Digital Portfolios
Powerful Tools for Promoting Professional Growth and Reflection
- Elizabeth Hartnell-Young
- Maureen Morriss - Australian and United States Services in Education (A.U.S.S.I.E.), Inc.
Foreword by Barbara Cambridge
Continuing Professional Development | Teaching Methods & Learning Styles | Technology
Create a digital portfolio that effectively communicates your professional values, goals, and achievements!
Digital technology offers powerful tools to educators who wish to develop electronic portfolios to foster and enrich their professional development. Digital Portfolios, Second Edition, written by experts in the field, shows how you can use digital portfolios as a key component of your continuous professional learning and development.
In this revised edition, Elizabeth Hartnell–Young and Maureen Morriss demonstrate how teachers, principals, and professors of education can develop high–quality portfolios that reflect personal vision, record professional growth, and celebrate achievements.
The authors present a comprehensive framework for portfolio development, from determining the audience and selecting material from a personal archive, to defining, producing, and sharing your digital portfolio. This timely resource offers ten easy–to–follow steps and:
· Provides the "why" for creating digital portfolios
· Emphasizes the importance of reflection as part of the process
· Presents tips and strategies for using digital technology
· Includes guidelines for evaluating portfolios
Whether you are a novice teacher or a veteran educator, this practical handbook provides a comprehensive guide to the latest methods and techniques in professional portfolio development.
"Teaches you how to build a portfolio and shows the potential benefits of the portfolio process. Qualitative research, which is essentially what portfolios lead to, is beneficial for teachers because it forces them to reflect on what actually happens in their classrooms. I can't think of a more powerful tool for learning and growth."
"Novices are introduced to the wide scope of considerations regarding adoption of digital portfolios. For experienced practitioners, frames and matrices help to identify their own practices in relation to those of others."
"The chapters are crafted for the inexperienced person confronted with keeping and maintaining a digital portfolio, but there are plenty of recommendations for the reader who has some experience but who needs fresh ideas to spice up the portfolio in preparation for an accreditation visit or in searching for new employment."
"Experts in the field provide educators and libraries catering to both education professionals and businesspeople with an excellent survey to creating a digital portfolio that accurately communicates professional goals and achievements."
Great theory, but a lack of practical methods for initiating a digital portfolio model in the classroom.