International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (IJO), peer-reviewed and published monthly, for more than five decades has provided therapists, counselors, researchers, forensic psychologists and psychiatrists, criminologists and policy makers with challenging research on topics including violent crime, sexual offending, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, criminal profiling, and risk assessment. There is an emphasis on the treatment of the offender--both as it relates to theory and for clinical practice.
Call for Reviewers
SAGE is seeking reviewers for the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. If you are interested in reviewing for the journal, or if you know someone who may be interested, please email Dr. Mark T. Palermo, editor, at
Putting Theory into Practice
Peer-reviewed and expertly edited, the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology is a monthly journal dedicated to providing a forum for research, discussion and treatment of variables associated with crime and delinquency. It emphasizes treatment of the offender, both as it relates to theory and to clinical practice.
Providing a Comprehensive Forum
The International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology recognizes that many disciplines are involved in and inform this area of study and practice, and seeks to provide a comprehensive forum through which treatment practices can be improved. To that end, the journal contains submissions by experts in all fields that directly affect the treatment of prisoners and offenders. These fields include: · Psychology · Psychiatry · Social Work · Law and Legal Studies · Medicine · Criminology · Criminal Justice · Corrections · Sociology · Health Sciences
Advancing Key Areas
Promoting a unique approach to the research and practice of prisoner and offender treatment, the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology strives to grasp and advance the central aspects of the challenging phenomena of crime and delinquency.
Psychological...because some serious psychological disorders are strikingly common among prisoners and offenders, the journal works to shed new light on their derivations and treatments, providing researchers and practitioners with innovative avenues to explore.
Genetic/Biological...the profound effect that genetic and/or biological influences can have on prisoners and offenders is critical - so is the journal’s mandate to provide works that help researchers and practitioners to recognize, treat and ultimately overcome these factors.
Environmental...the life history is central to understanding prisoners and offenders, and the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology seeks to enhance the understanding of practitioners and researchers on how to address this aspect in their work.
Taking these three aspects of crime and delinquency, the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology combines them into a focused treatment approach through pertinent and credible research that can be applied to practice.
An International Perspective
Although societies around the world differ greatly, the phenomenon of crime and delinquency does not. The International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology expands the knowledge base of researchers and practitioners by reporting on international development. The journal provides researchers and practitioners the opportunity to learn from the experiences, policies, programs and perspectives of their colleagues from around the world and to use that new information in their own work.
The International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology aims to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas regarding the various factors associated with crime and delinquency. Its crosscultural aspects strive to inform criminologists, counselors, forensic psychologists and psychiatrists, policy makers and allied professions about the latest research from across the globe. Topics presented in the Journal included violent crime, sexual offending, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, criminal profiling, and risk assessment. Studies on various criminological theories are offered, including research on the possible neurobiological factors that may be at the basis of criminal behavior. There is an emphasis on the treatment of the offender--both as it relates to theory and for clinical practice.
Mark T. Palermo, M.D., M.Sc.Crim. | The Law, Art and Behavior Foundation, Italy |
Simona Sapienza, JD, PhD | CDP - Rome, Italy |
Sarah Ben-David, PhD | Ramat-Gan, Israel |
Ros Burnett, D.Phil. | Oxford, UK |
Liquan Cao, PhD | Oshawa, Canada |
Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, PhD | The University of Birmingham, UK |
Xiaoming Chen, PhD | Xiamen, China |
Leam Craig, PhD | Birmingham, UK |
Willie J. Edwards, PhD | Commerce, TX, USA |
Mary Ann Farkas, PhD | Milwaukee, WI, USA |
Jorge Folino, MD | La Plata, Argentina |
Theresa A. Gannon, PhD | University of Kent, Canterbury, UK |
Tammy L. Hughes, PhD | Pittsburgh, USA |
Toshinori Kitamura, MD | Tokyo, Japan |
Richard Kocsis, PhD | Sydney, Australia |
Ron Langevin, PhD | Toronto, Canada |
Jianhong Liu, PhD | Taipa, Macau, China |
Arthur J. Lurigio, PhD | Loyola University of Chicago, USA |
Byongook Moon, PhD | San Antonio, TX, USA |
Xin Ren, PhD | Sacramento, CA, USA |
Lee E. Ross, PhD | Orlando, FL, USA |
C. Gabrielle Salfati, PhD | John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, USA |
Louis B. Schlesinger, PhD | New York, New York, USA |
Marina Tolou-Shams, PhD | San Francisco, CA, USA |
Avelardo Valdez, PhD | Los Angeles, CA, USA |
Glenn D. Walters, PhD | Kutztown, PA, USA |
Tony Ward, PhD | Wellington, New Zealand |
Hongwei Zhang, PhD | Jinan University at Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong |
Lena Y. Zhong, PhD | Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Melitta Schmideberg, M.D., F.R.C. Psych. | 1957-1982 |
Bruce A. Arrigo, PhD | University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA |
Stefan Bogaerts, PhD | Tilburg, The Netherlands |
Terry Carney,PhD | Sydney, Australia |
Robert Catanesi, MD | Bari, Italy |
Wing Hong Chui, PhD | Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Matt DeLisi, PhD | Iowa State University, USA |
Reinhard Eher, MD | Vienna, Austria |
Jérôme Endrass, PhD | Zurich, Switzerland |
David Gussak, PhD | Tallahassee, FL, USA |
Kathleen Heide, PhD | Tampa, FL, USA |
Thomas Noll, MD, JD | Fribourg, Switzerland |
Alex R. Piquero, PhD | University of Miami, USA |
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