Minorities in Juvenile Justice
Edited by:
- Kimberley Kempf Leonard - University of Louisville, USA, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA, University of Texas at Dallas, USA, University of Missouri at St. Louis, USA, Kent State University, USA
- Carl E. Pope - University of Wisconsin, USA
- William Feyerherm
Other Titles in:
Criminology & Criminal Justice (General)
Criminology & Criminal Justice (General)
August 1995 | 256 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Providing current information on the disparate treatment of minority youth within the juvenile justice system, this volume begins by identifying the need for a better understanding of how minority youths experience this system. The book then draws on research programmes that reflect different techniques of investigation, sampling and analysis with several racial minority groups. Topics include: juvenile encounters with police; the role of community structure in shaping the perceptions of juvenile crime and the response to it; and the treatment of Native American youths in juvenile justice. In conclusion the book outlines strategies for research and observation of over-representation of minorities as well as steps to help overcome racial bias in juvenile justice processing.
William Feyerherm
The DMC Initiative
Charles E Frazier and Donna M Bishop
Reflections on Race Effects in Juvenile Justice
Madeline Wordes and Timothy S Bynum
Policing Juveniles
Barry C Feld
The Social Context of Juvenile Justice Administration
Kimberly Kempf Leonard and Henry Sontheimer
The Role of Race in Juvenile Justice in Pennsylvania
George S Bridges et al
Racial Disparities in the Confinement of Juveniles
James Austin
The Overrepresentation of Minority Youths in the California Juvenile Justice System
Lisa M Poupart
Juvenile Justice Processing of American Indian Youths
Carl E Pope
Equity within the Juvenile Justice System