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Metamorphosis- A Journal of Management Research, is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed International Journal of the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow published by Sage. It encourages authors to submit case studies in all areas of business management. The cases should highlight important issues, challenges or dilemmas faced by business managers in particular contexts. They should present the contextual background succinctly and share the available data/ information to the maximum extent possible. They should not only raise challenges but also generate or suggest possible pathways to meet those challenges. These cases are not necessarily intended to serve as endorsement or illustrations of effective or ineffective management of certain managerial situations. The submissions are peer reviewed and published under the guidance of our accomplished Editorial Board.
The case study should be a fairly modest and accurate description of what actually happened. It should be original and should not have been published previously or submitted elsewhere. Authors are encouraged to share authentic primary and secondary data. However, certain names and other confidential information may be disguised to protect confidentiality when primary data is used. The case study manuscript should preferably be between 3500-5000 words in length. The following are the broad guidelines for submitting a case study to Metamorphosis:
n.b.: Teaching Notes are not published separately in Metamorphosis, so authors need to make the manuscript self-sufficient.