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The Intuitive Principal

The Intuitive Principal
A Guide to Leadership

Other Titles in:
Leadership | School Management

November 2000 | 72 pages | Corwin
`This works! The authors speak boldly about intuition and then back it up with examples. I recommend it resoundingly!' - Penelope Swenson, Assistant Superintendent, Mojave Unified School District

This book is a "how to" guide for aspiring, new and veteran principals who are being asked to lead in qualitatively different ways. The emphasis is based on leadership with the use of results based strategies.

Intuitive Ways of Knowing
Developing Behaviors of Intuitive Leadership
Powerful Communication
Reading the Silent Language

Intuition and the Paradoxes of Leadership

"This works! The authors speak boldly about intuition and then back it up with examples. I recommend it resoundingly!" 

Penelope Swenson
Assistant Superintendent, Mojave Unified School District

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ISBN: 9780761975328
ISBN: 9780761975311