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Criminological Perspectives

Criminological Perspectives
Essential Readings

Third Edition
Edited by:

February 2013 | 768 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This revised and expanded Third Edition of the internationally acclaimed Criminological Perspectives is the most comprehensive reader available in the field. Wide-ranging and global in scope and coverage, Criminological Perspectives will enable you to critically engage with the various concepts and theoretical positions that you'll encounter throughout your studies.

In addition to essays that have had a seminal influence on the development of criminology, new articles have been included to cover topics of contemporary criminological significance, including:

- surveillance

- digitized crime

- terrorism and political violence

- environmental crime

- human trafficking

- techno-social networks

- narco-crime

- global inequalities

The 56 articles are organised thematically, complete with introductions that place them in context and to illustrate the approaches taken by different schools of criminological thought.

Criminological Perspectives will prove an indispensible resource, whether you're studying criminology, criminal justice studies, socio-legal studies, penology, security studies, surveillance studies, or sociology.

Cesare Beccaria
(1764) On Crimes and Punishments
Jeremy Bentham
(1791) Panopticon or the Inspection House, &C.
Adolphe Quetelet
(1842) Of the Development of the Propensity to Crime
Cesare Lombroso and William Ferrero
(1895) The Criminal Type in Women and Its Atavistic Origin
Enrico Ferri
(1901) Causes of Criminal Behaviour
Frederick Engels
(1845) The Condition of Working Classes in England
William Bonger
(1916) Criminality and Economic Conditions
Peter Kropotkin
(1898) Law and Authority
Emile Durkheim
(1895) The Normal and the Pathological
Robert K Merton
(1938) 'Social Structure and Anomie',
Sarnoff A Mednick, William F Gabrielli Jr and Barry Hutchings
(1987) Genetic Factors in the Etiology of Criminal Behaviour
H J Eysenck
(1987) Personality Theory and the Problem of Criminality
David P Farrington
(1999) A Criminological Research Agenda for the Next Millennium
Charles Murray
(1990) The Underclass
John Lea and Jock Young
(1984) Relative Deprivation
Rodney Stark
(1987) Deviant Places: A Theory of the Ecology of Crime
Travis Hirschi and Michael R Gottfredson
(1994) The Generality of Deviance
Marcus Felson
(2000) The Routine Activity Approach as a General Crime Theory
Dorie Klein
(1973) The Etiology of Female Crime
Jack Katz
(1988) Seductions and Repulsions of Crime
Gresham M Sykes and David Matza
(1957) Techniques of Neutralization
Howard Becker
(1963) Outsiders
Stanley Cohen
(1967) Mods, Rockers and the Rest: Community Reactions to Juvenile Delinquency,
William J Chambliss
(1975) Toward a Political Economy of Crime
Steven Box
(1983) Crime, Power and Ideological Mystification
Angela Y Davis
(1998) Race and Criminalization: Black American and the Punishment Industry
Louk H C Hulsman
(1986) Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime
Jock Young
(1986)The Need for a Radical Realism
Jeff Ferrell
(1999) Cultural Criminology
James Q Wilson
(1975) On Deterrence
Andrew von Hirsch
(1976) Giving Criminals Their Just Deserts
Francis T Cullen and Karen E Gilbert
(1982) The Value of Rehabilitation
Ronald V G Clarke
(1980) 'Situational' Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice
Elliott Currie
(1991) Social Crime Prevention Strategies in a Market Society
Nils Christie
(1977) Conflicts as Property
John Braithwaite
(1989) Reintegrative Shaming
William De Haan
(1991) Abolitionism and Crime Control
James Q Wilson and George L Kelling
(1982) Broken Windows: The Police and Neighbourhood Safety
Martha Gever
(2005) The Spectacle of Crime, Digitized. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and social anatomy
Michel Foucault
(1977) The Carceral
Stanley Cohen
(1979) The Punitive City: Notes on the Dispersal of Social Control
Clifford D Shearing and Philip C Stenning
(1985) From the Panopticon to Disney World: The Development of Discipline
Malcolm M Feeley and Jonathan Simon
(1992) The New Penology
Pat O'Malley
(1992) Risk, Power and Crime Prevention
Jonathan Simon
(1997) Governing Through Crime
Mike Davis
(1994) Beyond Bladerunner: Urban Control. The Ecology of Fear
David Lyon
'Globalising Surveillance: Comparative and Sociological Perspectives
Loïc Wacquant
(2008) Ordering Insecurity: Social Polarisation and the Punitive Upsurge'
Janet Chan
(2000) Globalisation, Reflexivity and the Practice of Criminology
Neil Middleton
(1998) Poverty Goes Global
Moisés Naím
(2011) The Drug Trade: The Politicization of Criminals and the Criminalization of Politicians
Ulrich Beck
(2002) The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited
Stanley Cohen
(1993) Human rights and Crimes of the State
Rob White
(2003) Environmental Issues and the Criminological Imagination.
Jackie Turner and Liz Kelly
(2009) Trade Secrets: Intersections Between Diasporas and Crime Groups in the Constitution of the Human Trafficking Chain
Sheila Brown
(2006) The Criminology of Hybrids: Rethinking Crime and Law in Techno-social Networks

This text is an excellent one for students studying criminology. It is a useful and accessible text and helps students to become involved in criminological debates.

Dr Jo Brayford
School of Health and Social Sciences, University of Wales, Newport
July 12, 2013

We are going to recommending this book to the new intake of students in autumn 2013. As this course is a compulsory module for students, it is important that they can have access to/be recommended a textbook that breaks down some of the complex theoretical areas to gather a basis understanding before they move on to reading trickier sources. What is particularly useful about this textbook is that it is a collection of original sources, meaning that students can read it and realise that actually reading something from decades ago is not that difficult. It also helps students access texts which the library may have limited numbers of copies of due to their age. I think the book is a terrific update on its previous addition; I really like the new chapters. I think as it covers most areas of this course and other courses the students will be taking, it will be a wise purchase for them. I will also be recommending it to our subject librarian for purchase for the library.

Miss Rachel Morris
Department of Applied Social Sciences, Lancaster University
June 11, 2013

good to see some more up to date readings - bringing these sorts of 'essential reading' books into modern era - good selection of readings.

Dr Carole McCartney
School of Law, Leeds University
May 30, 2013

Great, comprehensive, well organised and accessible.

Dr Karen Corteen
Dept of Social & Communication Studies, Chester University
April 25, 2013

I can certainly see the marketability of this text - providing students with a pragmatic interpretation of some of the most commonly identified paradigms

Dr Carol Borland Jones
Natural and Social Sciences, Gloucestershire University
April 17, 2013

As good as ever, but with interesting new chapters added. Still the most comprehensive reader with original texts for students.

Dr Maria Kaspersson
Law and Criminology, Greenwich University
April 10, 2013

The third edition of Criminological Perspectives is a useful update of this volume. There are elements of the first year undergraduate criminology module for which students will be able to draw helpfully from this book - the keener of the students will find the extra depth on certain topics particularly useful. As students move into second year studies I would anticipate that the book becomes more recommended than supplementary.

Mr Wil Chivers
Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
April 8, 2013

This book provides topical and classic texts relevant for a criminological theory undergraduate course. There is an excellent expanded section on governance and control which forms a valuable addition to this latest edition.

Dr Katrina Morrison
School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences , Edinburgh Napier University
April 4, 2013

This hugely varied book introduces students to a very wide range of theories and ideas about the nature and causes of crime. It is highly recommended as a text that will encourage students to appreciate the complexity of crime and the explanations of it.

Jamie Harding
Social Sciences, Northumbria University
March 28, 2013

An essential read for criminological undergraduates. Another informative and key text for students to refer to

Miss Laura Firth
Public Services, Runshaw College
March 19, 2013
Key features

New topics covered in the Third Edition of Criminological Perspectives:

  • surveillance
  • digitized crime
  • terrorism and political violence
  • environmental crime
  • human trafficking
  • techno-social networks
  • narco-crime
  • global inequalities

New topics covered:

  • surveillance
  • digitized crime
  • terrorism and political violence
  • environmental crime
  • human trafficking
  • techno-social networks
  • narco-crime
  • global inequalities

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781446207864

ISBN: 9781446207857