The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education
- Richard Bailey - Frobel College
- Robin Barrow - Simon Fraser University, Canada
- David Carr - University of Edinburgh, UK
- Christine McCarthy - University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
Section one of the book exemplifies different styles of philosophy, paying attention to the contemporary debates as to the nature, possibilities and limitations of these different approaches to philosophy of education. Section two is devoted to particular thinkers of the past, and more general coverage of the history of philosophy of education. Section three is dedicated to contemporary philosophic thought on education, providing the basis and reference point for an exploration of contemporary issues.
The handbook is designed primarily to be useful to students studying the field of philosophy of education, in the context of the study of educational foundations or theory. But it is also designed to be of use to practising teachers who wish to gain easy access to current philosophical thinking on particular contemporary educational issues, and to educationalists of all types who want a succinct guide to questions relating to the nature, the history, and the current state of the art of philosophy of education.
This handbook will be useful to student teachers on our course for both their Reflective Professional and Teaching and Research M-level modules. Each chapter can be referred to in relation to an aspect of the PGCE and tutors have also commented on its authoritative and well designed content.