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575 Results Found for "UL0"


Funding bodies, policies and compliance

A number of funders require research articles which have resulted from their funding to be made open access. Sage helps authors comply with these mandates either via the gold open access publication route or green open access archiving.

Funder Agencies' Open Access Mandates

Please check with your funder if there is a mandate to publish your research open access and the criteria for compliance. There are other resources which may also be helpful:

Researchers recommend features of classroom design to maximize student achievement

Los Angeles, CA - With so much attention to curriculum and teaching skills to improve student achievement, it may come as a surprise that something as simple as how a classroom looks could actually make a difference in how students learn. A new analysis finds that the design and aesthetics of school buildings and classrooms has surprising power to impact student learning and success. The paper is published today in the inaugural issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS).

Researchers recommend features of classroom design to maximize student achievement

Los Angeles, CA - With so much attention to curriculum and teaching skills to improve student achievement, it may come as a surprise that something as simple as how a classroom looks could actually make a difference in how students learn. A new analysis finds that the design and aesthetics of school buildings and classrooms has surprising power to impact student learning and success. The paper is published today in the inaugural issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS).

Increasing Citations and Improving Your Impact Factor

What You Can Do to Increase Citations and Improve Your Impact Factor

Quantitative metrics are important in the evaluation of scholarly research as universities, governments, and funding bodies try to find ways to make their hiring, funding, and investment decisions based on measurable criteria. This has had a significant effect on journals publishing, with the well-known Impact Factor functioning as a ready-made, albeit controversial, indicator of the quality and significance of a published piece of work.

Platinum award win for Adam Matthew

Adam Matthew celebrate second platinum award at LibraryWorks, Inc Modern Library Awards

(Marlborough). LibraryWorks, Inc have announced the winners of their second annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs), which saw Adam Matthew receive a Platinum award for ‘Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900' and Honorable Mention distinction for 'Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975'.


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