International Perspectives in the Early Years
- Linda Miller - The Open University
- Claire Cameron - UCL Institute of Education, UK
Stemming from original research in the field, a range of expert contributors explore the key themes and debates surrounding international perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Drawing on studies carried out in Norway, Mexico, France, Hungary and many more countries, the book covers a wide range of topics including:
- the relationship between early childhood and primary education
- gender and play in ECEC
- curriculum
- inclusion
- early interventions
- working with families
- place-based learning
With case studies, detailed suggestions for further reading at different levels and discussion points, this is a key text for students of Early Years at all levels, from Foundation Degree to Masters, as well as current early years practitioners.
Linda Miller is Professor Emeritus of Early Years, The Open University.
Claire Cameron is Senior Reader in Education at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.
From this students are able to relate different theoretical perspectives to their own practce. This text gives them the skills to relate international perspectives to those of their home country.
Each chapter provides an overview of early years provision and explores historical and current influences in context, as well as offering insights into daily life through short vignettes, longer case studies and commentary from practitioners.
Whilst many approaches - such as Reggio Emilia, Te Whariki and Head Start - are widely admired, it is important for reflective practitioners to understand the motivation which gave rise to these influential approaches in their original context. Additionally, broadening understanding through information on less widely known systems, the book provides students with a good grounding in the international context of early years, the provenance of different early years approaches and principles, and the influences on their own countries’ provision.
Written in a straightforward and accessible style, the book is designed to meet the needs of students studying modules related to international perspectives on a range of foundation, bachelor and master’s degrees in early years.
Informative and enabling for students to discuss international perspectives and make comparisons to their own practce. this helps to develop criticality within academic text.
Recommended for students in their final year who are beginning to take a broader view of themselves as members of a global community of practice in Early Childhood.