Understanding Modern Sociology
- Wes Sharrock - Emeritus, University of Manchester, UK
- John A Hughes - University of Lancaster, UK
- Alan Pratt - University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
Sociology (General)
· Clarity of exposition and criticism
· A passion for the importance and relevance of sociological reasoning and explanation
· A commitment to treat social theory as a living tradition of thought
In addition, the volume comes with a variety of pedagogic aids including summary points and key definitions to facilitate learning and study.
This is a book that enhances the sociological imagination. It draws on the authors deep understanding and experience of teaching the subject over many decades. It will be welcomed by lecturers as a vital new teaching and research aid, and students will be stimulated and enriched by the unfussy and reliable advice on doing sociology that it imparts.
'Continuing their journey after the success of Understanding Classical Social Theory, the authors have provided students with a valuable exposition of the dominant trends in contemporary sociology which is likely to have a wide appeal.' Tim May Professor of Sociology, University of Salford
A good book which some of my students have found useful when discussing current themes of sociology.
A clear and concise review of key thinkers and strands in contemporary Sociology.