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Six Volume Set
Edited by:

November 2010 | 2 528 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The psychology of language, or psycholinguistics is a vast, fascinating and rapidly growing field. This six-volume collection provides a modern, self-contained and accessible overview of the subject, presenting both sides of the major debates. The papers will enable the reader to gather a balanced view of modern psycholinguistics, identify the key issues and references, and be familiar with all modern investigative techniques.

Psycholinguistics is organized into the following parts:

Part One: Production

Part Two: Recognition and Comprehension

Part Three: Learning to Read

Part Four: Representation

Part Five: Development

Containing the most seminal, cutting-edge and field-defining papers in the field, this major work should prove an invaluable addition to any library with a collection in psychological science, and whose faculty and students wish to learn more about this historically significant discipline.

Part One: Production
Aging and Language Production

Deborah Burke and Meredith Shafto
How Many Levels of Processing Are There in Lexical Access?

Alfonso Caramazza
Lexical Access in Aphasic and Nonaphasic Speakers

Gary Dell et al
Making Sense of Syntax: Number agreement in sentence production

Kathleen Eberhard, J. Cooper Cutting and Kathryn Bock
The Spatial and Temporal Signatures of Word Production Components

Peter Indefrey and Willem Levelt
Phonological Priming Effects on Word Retrieval and Tip-Of-The-Tongue Experiences in Younger and Older Adults

Lori James and Deborah Burke
A Theory of Lexical Access in Speech Production

Willem Levelt, Ardi Roelofs and Antje Meyer
Structural Priming: A critical review

Martin Pickering and Victor Ferreira
Grammatical Gender Is on the Tip of Italian Tongues

Gabriella Vigliocco, Tiziana Antonini and Merrill Garrett
The Interplay of Meaning, Sound, and Syntax in Sentence Production

Gabriella Vigliocco and Robert Hartsuiker
Part Two: Recognition and Comprehension
The Influence of Age of Acquisition in Word Reading and Other Tasks: A never ending story?

Patrick Bonin et al
Thematic Roles Assigned along the Garden Path Linger

Kiel Christianson et al
DRC: A dual route cascaded model of visual word recognition and reading aloud

Max Coltheart et al
Good-enough Representations in Language Comprehension

Fernanda Ferreira, Karl Bailey and Vittoria Ferraro
Processing Local Transitions versus Long-distance Syntactic Hierarchies

Angela Friederici
Representation and Competition in the Perception of Spoken Words

M. Gareth Gaskell and William Marslen-Wilson
Computing the Meanings of Words in Reading: Cooperative division of labor between visual words and phonological processes

Michael Harm and Mark Seidenberg
Integration of Multiple Speech Segmentation Cues: A hierarchical framework

Sven Mattys, Laurence White and James Melhorn
Attractor Dynamics in Word Recognition: Converging evidence from errors by normal subjects, dyslexic patients and a connectionist model

Peter McLeod, Tim Shallice and David Plaut
Serial Mechanisms in Lexical Access: The rank hypothesis

Wayne Murray and Ken Forster
Shortlist B: A Bayesian model of continuous speech recognition

Dennis Norris and James McQueen
Toward a Mechanistic Psychology of Dialogue

Martin Pickering and Simon Garrod
Understanding Normal and Impaired Word Reading: Computational principles in quasi-regular domains

David Plaut et al
The E-Z Reader Model of Eye Movement Control in Reading: Comparisons to other models

Erik Reichle, Keith Rayner and Alexander Pollatsek
Does Lexical Information Influence the Perceptual Restoration of Phonemes?

Arthur Samuel
Eye Movements and Spoken Language Comprehension: Effects of visual context on syntactic ambiguity resolution

Michael Spivey et al
Part Three: Learning to Read
Reading Acquisition, Phonology, and Dyslexia: Insights from a connectionist model

Michael Harm and Mark Seidenberg
Developmental Dyslexia: The cerebellar deficit hypothesis

Roderick Nicolson, Angela Fawcett and Paul Dean
Reading Acquisition, Developmental Dyslexia, and Skilled Reading Across Languages: A psycholinguistic grain size theory

Johannes Ziegler and Usha Goswami
Part Four: Representation
Domain-specific Knowledge Systems in the Brain: The animate-inanimate distinction

Alfons Caramazza and Jennifer Shelton
Distinctive Features Hold a Privileged Status in the Computation of Word Meaning: Implications for theories of semantic memory

George Cree, Chris McNorgan and Ken McRae
The Bilingual Brain: Cerebral representation of languages

Franco Fabbro
Symbol Grounding and Meaning: A comparison of high-dimensional and embodied theories of meaning

Arthur Glenberg and David Robertson
The Neurology of Syntax: Language use without Broca's area

Yosef Grodzinsky
On Broca, Brains, and Binding: A new framework

Peter Hagoort
A Solution to Plato's Problem: The latent semantic analysis theory of acquisition, induction, and representation of knowledge

Thomas Landauer and Susan Dumais
Reassessing Working Memory: Comment on Just and Carpenter (1992) and Waters and Caplan (1996)

Maryellen MacDonald and Morten Christiansen
Rules or Connections in Past-tense Inflections: What does the evidence rule out?

James McClelland and Karalyn Patterson
Toward a Mechanistic Psychology of Dialogue

Martin Pickering and Simon Garrod
The Myth of the Visual Word Form Area

Cathy Price and Joseph Devlin
Structure and Deterioration of Semantic Memory: A neuropsychological and computational investigation

Timothy Rogers et al
Grounding Words in Perception and Action: Computational insights

Deb Roy
Networks Are Not 'Hidden Rules'

Mark Seidenberg and Jeffrey Elman
Updating Situation Models

Rolf Zwaan and Carol Madden
Part Five: Development
Précis of How Children Learn the Meaning of Words

Paul Bloom
Probabilistic Models of Language Processing and Acquisition

Nick Chater and Christopher Manning
Human Simulations of Lexical Acquisition

Jane Gillette et al
Language Deficits and Genetic Factors

Myrna Gopnik
Specific Language Impairment: A deficit in grammar or processing?

Marc Joanisse and Mark Seidenberg
Frequent Frames As a Cue for Grammatical Categories in Child Directed Speech

Toben Mintz
The Past and Future of the Past Tense And Reply

Steven Pinker and Michael Ullman
Language Acquisition in the Absence of Explicit Negative Evidence: How important is starting small?

Douglas Rohde and David Plaut
Statistical Learning by 8-month-old Infants

Jenny Saffran, Richard Aslin and Elissa Newport
Do Young Children Have Adult Syntactic Competence?

Michael Tomasello
Other Topics: Animals, Evolution, and Language and Thought
Does Language Shape Thought? Mandarin and English speakers' conceptions of time

Lera Boroditsky
Numerical Thought With and Without Words: Evidence from indigenous Australian children

Brian Butterworth et al
On the Origins of Modernity: Was autonomous speech the critical factor?

Michael Corballis
Computational Constraints on Syntactic Processing in a Nonhuman Primate

W. Tecumseh Fitch and Marc Hauser
The Faculty of Language: What is it, who has it, and how did it evolve?

Marc Hauser, Noam Chomsky and W. Tecumseh Fitch

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1: Aging and Language Production

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ISBN: 9781847875983