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“Too often, middle school and high school teachers say, ‘These students are lacking number sense.’ These books will help secondary teachers with good pedagogy to help build number sense in a creative way. John SanGiovanni and Eric Milou have created short routines that are teacher-friendly, with lots of examples, and easy to adapt to each teacher’s needs. These are the books that secondary teachers have been waiting for to help engage students in building number sense.”
“Thank you, John and Eric, for creating this practical resource that supports and guides middle school mathematics teachers in redesigning beginnings of mathematics lessons to capture attention and engage ALL students in mathematical reasoning, mental mathematics, and discourse in order to develop deeper understandings of number and improve overall mathematics learning. This book is a necessary resource for EVERY middle school mathematics teacher!”
“The Routines and Examples provided in this book will prompt teachers to rethink how they begin class in order to transform the first 5–10 minutes to be more meaningful and relevant for students.”
"Every middle school math teacher needs this resource! SanGiovanni and Milou offer a powerful solution to an age-old problem: how to effectively start a lesson. Their lesson opening “low floor/high ceiling” tasks will immediately motivate and engage students in mathematical reasoning and sense making – the critical thinking and problem solving skills students most need today."
"This book, these Routines, will jump start your mathematics lessons as students use reasoning to truly develop and deepen their sense of number. What a great resource! Use it – every day!"