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Educational Policy

Educational Policy

Published in Association with Politics of Education Association
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy and Practice

eISSN: 15523896 | ISSN: 08959048 | Current volume: 39 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: 7 Times/Year

As a peer-reviewed journal, Educational Policy provides an interdisciplinary forum for improving education in primary and secondary schools, as well as in higher education and non school settings. Educational Policy blends the best of educational research with the world of practice, making it a valuable resource for educators, policy makers, administrators, researcher, teachers, and graduate students. Educational Policy is concerned with the practical consequences of policy decisions and alternatives. It examines the relationship between educational policy and educational practice, and sheds new light on important debates and controversies within the field. You''ll find that Educational Policy is an insightful compilation of ideas, strategies, and analyses for improving our educational system.

Articles and Essays: Present thought-provoking, original -- and often controversial -- analyses for improving educational policy.

Review Essays: Critical discussions compare and contrast collections of recent works.

Special Issues: Single-theme issues provide in-depth coverage of topics of current concern.

Annual Index:  Alphabetical listings of authors and titles provide quick and easy reference to valuable information and ideas.

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Educational Policy provides an interdisciplinary forum for improving education in primary and secondary schools, as well as in high education and non school settings.  Educational Policy blends the best of educational research with the world of practice, making it valuable resource for educators, policy makers, administrators, researchers, teachers, and graduate students. Educational Policy is concerned with the practical consequences of policy decisions and alternatives.  It examines the relationship between educational policy and educational practice, and sheds new light on important debates and controversies within the field. You'll find that Educational Policy is an insightful compilation of ideas, strategies, and analyses for improving our educational systems.

Articles and Essays: present thought-provoking, original -- and often controversial -- analyses for improving educational policy.

Special Issues: Single-theme issues provide in-depth coverage of topics of current concern.

PEA Yearbook: A collection of papers from the Politics in Education Association, published as a double issue in the beginning of each calendar year.

Annual Index: Alphabetical listings of authors and titles provide quick and easy reference to valuable information and ideas.

Ana M. Martinez Aleman Boston College, USA
Managing Editor
Assistant Editors
Rebecca Lowenhaupt Boston College, USA
Vincent Cho Boston College, USA
Politics of Education Association Contributing Editor
Kenneth Wong Brown University, USA
Former Editors
Philip G. Altbach Research Professor and Founding Director, Center for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, Massachusetts, USA
Roberta Bassett Boston College, USA
Edith Hoshino  
Gail P. Kelly GDQ Associates, Inc, Sweden
Hugh G. Petrie State University of New York, Binghamton, USA
Diana C. Pullin Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA
Mwalimu J. Shujaa Southern University at New Orleans, USA
Shiela Slaughter University of Georgia, USA
Lois Weis State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Advisory Editorial Board
Michael W Apple University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Lee Anne Bell Barnard College, USA
David C. Berliner Arizona State University, USA
David K. Cohen Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
Lisa D. Delpit Georgia State University, USA
William A. Firestone Rutgers University, USA
Susan Fuhrman University of Pennsylvania, USA
Michael Fullan Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc.
Carl A. Grant University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Jacqueline J. Irvine Emory University, USA
Harry G. Judge University of Oxford, UK
Joyce E. King Georgia State University, USA
Gloria Ladson-Billings University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Henry M. Levin Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Bridget Terry Long Harvard University, USA
Margaret J. McLaughlin University of Maryland, USA
David H. Monk Pennsylvania State University, USA
Deborah Meier The Mission Hill School, Boston, USA
Hugh G. Petrie State University of New York, Binghamton, USA
Mwalimu J. Shujaa Southern University at New Orleans, USA
Theodore Sizer The Coalition of Essential Schools, USA
Shiela Slaughter University of Georgia, USA
Christine Sleeter California State University, Monterey Bay, USA
Marshall Smith Hewlitt Foundation, USA
Gary Sykes ETS, Princeton, NJ
Adam Urbanski Rochester Teachers Association, USA
Lois Weis State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Priscilla Wohlstetter Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Kenneth Wong Brown University, USA
Carol Camp Yeakey University of Virginia, USA
  • Abstract Journal of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
  • EBSCO: Educational Administration Abstracts
  • ERIC Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
  • Higher Education Abstracts
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • ProQuest Education Complete
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • Research into Higher Education Abstracts
  • SafetyLit
  • Scopus
  • Wilson Education Index/Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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