Emotional Literacy in the Early Years
- Christine Bruce - Chartered Teacher, Scotland
Early Childhood Education | Emotional Literacy | Social, Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties
Offering an explanation of emotional literacy, why it matters and how to make it happen in practice, this book looks at ways to promote and develop emotional literacy with young children through:
- Circle Time
- drama
- storytelling
- physical education
- outdoor play
- active learning
It highlights the benefits of this ethos for all, and looks at how the emotionally literate setting supports inclusion and promotes achievement. Full of case studies of children aged 3 to 8, ideas for practice, photographs, points for reflection, photocopiable materials, and accompanied by a wide range of downloadable material available on the SAGE website, this is an indispensable guide for the early years practitioner.
It is highly relevant to those looking at the transition from Early Years to Primary education, as well as the social, emotional and behavioural needs of young children.
Christine Bruce uses her own research project to discuss her ideas about how to introduce Emotional Literacy into the classroom for children age 3-8.
Bruce offers the inspiration:-"Emotional Literacy is a way of being, not just doing. It is an approach for life", that helps to place the appropriate importance on the concept.
Includes some usable downloadable resources. I think the books aims to advise and support good practice and to offer guidance to those just begining to appreciate and understand and benefits of creating an ethos of Emotional competancy as well as those already well practiced and reflecting on improvments.
A valid book to support any courses where Early Years is included. Some really valid suggestions and case studies.
A text which offers a wealth of creative practical strategies aimed at promoting emotional literacy and well-being
excellent text for undergraduate students developing understanding of emotional literacy
A good overview of how professionals can promote emotional literacy in teir settings
A useful text which students, who are working with children in the early years, will find interesting and illustrative to consult.
A practitioner focus - likely to prove attractive to ITE EYs students. Potentially fairly useful for an assignment our students have to complete with focus on PSED and PSHS+C.
It has arrived too late to recommend for 2010-11 but I will recommend it for 2011-12.