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Central Currents in Social Theory

Central Currents in Social Theory
The Roots of Sociological Theory 1700-1920

Four Volume Set

Other Titles in:
Social Theory

December 1999 | 1 680 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Divided into two 4 volume sets, this collection provides a complete guide to social theory from 1700 to the present day. Each set is divided around eight essential issues which are of core concern to social theory: social action and basic processes of interaction; social institutions; social structure; social representations; social change; theoretical orientations; problems in the philosophy of social sciences; sociology's reflections upon itself and its relations with other social sciences.

The collections are designed to show how thinking in social theory has changed since 1700 on all of these essential issues and to give a comprehensive and concise guide to the main issues. The editors provide a collection which distils the essence of the key questions so that researchers and advanced students will need to look no further for a guide to the essentials in social theory.

Section One: Rationality and Extra-rationality of Action
La Bruy[ac]ere and La Rouchefoucauld
Passion and Interest
David Hume
The Limitation of Reason
Jeremy Bentham
Action, Intentionality and Motives
Max Weber
Types of Social Action
Vilfredo Pareto
Logical and Non-Logical Actions
Section Two: Communication
Alexis de Tocqueville
Processes of Influence and Miscommunication
Georg Simmel
Emile Durkheim
Socio-Linguistic Codes
Section Three: Exchange
Adam Smith
Exchange as a Principal of Human Nature
Karl Marx
Exchange, Value and their Requisites
L[ac]eon Walras
Exchange and Equilibrium
Franz Boas
The Potlatch
Bronislaw Malinowski
The Kula Ring
Marcel Mauss
The Gift
Section Four: Influence, Authority, Power
Thomas Hobbes
The Power of a Man
Emile Durkheim
On Authority
Max Weber
Types of Domination
Section Five: Conflict
Karl Marx
Pure Conflict and the Emergence of Coalitions
Georg Simmel
The Functions of Social Conflict
Claus von Clausewitz
War and Politics
Section Six: Collective Action
Alexis de Tocqueville
Collective Action and Democratic Despotism
Gustave Le Bon
It is Better to Deliver Simple Messages to Crowds
Emile Durkheim
The Latent Functions of Collective Violence and its Rationality
Emile Durkheim
The Limits of Imitation
Section One: Contract
Social and Private

Thomas Hobbes
The Contract as Transfer of Right and Control
Robert Joseph Pothier
The Essence of the Contract in Civil Law
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Contract as the Logical Basis of Social Bond
Henry Summer Maine
From Status to Contract
Section Two: Organizations
Jean Gustace Courcelle-Seneuil
On the Limits of Corporation Size
A Harbinger of the Neo-Institutional Economics

Max Weber
Bureaucratic Domination
Frederick Wilson Taylor
Principals of Organization
Section Three: Processes of Socialization and Socializing Agencies
Emile Durkheim
The Social Setting of Education
Arnold Van Gennep
How to Become a Man
George Herbert Mead
The Social Self
Fustel de Coulanges
Religion, Family and Kinship
Frederic LePlay
Family Types
L H Morgan
An Evolutionary Theory of the Family
Emile Durkheim
Pedagogy and Curricula as Means of Socialization and Ideological Weapons
Max Weber
Bureaucracy and Education
Section Four: Social Control
Gabriel Tarde
Explaining Crime
Emile Durkheim
Anomie and Regulation
William Graham Sumner
George Herbert Mead
The Function of Punitive Justice
Section Five: Political Institutions
Niccol[gr]o Machiavelli
Virtue and Politics
John Locke
The Majority Rule
Baron de Montesquieu
The Structure of Three Governments
James Madison
On Fractions
Jeremy Bentham
The Protective Democracy
John Stuart Mill
The Moral Chain of Democracy
Augustin Cochin
The Active Minorities
Robert Michels
Democracy and the Iron Law of Oligarchy
Section Six: Nation, State and International Relations
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
On the Instability of the State
Karl Marx
State and Social Classes
Max Weber
The Emergence of the Rational State
Joseph Schumpeter
The Sociology of Imperialism
Section One: Interdependence and Social Networks
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
From the Insurance Game to Cooperation
Claude-Henry de Saint-Simon
The Realism of Society
Jean-Baptist Say
Interdependence and the Structural Hole
Georg Simmel
Interactions and Society
Emile Durkheim
Section Two: Positions
Role and Status

Friedrich Nietzsche
The Origin of Metaphor
Georg Simmel
The Stranger
William I Thomas
Definition of a Situation
Section Three: Division of Labor
Adam Smith
The Consequences of the Division of Labour
Karl Marx
The Specificity of the Division of Labour in the Capitalist Economy
Herbert Spencer
The Division of Labour and Interdependence
Charles Laboulaye
New Arguments in Favour of the Division of Labour
Emile Durkheim
The Abnormal Forms of the Division of Labour
Frederick Wilson Taylor
The Division of Labour as a Method of Analysis
Section Four: Social Stratification
Adam Smith
Classes and the Three Components of Prices
Karl Marx
The Multidimensional Space of Classes
Max Weber
Class, Status and Party
Section Five: Social Mobility
Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy and Revolution
Ars[gr]ene Dumont
Social Mobility and Fertility
Vilfredo Pareto
Circulation of Elites
Werner Sombart
Social Mobility and Political Orientation
Section Six: Integration and Segregation
Ferdinand T[um]onnies
Community and Society
Emile Durkheim
Integration and Isolation
Emile Durkheim
Regulation and the Paradoxical Consequences of Deprivation
Charles Horton Cooley
The Primary Group
Section One: Collective Beliefs
John Stuart Mill
Crystallization of Beliefs
Emile Durkheim
Explaining Beliefs Rationally
Vilfredo Pareto
Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Beliefs
W I Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas
The Thomas Theorem
Section Two: Magical Beliefs
Weltanschauung Friedrich Nietzsche
Magic as Consequence of a
Emile Durkheim
Explaining Magic Rationally
Section Three: Norms and Values
David Hume
Value Judgement and the Judgement of Reality
Emile Durkheim
How Values Emerge
Friedrich Nietszche
The Genealogy of Moral Feelings
Max Scheler
Ressentiment and Moral Value Judgement
Vilfredo Pareto
On the Undecidability of Values
Section Four: Religious Beliefs
W Robertson Smith
What is Sacrifice?
Adam Smith
Atheism and the Structure of Religious Supply
Section Five: Scientific Beliefs
Max Weber
Science is Based on Unproven Presuppositions
Emile Durkheim
The Religious Origin of Science
Pierre Duhem
Science and Theology
Section Six: Ideologies and Worldviews
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
Social Relations and the Production of Ideas
Karl Mannheim
Objectivity and Bias
Section Seven: Culture and Tastes
Georg Simmel
The Portrait
Thorstein Veblen
Conspicuous Consumption
Section Eight: Intellectuals
Alexis de Tocqueville
The `Philosophes' and the French Revolution
Antonio Gramsci
The Organic Intellectuals
Karl Mannheim
Alfred Vierkandt
Why Some Intellectuals Succeed
Section One: Processes of Change, Innovations and Diffusions
Karl Marx
Technical Change
Emile Durkheim
The Social Mechanism of Change
Max Weber
Prophet, Priest and Magician
Charismatic Change and Routinization

Alfred Vierkandt
When Social Change Follows the Continuity Principal
Joseph Schumpeter
Explaining Economic Change
Section Two: Social Movements
Alexis de Tocqueville
Deprivation and Revolution
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
Bourgeois and Proletarians
Karl Marx
Rebellion Against Machines
Section Three: Modernization and Evolution
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
On the Origin of Societies
Jean-Antoine-Nicholas de Condorcet
Human Evolution
Karl Marx
Models of Production
Jacob Burckhardt
The Emergence of Individuum
Max Weber
Modernization and Rationalization
Vilfredo Pareto
A Theory of Cycles
Section One: Positivism
August Comte
Science and Non-Science
The Positivistic Principals of Explanation

Emile Durkheim
Explaining Social Facts
Section Two: Comprehensive Sociology
Wilhelm Dilthey
Understanding and Human Sciences
Heinrich Rickert
Different Meanings of Verstehen
Max Weber
Section Three: Marxism
Eugen von B[um]ohm-Bawerk
Marxian Methodology
Max Weber
Ultimate Economic Cause as Illusion
Georg Luk[gr]acs
Class Consciousness
Section Four: Utilitarianism
Jeremy Bentham
What is Utility?
John Stuart Mill
Utilitarianism as General Theory
Stanley Jevons
Total and Marginal Utility
Section Five: Methodological Individualism
Eugen von B[um]ohm-Bawerk
Deductive vs. Historical Analysis
Max Weber
Verstehen and the Ultimate Sociological Unit
Joseph Schumpeter
Methodological Individualism
Section Six: Functionalism
Friedrich Nietzsche
Good and Evil
Emile Durkheim
Against Finalism
Explaining is Disenchanting the Universe

Max Scheler
Explaining Moral Beliefs and Attitudes by their Function
Section One: Explaining, Understanding, Interpreting
Heinrich Rickert
The Meaning of Verstehen
Wilhelm Dilthey
Hermeneutics and the Study of History
Max Weber
The Research Programme of Comprehensive Sociology
Section Two: The Micro-Macro Link
Bernard Mandeville
Private Vice, Public Virtue
Adam Smith
The Invisible Hand
Adam Ferguson
Institution as Unintended Consequences of Individual Actions
Max Weber
Macro Phenomena as Complex Aggregation Effects
Section Three: Mathematical Sociology and Statistical Methods
Jean-Antoine-Nicholas de Condorcet
Mathematizing Social Phenomena
Auguste Comte
The Anathematization of Probabilist Theory in Sociology
M A Quetelet
Statistics as a Tool of Social Research
A A Cournot
Optimising the Likelihood of Juries Being Right
John Stuart Mill
Laws do not Imply the Insignificance of Moral Causes
Emile Durkheim
A Non-Formalized Multivariate Analysis
George Yule and Maurice Kendall
Correlation and Causality
Section One: Psychology
Gabriel Tarde
The Legitimacy of Measurement in Psychology
Emile Durkheim
Psychological and Sociological Facts
Karl Jaspers
Comprehensive Psychology
Max Weber
Psychology and Comprehensive Sociology
Section Two: Economics
Auguste Comte
Economics as Metaphysics
John Stuart Mill
Economy and Sociology
Vilfredo Pareto
Pareto Optimum
Max Weber
Economic Action
Joseph Schumpeter
The Entrepreneur and his Motivation
Section Three: History
Wilhelm Dilthey
Understanding and Historical Consciousness
Georg Simmel
History as Empirical Science
Max Weber
The Logic of History
Section Four: Demography
Richard Cantillon
Income and Demographic Growth
Thomas Malthus
Simulation of Demographic Growth
Ars[ac]ene Dumont
A Theory of Secular Decline of Fertility
Section Five: Linguistics
Ferdinand de Saussure
Language and Speech or Society and Individuum
Franz Boas
Language and Thought
Edward Sapir
Some False Beliefs

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ISBN: 9780761962410