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Mila B. Lazarova

Mila B. Lazarova (PhD, Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey; MBA, International Business, the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria) is associate professor and Canada research chair in Global Workforce Management in the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada. Her research interests include expatriate management with a focus on repatriation and the career impact of international assignments; work-life balance issues related to assignments; global careers; the role of organizational career development and work-life balance practices on employee retention; and the changing role of the human resources (HR) department in organizations. She also conducts research in comparative human resource management and is the Canadian contributor to CRANET, a long-term research collaboration of over 35 universities across the world that carries out a regular international comparative survey of organizational HR policies and practices.