Sensation and Perception
- John Harris - University of Reading, UK
- Jared Smith - St George's University of London, UK
Is the human eye like a camera? What makes your ears ‘pop’ on a plane? Why did women in the Middle Ages put belladonna into their eyes?
This fully updated 2nd edition of Sensation and Perception is an accessible introduction to the field of perception. It covers in detail the perceptual processes related to vision and hearing, taste and smell, touch and pain, as well as the vestibular and proprioceptive systems. From seeing in colour to pathologies of perception, and from recognising faces to research methods, this textbook is essential reading for any student of perception.
New material includes:
· ‘Applications’ features connect key content to real-life contexts
· Thinking Critically feature pushes students beyond the basics
· End-of-chapter essay questions
· An entirely new chapter on Action & Perception
John Harris is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Reading
Jared Smith is Senior Research Fellow at the Population Health Research Institute of St George’s, University of London
This is a great book with good material on the core areas in Perception. There are also good explanations of how our understanding of mechanisms can be applied.
Wow, what an insight to how we work, take in information, process it and learn! I am still to finish the read but dip in and grab a bit often such a well put together tome! Already using and recommending it to our learners.