Social Work Practice with Children and Families
- Carolyn Spray
- Beverley Jowett - University of Sheffield, UK
Social Work in Action series
The book sets the context for local authority social work practice and then chapter-by-chapter takes the reader carefully through the social work process. Detailed case studies work really well in embedding the legal and theoretical context firmly within the practice challenges of safeguarding children. Overall the book is about social workers effecting change so that children can continue to live successfully with their families and within their communities.
Key features include:
" Strong links between theory and practice;
" Core themes relevant to training and practice- assessment, decision-making, interprofessional collaboration and reflective practice;
" Accessible and jargon-free, also includes a useful glossary of relevant legislation;
" Learning points and case study exercises in each chapter.
Written in a lively and engaging style, students and newly qualified social workers will find this book provides a helpful introduction to children and families local authority social work as it exists today. It will be invaluable for students taking courses in child and family social work and child protection. The book will also appeal to experienced practitioners who want to explore action research or create the space for reflective practice as part of their continuous professional development. It will help other professionals involved in supporting children develop insight into the practice of social workers.
This is an excellent book for undergraduates and others that want to understand the complex everchanging world of child care social work
This is a really useful book for social work students. It has an extensive chapter on assessments, using different tools, then moves on to analysing these with a view to planning intervention. There are case studies which give a detailed study of events, assessments and conclusions. Relevant laws are mentioned, highlighting the important points. A very easy to follow, common sense book.
This was an excellent, practical, and easy-to-read text, very suitable for our Level 5 EYs students. Highly recommended for undergraduates on Applied Courses.
A well written text that provides an ideal companion for the social work student moving from skills labs towards the first practice placement.
The appendices - case studies, legislation and glossary are really helpful.
A key text book that will provide learners particularly in their second year of an extended diploma in health and social care a chance to stretch and challenge their thinking and application to practice skills.This is an essential text not only for extended diploma level study but also for anyone lecturing or studying in the area of children and young peoples work force at FE level.
The book is an excellent text for any current or future Social Work undergraduate