Policy Issues in the Early Years
- Linda Miller - The Open University
- Denise Hevey - University of Northampton, UK
Topics covered include:
- policy making
- poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion
- promoting infant mental health
- safeguarding and well-being
- enhancing children's potential
- parenting policies and skills
- national strategies versus professional autonomy
- the marketisation of early years provision
- democracy as a fundamental value in Early Years
Taking a critical perspective and written in an accessible style, the book is relevant to all levels of Early Years courses, from Foundation Degree to Masters. The reader is encouraged to engage with debates and to develop their own views and opinions. With staggered levels of Further Reading, the editors and contributors provide a rich source of material that encourages reflection and promotes progression.
Linda Miller is Professor Emeritus of Early Years, The Open University.
Denise Hevey is Professor of Early Years, The University of Northampton.
A wide-ranging and thoughtful book by some of the most interesting academics in the UK and beyond. The chapters go well-beyond the areas of so many early years books and this makes it a vaulable addition to the growing literature.
Chapters include reflections on current issues from a number of respected contributors . A valuable additional to the library. Each chapter ends with useful website links and I especially value the recommendations for reading at different levels of study. Marketisation of early years is thought provoking. Very up to date
A well written, informative book detailing key policy issues in Early Years settings. Essential for module 1 of the foundation degree early years but will also be useful to students on a range of modules
Absolutely essential for policy based modules
This is very well pitched for students who have fed back how helpful they are finding it.
Critical Perspectives / Parenting Policy / Reconceptualising Policy Making particularly relevant & thought-provoking.
The book is versatile and will be valuable for various modules on the Foundation Degree course and the BA Early Years. The book is set out nicely and makes for an interesting read with a clear overview of each chapter and summary. The authors write in such a way that is understandable to students and I have also used the book during planning delivery sessions. Authors support their writing well with a wide range of sources.
This is a helpful additional text for my EYP students. essential for new graduates to EY but optional for experienced practitioners
It was felt this text would be used on a wide variety of programmes. New programmes focusing on the Community may well add this to their reading list