Nikos Bozionelos Emlyon Business School Lyon, France
Nikos Bozionelos (HDR Strasbourg, PhD Strathclyde) is Professor of Organizational Behaviour and International HRM in EMLyon Business School (France). He has held faculty positions in Durham University Business School and Strathclyde Business School, and visiting posts in Renmin University (China), Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Hull University Business School (UK), and the University of Stavanger (Norway). In line with the academic mission of both production and circulation of knowledge, he has researched and taught extensively. He has given seminars and has taught a large variety of courses that pertain to OB and HRM at all levels – Executives, MBAs, general and specialist Masters, and undergraduates - in Europe (including the UK, France, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, Greece and Serbia), China, Singapore, the Americas, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates. He has published nearly 200 research and practitioners’ articles, and his work has attracted approximately 6,000 citations with one of the highest individual impact factors for Social Sciences in Europe (hI = 31). Apart from Academia, he has worked in marketing and sales, consulted with organizations, and has served in the military.