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SAGE Announces Video and Data Additions to Award Winning Research Methods Resource  

April 9, 2019

SAGE Publishing announces today the release of SAGE Research Methods Datasets Part 2, a collection of 300 new datasets that demonstrate how-to support for data analysis, and SAGE Research Methods Video: Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods. With these additions, SAGE adds to its growing collection of resources that aid in the facilitation of data source training and data comprehension and analysis.  

SAGE Research Methods Datasets Part 2 is a collection of datasets intended to support the learning and teaching of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods across the social sciences. The datasets are taken from real research projects and edited by statisticians, professors, lecturers and academics from around the world for use. Each dataset is accompanied by a step-by-step guide to walk users through the analysis technique being demonstrated, including software guides for quantitative methods. 

As part of the collection’s expansion, the datasets cover additional methods, such as data management, network data techniques and quantitative geography-specific methods, the software package Python and more examples from across the social sciences. These 300 new datasets allow students to see how analytic decisions are made and use real data to practice analysis, helping them become confident researchers.  

Containing 120 hours of streaming video, the Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods video collection covers data science methods, issues and challenges surrounding big data research and examples and applications of computational social science.  

“At SAGE, we help instructors and librarians turn complex methodological concepts into concrete understanding so that they can be applied by students and researchers,” says Karen Phillips, SAGE’s Senior Vice President of Global Learning Resources. “Data research is becoming increasingly valuable to social scientists as they engage in scholarship that addresses complex societal issues. These additions to SAGE Research Methods will help teach data skills to both the budding researcher and the expert scholar and will support librarians in their efforts to support research productivity.” 

SAGE’s history of supporting the development of social science research methods dates to the 1970s and includes the publication of the Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series, known affectionately as the “Little Green Books,” supporting the development of evaluation and mixed methods, and later, creating digital tools that teach an expanding list of methodologies. Most recently, the company launched SAGE Ocean, an initiative to help social scientists navigate vast data sets and work with new technologies with a dedicated incubation team that is constantly developing new resources and tools.  

The award-winning SAGE Research Methods platform features book and reference titles, cases, datasets, video and, coming Fall 2019, a new comprehensive reference work written by methods experts from around the world. The platform’s coverage spans the full range of research methods used in the social and behavioral sciences, as well as a wide range of methods commonly used in science, technology, medicine and the humanities. To learn more about SAGE Research Methods, visit the SAGE Research Methods homepage.   


Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 1,000 journals and over 900 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. Our growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video. SAGE remains majority owned by our founder and after her lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures the company’s continued independence. Principal offices are located in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC and Melbourne.


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