Practical Research and Evaluation
A Start-to-Finish Guide for Practitioners
- Lena Dahlberg - Dalarna University and Dalarna Research Institute
- Colin McCaig - Centre for Education and Inclusion Research (CEIR), Sheffield Hallam University
Research Methods (General)
The growing emphasis on evidence-based practice means that there is an increasing need for practitioners to have at least a basic understanding of research, be aware of methodological pitfalls and to be updated on new methods. This book provides a practical, user-friendly guide to social science research methods for professionals who have benefited from little, if any, formal research methods training but find themselves in a role that requires them to read and understand complex research findings and carry out their own research as part of their professional practice.
Practical Research and Evaluation is aimed at practitioners working in education, health, social care and community work. Many in this market are non-graduates or are those whose study did not contain a research element, but are required to know how research works. This book has three main aims which will benefit this audience - to enable readers to carry out small-scale research projects of their own, provide them with the basic understanding necessary to commission research, and enable them to better understand and evaluate critically research reports.
This book is designed specifically for 'Do-it-Yourself' researchers working in the public or voluntary sectors. It is accessible and relevant to practitioners, uses non-technical language wherever possible and employs grounded examples, practical tips, checklists and readings lists throughout.
This is a useful and accessible introductory text clearly presented for novice researchers.
I believe it is relevant to undergraduate or masters students whose final projects involve a practitioner stance.
It is also a good starting point or supporting reference text for those embarking on professional doctorate programmes for whom formal research is a new concept.
I found this book an excellent Research and Evaluation book. I will be adding this to my recommended reading list.
A useful reference for students adopting a qualitative approach to data collection
Practical Research and Evaluation provides a practical addition to the theoretical understanding of research processes and practices. In the field of Child and Family Studies, students are able to have a very basic understanding of the practical applications of their interventions.
A helpful book for practitioners and students doing practice based dissertations. Clearly laid out and accessibly written, this book contains chapters on all the key elements of the process. I would have expected a little more on reflexivity given the nature of the topic - only one reference in the index. There is a useful introduction to action research which explains the concept well. Concise introduction to literature review is also useful particulalry for those who have little experience in this area. Excellent glossary. Would recommend this to students looking to buy one or two key texts in this area.
A very useful aid to the reseach module at level 6. Students have already seen it and found it an accessible text
A comprehensive guide for students embarking on their first research study.
An easy to read book thankfully missing the usual jargon that confuses beginners. Very suitable for undergraduates approaching their dissertation, or for more mature students returning after some time to study for Advanced Practice modules in health care.
Well referenced, which alone would help most students. The worked examples are easy to follow and useful.
This is a good all round introudction for students studying research at degree level and therefore relevant for the course I run. It offere practical advice and is easy to navigate.
This book is a useful resource for postgraduate students at the dissertation stage of their course.