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Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology

Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology

Published in Association with IOS Press

eISSN: 10959114 | ISSN: 08953996

The Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology is an international journal designed for the diverse community (biomedical, industrial and academic) of users and developers of novel x-ray imaging techniques. The purpose of the journal is to provide clear and full coverage of new developments and applications in the field.

Areas such as x-ray microlithography, x-ray astronomy and medical x-ray imaging as well as new technologies arising from fields traditionally considered unrelated to x rays (semiconductor processing, accelerator technology, ionizing and non-ionizing medical diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, etc.) present opportunities for research that can meet new challenges as they arise.

The Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology is an international journal designed for the diverse community (biomedical, industrial and academic) of users and developers of novel x-ray imaging techniques. The purpose of the journal is to provide clear and full coverage of new developments and applications in the field. Areas such as x-ray microlithography, x-ray astronomy and medical x-ray imaging as well as new technologies arising from fields traditionally considered unrelated to x rays (semiconductor processing, accelerator technology, ionizing and non-ionizing medical diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, etc.) present opportunities for research that can meet new challenges as they arise. Research areas within the scope of the journal include:

Interaction of x-rays with matter: x-ray phenomena, biological effects of radiation, radiation safety and optical constants
X-ray sources: x-rays from synchrotrons, x-ray lasers, plasmas, and other sources, conventional or unconventional
Optical elements: grazing incidence optics, multilayer mirrors, zone plates, gratings, other diffraction optics
Optical instruments: interferometers, spectrometers, microscopes, telescopes, microprobes
Detectors: CCD arrays, position-sensitive detectors, flat panel detectors and display devices, scintillators
Medical Imaging Modalities: Analog and digital radiography, X-ray computed tomography, radionuclide imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, optical and other medical imaging modalities
X-ray imaging techniques and signal processing: coded imaging, tomography, holography, medical image processing and computer aided diagnosis (CAD)
Applications: analytical, nondestructive testing, microelectronics, biological/medical diagnosis and treatment, x-ray astronomy, materials and surface science
Related topics and future trends

Changqing Li University of California, USA
Associate Editor
David D. Allred Brigham Young University, USA
Editorial Board Members
Guohua Cao ShanghaiTech University, China
Wei R. Chen University of Central Oklahoma, USA
Yile Fang Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Yu Gan Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Yongshuai Ge Shenzhen Advanced Technology Institute, China
Barjor Gimi Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, USA
Kuang Gong University of Florida, USA
Yiping Guo Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
Qiu Huang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Andrzej (Andy)  Krol SUNY Upstate Medical University, USA
Seung Wook Lee Pusan National University, South Korea
Chen Li Northeastern University, China
Liang Li Tsinghua University, China
Lihong Li City University of New York, USA
Jie Tian Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Ge Wang Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Weiwen Wu Sun Yat-sen University, China
Liangzhong Xiang University of California, Irvine, USA
Kai Yang Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Zhen Yuan University of Macau, China
Jian Zhou Cannon Medical Research USA Inc., ISA
Caigang Zhu Kentucky University, USA
Founding Editor
Former Editor-in-Chief
Wei R. Chen University of Central Oklahoma, USA
Larry V. Knight  
Hong Liu  
Bin Zheng  
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