R Montemayor
Paths to Adulthood
Adolescent Diversity in Contemporary America
H Yoshikawa and E Seidman
Competence among Urban Adolescents in Poverty
Multiple Forms, Contexts and Developmental Processes
L Crockett, M Shanahan and J Jackson-Newsom
Rural Youth
Ecological and Life Course Perspectives
S Wilson and G Peterson
Growing Up in Appalachia
Ecological Influences on Adolescent Development
F Beauvais
Indian Adolescence
Opportunity and Challenge
F Castro, G Boyer and H Balcazar
Healthy Adjustment in Mexican American and Other Hispanic Adolescents
F Leong, R Chato and E Hardin
Asian American Adolescents
A Research Review to Dispel the Model Minority Myth
R Taylor, L Jacobsen and D Roberts
Ecological Correlates of the Social and Emotional Adjustment of African American Adolescents
M Cunningham and M Beale Spencer
Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Studying Minority Adolescents
R Montemayor
The Variety of Adolescent Experiences