded discussion of knowledge exchange, innovation, and leading diversity in multicultural teams


Expanded discussion of leadership implications for empowerment in self-managed work teams


Updated and streamlined Self-Assessment, “The Team Leadership Inventory (TLI)”




Chapter 11: Managing Conflict and Negotiation

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated opening vignette with new statistics on the costs of workplace conflict, and new summary figure


Updated research on leadership and conflict resolution, mindfulness, incivility, workplace aggression, workplace violence, and team conflict


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Minefields in Managing Organizational Conflict”


Updated research in Research in Action box, “Is Workplace Bullying Becoming more Uncivilized? Send in Miss Manners!”


Expanded discussion of negotiation with new sections on Emotions at the Bargaining Table and Cross-Cultural Negotiation


Discussion of failed negotiation between Daimler and Chrysler


New figure describing Steps in the Negotiation Process added.


Updated leadership implications on perspective taking on conflict and negotiation


New Case Study, “Perspective Taking: Health vs. Wealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”


Updated and streamlined Self-Assessment, “Conflict Resolution Styles”



Chapter 12: Organizational Communication

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated opening vignette on “thin-slicing” includes a discussion of communication in teams.


Updated research on anxiety and communication competence, active listening by leaders, upward communication, the grapevine, and communication in global virtual teams


New figure to describe the communication process


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Organizational Communication during a Crisis”


Added discussion of the United Airlines case in which an Asian doctor was aggressively dragged from a plane and the resulting external communications challenge faced by the airline


Updated sections and statistics in Electronic Communication section, including the use of social networks


Expanded discussion of videoconferencing which includes statistics before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.




Chapter 13: Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Updated opening vignette on trends impacting diversity inclusion focusing on the wage gap for women and minorities in the workplace, including new research on the future of diversity at work


Updated research on generations, cultural values, multiculturalism, expatriate careers, and performance


Expanded coverage of generations at the workplace from four to five to include generation Z


Updated table to reflect the five generations in the workforce


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “Managing Someone Older Than Yourself”


New section and figure on The Global Mindset


Updated Research in Action box now includes a new case example of an Italian COO of a technology company in Mumbai who has difficulty motivating Indian employees.


New Leadership Implications with updated ESPN mission statement

New Case Study, “A Corporate Coming Out at American Airlines,” focusing on LGBT issues in the workplace


Updated Self-Assessment, “Do You Have a Global Mindset?”




Chapter 14: Organizational Culture

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

New opening vignette, “The Team Culture at Warby Parker”


Updated research on organizational growth mindset, the relationship of organizational culture to organizational performance, and socialization


New figure for Schein’s Levels of Culture


New What’s #Trending in OB? box on transparent organizational cultures, featuring the social media company Buffer


Updated example of storytelling: Jack Ma of Alibaba


New Research in Action Box, “Benefits of Organizational Diversity Climates”


Expanded discussion of ethical climate


Updated Leadership Implications on culture change focusing on the impact of management practices on culture and discussing the case of Brian Chesky, cofounder and CEO of Airbnb as an example


New Case Study, “Changing the Culture at Boeing,” discussing the 737 MAX crisis




Chapter 15: Leading Change and Stress Management

Please check all that apply


?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

New opening vignette, “Leading Change in a VUCA World,” (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous), with updated research, and discussion of leadership skills for an uncertain world


Updated research on appreciative inquiry, Lewin’s model, readiness for change, performance pressure and stress, gender and social support, and employee assistance programs


Added discussion of the triple bottom line (TBL) to the section on sustainability


Expanded discussion of the leader’s role in organizational change


Updated table, Forces Driving Organizational Change, to include life-threatening events (natural disasters, terrorism, and pandemics as examples)


New figure, The Evolution of Work


New figure, Top Causes of Stress Prior to COVID-19, added as well as statistics on stress before and during the pandemic.


New What’s #Trending in OB? box, “The Sunday Scaries,” which describes how worry, fear, and anxiety about the upcoming workweek begin for some people on Sunday afternoon.


Updated Leadership Implications section with new figure, Managing Change Versus Leading Change. Also, expanded discussion of compassionate leadership.


New Case Study, “Organizational Change at Amazon”




Chapter 16: Appendix 1: The Scientific Method in Organizational Behavior

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?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

Minor edits to this Appendix.



Chapter 17: Appendix 2: Organizational Structure

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?Major Changes      ?Minor Changes       ?Changed Tables/Figures      

?Changes Data &Statistics    ?Changed References/Citation


Summary of Changes:

This is a new Appendix that covers Organizational Charts, Organizational Design, Forms of Organizational Structure, and Management Hierarchies