Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell
- Roger Casemore - University of Warwick, UK
Counselling in a Nutshell
Using examples drawn from practice, Roger Casemore outlines, in a clear, jargon-free style, the main principles of the person-centred approach, using the core therapeutic conditions:
- congruence
- unconditional regard
- empathy
This revised and updated second edition includes new material on professional issues, on the use of person-centred counselling in short-term therapy, and on the wider application of the person-centred approach in other settings.
Providing a concise introduction to the theory and practice of person-centred counselling, Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell is the ideal place to start for anyone reading about the approach for the first time.
Roger Casemore is Senior Teaching Fellow and Director of Counselling courses at University of Warwick
A fantastic snap shot of PC counselling
This text is ideal for students commencing a course in counselling. I will be recommending it strongly for the "Foundations in Counselling" Module. The book is clear, concise and easy to read it is a good starting point for developing understanding of the Person - Centred Model.
Very good for background reading
A handy, pocket size book which introduces students to the essential elements of person centred counselling in an easy to read manner. A useful list of additional sources is provided to enable students to pursue additional information and delve deeper into the subject matter..
Ideal first / introduction text for person-centred counselling courses.
An easy read for trainee counselling. It explains simply the person centred approach
Don't be fooled by this little book, its size does not represent the depth of wisdom it contains. An excellent companion to any student Person-Centred practitioner.
A useful book which summarises the key points of the model. Ideal for students learning the model for the first time and beginning to use it in their clinical work.
An invaluable addition to any reading list as Casemore has successfully managed to squeeze a great amount of key content into a teeny-weeny book!
Useful to have a new edition of this clear and concise introductory text - it will be on our essential reading list for the Person Centred Theory module of the BA Counselling Studies.
Sample Materials & Chapters
Ch.1: An Overview of the Person-Centred Approach to Counselling and to Life