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Cultural Dynamics

Cultural Dynamics

eISSN: 14617048 | ISSN: 09213740 | Current volume: 36 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: 3 Times/Year

Cultural Dynamics seeks to publish research - and occasionally other materials such as interviews, documents and literary creations - focused on the structured inequalities of the contemporary world, and the myriad ways people negotiate these conditions. Our approach is adamantly plural, following the basic "intersectional" insight pioneered by third world feminists, whereby multiple axes of inequalities are irreducible to one another and mutually constitutive. Our interest in how people live, work and struggle is broad and inclusive: from the individual to the collective, from the militant and overtly political, to the poetic and quixotic. Cultural dynamics is the epitomizing phrase for this scholarship because it keeps the multiple cultural meanings of these processes - both the creation of inequalities and on-the-ground politics of struggle - front and center. The journal is thoroughly interdisciplinary, encompassing anthropology, sociology, philosophy, history, and any other areas that can shed light on culture, power, and politics.

The Editors call for insurgent scholarship because we believe intellectual work is more ethically honest and analytically compelling when it is politically positioned, explicitly and reflexively, from the outset. Our focus is the global south, understood as a structural-racial location, which includes not only majority populations of the south, but also, people of color in places like New Orleans and Paris. This invitation to south-south dialogue highlights our own political affinities and affirms that those who suffer marginalization in the current global social order have the greatest potential to envision and enact transformative social change. We encourage appraisals of activist, collaborative, or engaged research methods--both achievements and contradictions. We seek politically engaged theoretical reflection and scholarly rigor as a means to enliven academic discourse, and because the peoples we work with and write about generally refuse to settle for anything less.

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Cultural Dynamics is a peer reviewed journal that seeks to publish research - and occasionally other materials such as interviews, documents and literary creations - focused on the structured inequalities of the contemporary world, and the myriad ways people negotiate these conditions. Our approach is adamantly plural, following the basic "intersectional" insight pioneered by third world feminists, whereby multiple axes of inequalities are irreducible to one another and mutually constitutive. Our interest in how people live, work and struggle is broad and inclusive: from the individual to the collective, from the militant and overtly political, to the poetic and quixotic. Cultural dynamics is the epitomizing phrase for this scholarship because it keeps the multiple cultural meanings of these processes - both the creation of inequalities and on-the-ground politics of struggle - front and center. The journal is thoroughly interdisciplinary, encompassing anthropology, sociology, philosophy, history, and any other areas that can shed light on culture, power, and politics.

The Editors call for insurgent scholarship because we believe intellectual work is more ethically honest and analytically compelling when it is politically positioned, explicitly and reflexively, from the outset. Our focus is the global south, understood as a structural-racial location, which includes not only majority populations of the south, but also, people of color in places like New Orleans and Paris. This invitation to south-south dialogue highlights our own political affinities and affirms that those who suffer marginalization in the current global social order have the greatest potential to envision and enact transformative social change. We encourage appraisals of activist, collaborative, or engaged research methods--both achievements and contradictions. We seek politically engaged theoretical reflection and scholarly rigor as a means to enliven academic discourse, and because the peoples we work with and write about generally refuse to settle for anything less.

Michaeline Crichlow Duke University, USA
Associate Editors
Francisco J. Hernandez Adrian Durham University, UK
Sean Metzger University of California Los Angeles, USA
Claudia Milian Duke University, USA
Patricia Northover Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Jamaica
Tanya Shields University of North Carolina, USA
Editorial Board
Marc Augé Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales, Paris, France
S N Balagangadhara University of Ghent, Belgium
A J Bishop Monash University, Clayton, Australia
Dipesh Chakraborty Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, USA
Christopher Cozier Trinidad
Rene Devisch Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Vivek Dhareshwar Centre for Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore, India
Arie de Ruijter Ceres, Utrecht, Netherlands
Aant Elzinga University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Johannes Fabian University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Barbara Frankel Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
G Hamilton University of Washington, USA
Dell H Hymes University of Virginia, USA
D Kondo University of Southern California, USA
David Loy Bunkyo University, Japan
Malcolm McLeod University of Glasgow, UK
D Mungazi Northern Arizona University, USA
Rik Pinxten University of Ghent, Belgium
Laura Sanchez Bowling Green State University, USA
S Slyomovics MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Marilyn Strathern University of Cambridge, UK
Charles Taylor McGill University, Canada
P van der Veer University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Frank van Dun University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Kamala Visweswaran University of Texas, USA
R P Werbner University of Manchester, UK
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