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Social Marketing

Social Marketing

Six Volume Set
Edited by:

January 2013 | 2 408 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The theory and practice of social marketing has steadily been gaining significance following its conception over four decades ago, and has since been adopted by an ever expanding group of practitioners, academics, researchers and policymakers in governments around the world. A key feature underlined in this work is how social marketing stands apart from other approaches to health promotion and disease prevention, environmental sustainability, safety and injury prevention and other topics, by searching for population level impacts that can be achieved by:

" Using marketing techniques such as audience segmentation

" Implementing product and service development

" Realigning incentives and removing barriers to behaviour change

" Increasing opportunities to practice healthier and more socially beneficial behaviours

" Creating communication strategies to promote, encourage and support positive behaviour changes that ultimately benefit society as a whole.

Bringing together seminal texts from diverse sources, this six-volume set - framed by a newly written introductory chapter - seeks to organize the field of social marketing, highlight its global scope and contributions, and present its current growth and dynamism.

Volume One: Social marketing: Conceptual frameworks and common ground

Volume Two: Social marketing in the developed world

Volume Three: Social marketing in developing countries - Part One

Volume Four: Social marketing in developing countries - Part Two

Volume Five: Applications of Social Marketing for Sustainable Behavior and Environmental Protection

Volume Six: Social marketing: Deepening and expanding the impact

Philip Harvey
The Pioneers
Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman
Social Marketing
An Approach to Planned Social Change

Gerald Zaltman and Ilan Vertinsky
Health Service Marketing
A Suggested Model

Karen Fox and Philip Kotler
The Marketing of Social Causes
The First 10 Years

Paul Bloom and William Novelli
Problems and Challenges in Social Marketing
Richard Manoff
Cultural and Structural Impediments to Social Marketing
R. Craig Lefebvre and June Flora
Social Marketing and Public Health Intervention
Glen Murray and Ronald Douglas
Social Marketing in the Alcohol Policy Arena
R. Craig Lefebvre
Strategies to Maintain and Institutionalize Successful Programs
A Marketing Framework

Diana Chapman Walsh et al
Social Marketing for Public Health
David Buchanan, Sasiragha Reddy and Zafar Hossain
Social Marketing
A Critical Appraisal

G.B. Hastings and A.J. Haywood
Social Marketing
A Critical Response

Sharyn Sutton, George Balch and R. Craig Lefebvre
Strategic Questions for Consumer-Based Health Communications
Nicholas O'Shaughnessy
Social Propaganda and Social Marketing
A Critical Difference?

Michael Slater, Kathleen Kelly and Ruth Edwards
Integrating Social Marketing, Community Readiness and Media Advocacy in Community-Based Prevention Efforts
Alan Andreasen
Marketing Social Marketing in the Social Change Marketplace
George Brenkert
Ethical Challenges of Social Marketing
Gerald Hastings
Relational Paradigms in Social Marketing
Edward Maibach, Lorien Abroms and Mark Marosits
Communication and Marketing as Tools to Cultivate the Public's Health
A Proposed 'People and Places' Framework

Carol Bryant et al
Community-Based Prevention Marketing
A New Planning Framework for Designing and Tailoring Health Promotion Interventions

Cornelia Pechmann et al
Navigating the Central Tensions in Research on At-Risk Consumers
Challenges and Opportunities

Guide to Community Preventive Services
Health Communication and Social Marketing
Health Communication Campaigns That Include Mass Media and Health-Related Product Distribution

Adel El-ansary and Oscar Kramer
Social Marketing
The Family Planning Experience

James Dearing et al
Social Marketing and Diffusion-Based Strategies for Communicating with Unique Populations
HIV Prevention in San Francisco

Ross Conner et al
The Solaar HIV Prevention Program for Gay and Bisexual Latino Men
Using Social Marketing to Build Capacity for Service Provision and Evaluation

Edward Roccella and Graham Ward
The National High Blood Pressure Education Program
A Description of Its Utility as a Generic Program Model

R. Craig Lefebvre
Characteristics of Participants in Community Health Promotion Programs
Four-Year Results

R. Craig Lefebvre et al
Use of Database Marketing and Consumer-Based Health Communication in Message Design
An Example from the Office of Cancer Communications' 'Five a Day for Better Health' Program

Robert Donovan, Garry Egger and Mark Francas
A Method for Selecting Target Audiences for Public Health Interventions

Andrew Milat, Tom Carroll and Jennifer Taylor
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Population Health Social Marketing Campaigns in Australia
A Consideration of Evidence and Related Evaluation Issues

Sharyn Sutton and Elizabeth Thompson
An In-Depth Interview Study of Health-Care Policy Professionals and Their Research Needs
W. Douglas Evans et al
Branding Behavior
The Strategy behind the Truth™ Campaign

Matthew Farrelly et al
The Influence of the National Truth Campaign on Smoking Initiation
Douglas Evans et al
Prevention Effects of an Anti-Tobacco Brand on Adolescent Smoking Initiation
Marian Huhman et al
Evaluation of a National Physical Activity Intervention for Children
VERB™ Campaign, 2002-2004

Simani Price et al
Exploring the Influence of the VERB ™ Brand Using a Brand Equity Framework
R. Craig Lefebvre, Carol Olander and Elyse Levine
The Impact of Multiple Channel Delivery of Nutrition Messages on Student Knowledge, Motivation and Behavior
Results from the Team Nutrition Pilot Study

Robert Michielutte et al
Development of a Community Cancer Education Program
The Forsyth County, N.C. Cervical Cancer Prevention Project

T. Zdrojewski et al
Effects of Social Intervention on Detection and Efficacy of Treatment for Arterial Hypertension
R.J. Lowry et al
Increasing Breastfeeding and Reducing Smoking in Pregnancy
A Social Marketing Success Improving Life Chances for Children

Steve James and Heather Skinner
The Shoreline Project for Street Drinkers
Designing and Running a Supported Housing Project for the 'Unhouseable'

Robert Donovan et al
Implementing Mental-Health Promotion
The Act-Belong-Commit Mentally Healthy W.A. Campaign in Western Australia

Manuel Mah, Yat Cho Tam and Sameer Deshpande
Social Marketing Analysis of Two Years of Hand Hygiene Promotion
Joan Flocks et al
Implementing a Community-Based Social Marketing Project to Improve Agricultural Worker Health
Elaine Cullen, Lori Matthews and Theodore Teske
Use of Occupational Ethnography and Social Marketing Strategies to Develop a Safety Awareness Campaign for Coal Miners
Julie Sorensen et al
The Social Marketing of Safety Behaviors
A Quasi-Randomized Controlled Trial of Tractor Retrofitting Incentives

Ross Gordon et al
The Effectiveness of Social Marketing Interventions for Health Improvement
What's the Evidence?

Rachael Murray et al
Improving Access to Smoking Cessation Services for Disadvantaged Groups
A Systematic

Guy Faulkner et al
Re-Launching a National Social Marketing Campaign
Expectations and Challenges for the 'New' ParticipACTION

Robert McDermott et al
Impact of the California Project LEAN School Board Member Social Marketing Campaign
R. Craig Lefebvre
Partnerships for Social Marketing Programs
An Example from the National Bone Health Campaign

Garth Martin et al
A Social Marketing Model for Disseminating Research-Based Treatments to Addictions Treatment Providers
Jeff Luck et al
A Social Marketing Approach to Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in VHA QUERI
The TIDES Depression Collaborative Care Model

Jeff French
The Nature, Development and Contribution of Social Marketing to Public Health Practice since 2004 in England
Ruby Roy Dholakia and Nihilesh Dholakia
Social Marketing and Development
T.R.L. Black
Community-Based Distribution
The Distributive Potential and Economics of a Social Marketing Approach to Family Planning

John Davies and Terrence Louis
Measuring the Effectiveness of Contraceptive Marketing Programs
Preethi in Sri Lanka

Ricardo Vernon, Gabriel Ojeda and Marcia Townsend
Contraceptive Social Marketing and Community-Based Distribution Systems in Columbia
Jere Behrman
The Simple Analytics of Contraceptive Social Marketing
Nayyer Samad, Sonny Nwankwo and Ayantunji Gbadamosi
Branding in Contraceptive Social Marketing
The Pakistani Experience

Neil Price
The Performance of Social Marketing in Reaching the Poor and Impossible in AIDS Control Programs
Andrea Plautz and Dominique Meekers
Evaluation of the Reach and Impact of the 100% Jeune Youth Social Marketing Program in Cameroon
Findings from Three Cross-Sectional Surveys

Zunyou Wu
Evaluation of a Needle Social Marketing Strategy to Control HIV among Injecting Drug Users in China
Dominique Meekers and Stephen Rahaim
The Importance of Socioeconomic Context for Social Marketing Models for Improving Reproductive Health
Evidence from 55 Years of Program Experience

Kara Hanson, Lilani Kumaranayake and Ian Thomas
Ends versus Means
The Role of Markets in Expanding Access to Contraceptives

Rob Stephenson et al
Reproductive Health in Today's World
Franchising Reproductive Health Services

Karen Fox
Social Marketing of Oral Rehydration Therapy and Contraceptives in Egypt
P.R. Kenya et al
Oral Rehydration Therapy and Social Marketing in Rural Kenya
Sethson Kassegne, Megan Kays and Jerome Nzohabonayo
Evaluation of a Social Marketing Intervention Promoting Oral Rehydration Salts in Burundi
S. de Pee et al
Impact of a Social Marketing Campaign Promoting Dark-Green Leafy Vegetables and Eggs in Central Java, Indonesia
Byron Crape et al
Positive Impact of a Weekly Iron-Folic Acid Supplement Delivered with Social Marketing to Cambodian Women
Compliance, Participation and Hemoglobin Levels Increase with Higher Socioeconomic Status

Xinying Sun et al
Social Marketing Improved the Consumption of Iron-Fortified Soy Sauce among Women in China
Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg et al
Effect of Large-Scale Social Marketing of Insecticide-Treated Nets on Child Survival in Rural Tanzania
Mark Rowland et al
DEET Mosquito Repellent Sold through Social Marketing Provides Personal Protection against Malaria in an Area of All-Night Mosquito-Biting and Partial Coverage of Insecticide-Treated Nets
A Case-Control Study of Effectiveness

Rose Nathan Masanja et al
Mosquito Nets and the Poor
Can Social Marketing Redress Inequalities in Access?

Don Mathanga et al
Reduction of Childhood Malaria by Social Marketing of Insecticide-Treated Nets
A Case-Control Study of Effectiveness in Malawi

C.A. Maxwell et al
Comparison of Coverage with Insecticide-Treated Nets in a Tanzanian Town and Villages Where Nets and Insecticide Are Either Marketed or Provided Free of Charge
Sohail Agha et al
The Impact of a Hybrid Social Marketing Intervention on Inequities in Access, Ownership and Use of Insecticide-Treated Nets
Shunmay Yeung et al
Access to Artemisinin Combination Therapy for Malaria in Remote Areas of Cambodia
Manuela De Allegri et al
Comparative Cost Analysis of Insecticide-Treated Net Delivery Strategies
Sales Supported by Social Marketing and Free Distribution through Antenatal Care

Sandra Alba et al
Improvements in Access to Malaria Treatment in Tanzania Following Community, Retail Sector and Health Facility Interventions
A User Perspective

W.R. Brieger, J. Ramakrishna and J.D. Adeniyi
Community Involvement in Social Marketing
Guineaworm Control

B.A. Hoque et al
Sustainability of a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education Project in Rural Bangladesh
A Five-Year Follow-up

M.C. Freeman et al
Increasing Equity of Access to Point-of-Use Water Treatment Products through Social Marketing and Entrepreneurship
A Case Study in Western Kenya

Marion Jenkins and Beth Scott
Behavioral Indicators of Household Decision-Making and Demand for Sanitation and Potential Gains from Social Marketing in Ghana
Pavani Kalluri Ram et al
Bringing Safe Water to Remote Populations
An Evaluation of a Portable Point-of-Use Intervention in Rural Madagascar

Victor Matsudo et al
Promotion of Physical Activity in a Developing Country
The Agita São Paulo Experience

Maria Toledo Romani et al
Achieving Sustainability of Community-Based Dengue Control in Santiago de Cuba
Knut Lönnroth et al
Social Franchising of T.B. Care through Private G.P.s in Myanmar
An Assessment of Treatment Results, Access, Equity and Financial Protection

Edward Maibach
Social Marketing for the Environment
Using Information Campaigns to Promote Environmental Awareness and Behavior Change

Doug McKenzie-Mohr
Promoting Sustainable Behavior
An Introduction to Community-Based Social Marketing

L.J. Shrum et al
Recycling as a Marketing Problem
A Framework for Strategy Development

Kent Granzin and Jeneen Olsen
Characterizing Participants in Activities Protecting the Environment
A Focus on Donating, Recycling and Conservation Behaviors

Tracey Haldeman and Jeanine Warisse Turner
Implementing a Community-Based Social Marketing Program to Increase Recycling
Wouter Poortinga et al
Household Preferences for Energy-Saving Measures
A Conjoint Analysis

Veronica Sharp, Sara Giorgi and David Wilson
Delivery and Impact of Household Waste Prevention Intervention Campaigns (at the Local Level)
Po-Hsin Lai et al
Integrating Social Marketing into Sustainable Resource Management at Padre Island National Seashore
An Attitude-Based Segmentation Approach

Susana Alves et al
Preferences of Older People for Environmental Attributes of Local Parks
The Use of Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis

C.B. Tyson, S.H. Broderick and L.B. Snyder
A Social Marketing Approach to Landowner Education
Tiffany Jonick et al
What's the Catch? Reducing Consumption of Contaminated Fish among Anglers
Cynthia Bates
Use of Social Marketing Concepts to Evaluate Ocean Sustainability Campaigns
Suzie Boss
The Cultural Touch
John Altman and Ed Petkus,Jr.
Toward a Stakeholder-Based Policy Process
An Application of the Social Marketing Perspective to Environmental Policy Development

Paul Stern
Information, Incentives and Pro-Environmental Consumer Behaviors
Edward Maibach et al
Communication and Marketing as Climate Change-Intervention Assets
A Public Health Perspective

Sue Peattie and Ken Peattie
Ready to Fly Solo? Reducing Social Marketing's Dependence on Commercial Marketing Theory
Rob Donovan
Social Marketing's Myth-Understandings
Alicia Glenane-Antoniads et al
Extending the Vision of Social Marketing through Social Capital Theory
Marketing in the Context of Intricate Exchange and Market Failure

Gerard Hastings and Michael Saren
The Critical Contribution of Social Marketing
Theory and Application

Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch
Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing
R. Craig Lefebvre
The New Technology
The Consumer as Participant Rather Than Target Audience

Tim Brown and Jocelyn Wyatt
Design Thinking for Social Innovation
Zoë Slote Morris and Peter John Clarkson
Does Social Marketing Provide a Framework for Changing Health-Care Practice?
Debra Scammon et al
Transforming Consumer Health
Edward Shiu, Louise Hassan and Gianfranco Walsh
De-Marketing Tobacco through Governmental Policies
The 4Ps Revisited

Marianne Bertrand, Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir
Behavioral Economics and Marketing in Aid of Decision-Making among the Poor
Gwendolyn Quinn et al
'Thinking Like a Marketer'
Training for a Shift in the Mindset of the Public Health Workforce

Ken Peattie and Sue Peattie
Social Marketing
A Pathway to Consumption Reduction?

Annamaria Lusardi, Punam Anand Keller and Adam Keller
New Ways to Make People Save
A Social Marketing Approach

Deirdre Guion, Debra Scammon and Aberdeen Leila Borders
Weathering the Storm
A Social Marketing Perspective on Disaster Preparedness and Response with Lessons from Hurricane Katrina

Dominic Montagu
Franchising of Health Services in Low-Income Countries
Steven Chapman et al
Condom Social Marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Total Market Approach
Sohail Agha, Mai Do and Françoise Armand
When Donor Support Ends
The Fate of Social Marketing Products and the Markets They Help Create

R. Craig Lefebvre
An Integrative Model for Social Marketing
Glenn Melnick
From Family Planning to HIV/AIDS Prevention to Poverty Alleviation
A Conversation with Mechai Viravaidya


"This collection is a superb reference source for anyone involved in promoting better health, education, environments, and communities to start their search for great ideas and guidance."

Philip Kotler

Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

"I'm pleased to see this very useful collection assembled and especially pleased that one volume of it is devoted exclusively to social marketing in developing countries. Family planning social marketing is especially important in developing areas and this collection will help spread the word about that important development."

Phil Harvey

DKT International

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ISBN: 9781446253113