Robert Y. Osamura International University of Health & Welfare, Tokyo, Japan
Robert Y. Osamura, Ph.D.
Dr.Osamura is a US-trained pathologist and histochemist who is a Professor Emeritus at Tokai University and now is a Professor and Director of the Center for Diagnostic pathology at International University of Health and Welfare(IUHW), Mita Hospital, Tokyo. He started his career in histochemistry when he was at the Department of Pathology, University of Colorado, under his mentor Dr.Paul K.Nakane. He has published more than 470 English papers in peer reviewed journals. His scientific contributions emphasize endocrine pathology, particularly pituitary tumors, and diagnostic pathology, breast cancers.
In addition to Associate Editor of JHC, he is currently serving as members of the Editorial Board of Endocrine Pathology(Associate Editor), Acta Histchem Cytochem, Modern Pathol, Human Pathol, J Pathol, Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol(AIMM) Acta Cytologica, Diagnostic Cytopathol and others.
He is now President of International Federation of Societies for Hsitochemistry and Cytochemistry(IFSHC), Vice President of International Academy of Pathology(IAP) and Vice President of International Academy of Cytology(IAC).
He is a Supreme Advisor for International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry(ICHC) in Kyoto 2012.
Director, Center for Diagnostic Pathology, International University of Health and Welfare, Mita Hospital, Mita, Minato-ku Tokyo
Clinical Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Southern California, CA
Professor Emeritus Tokai University