Chapter 1: If the Shoe Fits
Chapter 2: Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
Lesson Example 2: The Debate Game
Lesson Example 3: The Author Game
Chapter 3: Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
Lesson Example 1: Mac-A-Lena
Lesson Example 2: The Sound Machine
Lesson Example 3: The Beat Goes On
Lesson Example 4: Create the Beat
Lesson Example 5: The Music of Mozart
Chapter 4: Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
Lesson Example 1: Connections by Shape
Lesson Example 2: Pattern Hunt
Lesson Example 3: Silver Bells With Rap
Lesson Example 4: Coin Play
Lesson Example 5: Kidney Bean, Jelly Bean
Chapter 5: Visual Spatial Intelligence
Lesson Example 1: Story on a Rope
Lesson Example 2: Pictured Predictions
Lesson Example 3: Create-A-Creature
Chapter 6: Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
Lesson Example 1: Walk-A-Story
Lesson Example 2: Feelings in My World
Lesson Example 3: Act the Word
Lesson Example 4: Kapheim's Musical Molecules
Chapter 7: Naturalist Intelligence
Lesson Example 1: Chambers of the Heart
Lesson Example 2: The Amazing Brain
Lesson Example 3: Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 8: Intrapersonal Intelligence
Lesson Example 1: Me T-Shirt
Lesson Example 2: If the Shoe Fits
Lesson Example 3: Portrait a Young...
Lesson Example 4: My Strength
Chapter 9: Interpersonal Intelligence
Lesson Example 1: Make a Team
Lesson Example 2: Know Your Job
Lesson Example 3: The Dinosaur Problem
Lesson Example 4: Symbol Search
Chapter 10: Integrating Multiple Intelligences into the Curricula
Chapter 11: The Grading Dilemma