Countertransference and Older Clients
Edited by:
- Bonnie Genevay - Private Practice, Seattle
- Renee S. Katz
Other Titles in:
Counselling and Psychotherapy (General)
Counselling and Psychotherapy (General)
January 1991 | 192 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This book asserts that professionals who work with the old, the disabled and the dying need to confront their own fears of growing old and perhaps helpless, of dying and the unknown, as well as their need for control, professional omnipotence and their need to be needed. Examination of the feelings experienced by the therapist towards the client is regarded as an important therapeutic tool and the basis for empathy and deeper understanding of both the older client's and the helper's own processes. Many case studies are woven throughout the book to illustrate how practitioners can use their own feelings and behaviour to work with clients more effectively.
Robert Kastenbaum
Renée S Katz
Using Our Emotional Reactions to Older Clients
A Working Theory
Bonnie Genevay
Creativity, Countertransference and Dying
Patrick Arbore
Effective Intervention and Negative Emotional Reactions to Suicidal Elders
Maureen O'Neil
A Mirror to Our Souls
Working with Older Adults with AIDS and HIV Illness
Marvin Rosenberg Jr
Disability and the Personal-Professional Connection
Edith Kaplan
Facing the Loss of What Makes Us Uniquely Human
Working with Dementia Patients
Jeanne Robinson
Co-Dependence, Substance Abuse and Countertransference
Martha S Moyer
Recognizing Countertransference
A Key to Good Nursing Home Placement
Susan Del Maestro
Sharing Despair
Working with Distressed Caregivers
Irene Williams
Case Management
Awareness of Feelings
Bonnie Genevay
Being Old, Sexual and Intimate
A Threat or a Gift?
Louise Bernstein
The Older Worker and Ageism
Personal and Professional Dynamics
Renée S Katz
Facing the Challenge
Weaving Countertransference Feelings into the Tapestry of Our Work