Daniel K. Lapsley
1. Introduction
Social Perspective-Taking and the Moral Point of View
The Right and the Good: The Moral Domain
Introducing Chapters Two Through Nine
2. "The Right" and Moral Development: Fundamental Themes of Kohlberg's Cognitive Developmental Approach
Early-Childhood Superficiality
Beyond Centrations and Superficial Judgment
Stages of Moral Reciprocity
Assessing Stages of Immature and Mature Moral Judgment
3. Kohlberg's Theory: A Critique and New View
Kohlberg's Overhaul of Piaget's Phases
Adult Moral Development in Kohlberg's Theory
A New View of Lifespan Moral Judgment Development
4. "The Good" and Moral Development: Hoffman's Theory
The Empathic Predisposition
Modes of Empathic Arousal
Empathy and Cognitive Development: Stages of Empathic Distress
The Empathic Predisposition, Cognition, and Affective Primacy
The Empathic Predisposition, Socialization, and Moral Internalization
5. Moral Development, Moral Sef-Relevance, and Prosocial Behavior
Prosocial Behavior: A Rescue
Individual Differences in Prosocial Behavior
Conclusion: Two Spurious "Moral Exemplars"
6. Understanding Antisocial Behavior
Limitations of Antisocial Youth
7. Treating Antisocial Behavior
The Psychoeducational or Skills Training Approach
Evaluation of the Equip Program
Perspective-Taking for Severe Offenders
8. Beyond the Theories: A Deeper Reality?
Moral Insight and Inspiration
9. Conclusion
The Issue of Moral Motivation
Moral Perception and Reality
About the Author