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Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment

Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment

Two Volume Set
Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Psychology (General)

December 2002 | 1 731 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
'once you let a clinical psychologist lay hands on this book, it is quite difficult to get it back again'

- Martin Guha, Librarian, Institute of Psychiatry, London

The Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment is a landmark reference work and constitutes a definitive resource for academics, practitioners and students working in any field of applied psychological science.

Psychological assessment is a key component of psychological work. Devices of scientific assessment are necessary for adequate describing, diagnosis, predicting, explaining or changing the behaviour of all subjects under examination. This double-volume collection offers complete coverage to facilitate action in each of these areas and will consequently be invaluable to psychologists in any applied setting.

The two volumes of the Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment contain a series of 235 entries, organized alphabetically, and covering a variety of fields. Each entry includes a general conceptual and methodological overview, a section on relevant assessment devices, followed by links to related concepts in the Encyclopedia and a list of references.

The Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment provides:

- A comprehensive network for psychological assessment as a conceptual and methodological discipline, and as a professional activity

- An overview of the complexity of assessment, which involves not only testing, but also a process of decision-making for answering relevant questions that arise in the different applied fields

- A presentation of relevant issues from basic theory (theoretical perspectives, ethics) and methodology (validity, reliability, item response theory) to technology and modes of assessment (tests, instruments and equipment for measuring behavioral operations)

- An attempt to unify this diverse field by offering full coverage of all areas from the most traditional, such as clinical, educational and work and organizational psychology, to the most recent applications linked to health, gerontology, neuropsychology, psychophysiology and environmental assessment.

The Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment offers a truly international perspective, both in terms of the selected authors and chosen entries. It aims to provide an integrated view of assessment, bringing together knowledge dispersed throughout several methodological and applied fields, but united in terms of its relevance for assessment. It is an essential purchase for any library with an existing collection or concern with the field of psychological science in general.

Uwe Kleinbeck
Achievement Motivation
Anita M Hubley
Achievement Testing
Vicente Ponsoda and Julio Olea
Adaptive and Tailored Testing (Includes IRT and Non IRT Application)
Jochen Fahrenberg
Ambulatory Assessment
Richard E Heyman and Amy M Smith Slep
Analogue Methods
Manolete S Moscoso and Miguel Angel Pe[ac]rez-Nieto
Anger, Hostility and Aggression Assessment
Concetta Pastorelli and Maria Gerbino
Antisocial Disorders Assessment
Norman S Endler and Nancy L Kocovski
Anxiety Assessment
Juan Jos[ac]e Miguel Tobal and Hector Gonzalez Ord[ac]i
Anxiety Disorders Assessment
Erik Arntzen
Applied Behavioural Analysis
Irving B Weiner
Applied Fields

Filip Dochy
Applied Fields

Marie Luise Kluck and Karl Westhoff
Applied Fields

Hans-Werner Wahl and Ursula Lehr
Applied Fields

Britta Renner and Ralf Schwarzer
Applied Fields

Carmen Armengol de la Miyar, Elizabeth J Moes and Edith Kaplan
Applied Fields

Jos[ac]e Mar[ac]ia Peir[ac]o & Vicente Mart[ac]inez-Tur
Applied Fields

Graham Turpin
Applied Fields

Lutz F Hornke
Applied Fields
Work and Industry

Eric E J De Bruyn
Assesment Process
Friedrich L[um]oesel and Martin Schmucker
Assessor's Bias
Marinus Van Ijzendoorn and Marian J Bakermans-Kranenburg
Sara Friedman and Anita Konachoff
Icek Ajzen
Robert M Hessling, Craig A Anderson and Daniel W Russell
Attribution Styles
Torbj[um]orn Svensson and William Randall
Wim van der Linden
Automated Test Assembly Systems
William J Korotitsch and Rosemery O Nelson-Gray
Behavioural Assessment Techniques
Robert B Bechtel
Behavioural Settings and Behaviour Mapping
Boele De Raad and Marco Perugini
Big Five Model Assessment
Rainer B[um]osel and Sascha Tamm
Brain Activity Measurement
Christine Maslach
Burn Out Assessment
Peter Herriot
Career and Personnel Development
Constan[ce]ca Pa[ac]ul and Ignacio Martin
Caregiver Burden
William H O'Brien, Allison Collins and Mary Kaplar
Case Formulation
Alvaro de Ansorena
Centres (Assessment Centres)
Mar[ac]ia Victoria del Barrio
Child and Adolescent Assessment in Clinical Settings
Shlomo Romi and Nurit Levi
Children Custody
Miguel Angel Verdugo
Children with Disabilities
Ronald K Hambleton and Mohamed Dirir
Classical and Modern Item Analysis
Jos[ac]e Mu[ti]niz
Classical Test Theory
Hubert Feger
Classification (General, Including Diagnosis)
Antonio Godoy
Clinical Judgement
Avi Allalouf
Coaching Candidates to Score Higher on Tests
Arthur R Jensen
Cognitive Ability
g Factor

Roberto Colom
Cognitive Abilities
Multiple Cognitive Abilities

Christopher Hetzog and Simeon Feldstein
Cognitive Decline/Impairment
Reginald G Colledge
Cognitive Maps
Edwin A Fleishman
Cognitive/Mental Abilities in Work and Organizational Settings
Reinhold Kliegl and Doris Philipp
Cognitive Plasticity
Patrick C Kyllonen and Richard Roberts
Cognitive Processes
Current Status

Philip L Ackerman
Cognitive Processes
Historical Perspective

Mark Wilson
Cognitive Psychology and Assessment Practices
Alessandro Antonietti
Cognitive Styles
Mar[ac]ia Forns
Communicative Language Abilities
Walter D Way and Jerry Gorham
Computer-Based Testing
Timo Suutama
Copying Styles
Greg J Neymeyer, Jocelyn Saferstein, and Jason Z Bowman
Counselling, Assessment in
Douglas K Snyder
Couple Assessment in Clinical Settings
Dean Keith Simonton
Ronald K Hambleton
Criterion-Referenced Testing
Methods and Procedures

Ype H Poortinga
Cross-Cultural Assessment
Carl B Gacono and Robert Bodholt
Dangerous/Violence Potential Behaviour
Manfred Amelang
Decision (Including Decision Theory)
Suvarna Wagle, Ajay Waple and German E Berrios
Jan Ter Laak, G Brugman and M de Goede
Development (General)
Jennifer M Gillis, James C Kaufman and Alan S Kaufman

Mercedes Belinch[ac]on

Orli Yazdi-Ugav and Shlomo Romi

Mar[ac]ia Victoria del Barrio

Pierre Pichot
Diagnosis of Mental and Behavioural Disorders
Jacques Gregoire
Diagnostic Testing in Educational Settings
Carol S Lidz
Dynamic Assessment (Learning Potential Testing, Testing-the-Limits)
Carmina Salda[ti]na
Eating Disorders
Jack D Mayer
Emotional Intelligence
Jos[ac]e Miguel Fern[ac]andez-Dols and Jo Anne Bachorowski
Donata Francescato
Riley Dunlap and Robert Emmet Jones
Environmental Attitudes and Values
Rainer M B[um]osel
Equipment for Assessing Basic Processes
Gerhard Blickle
Jos[ac]e Manuel Hern[ac]andez
Evaluability Assessment
Michael Scriven
Program Evaluation (General)

Salvador Chac[ac]on-Moscoso and Francisco Pablo Holgado Tello
Evaluation in Higher Education
Jos[ac]e Le[ac]on-Carrion
Executive Functions Disorders
Hans Westmeyer
Barbara M Byrne
Factor Analysis

Claudio Barbaranelli
Factor Analysis

Theodore Jacob and Jon Randolph Haber
Juan D[ac]iez Medrano
Field Survey
Protocols Development

Andr[ac]e Beauducel
Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
April L Zenisky and Ronald K Hambleton
Formats for Assessment
Fabio Ferlazzo
Generalizability Theory
H Lee Swanson
Thomas J Kiresuk
Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)
Abilio Reig-Ferrer and Antonio Cepeda-Benito
Heliodoro Carpintero
History of Psychological Assessment
Jane Kroger and Jan H Rosenvingen
Identity Disorders
Daniel Cervone and William G Shadel
Idiographic Methods
Carmen Vizcarro Guarch
Instructional Strategies
James C Kaufman and Alan S Kaufman
Intelligence Assessment (General)
Georg Rudinger and Christian Rietz
Intelligence Assessment through Cohort and Time
Rodney L Lowman
Mar[ac]ia Martina Casullo and Mar[ac]ia Oliva M[ac]arquez
Mar[ac]ia Xes[ac]us Froj[ac]an Parga
Interview in Behavioural and Health Settings
Anna Silvia Bombi
Interview in Child and Family Assessment
Karl Westhoff
Interview in Work and Organizational Settings
K Robert Bridges
Irrational Beliefs
Manfred Steffen and Martha Stocking
Item Banking
Bruno D Zumbo and Anita M Hubely
Item Bias
Ronald K Hambleton and Michael Jodoin
Item Response Theory
Models and Features

David Scheffer
Job Characteristics
Gunter Debus and Maike Oppe
Job stress
Terry Hartig
Landscapes and Natural Environments
Jos[ac]e Manuel Igoa & Mercedes Belinch[ac]on
Language (General)
J[um]urgen Rost
Latent Class Analysis
Francisco Fern[ac]andez Ballesteros
Leadership in Organisational Settings
Robert Hogan and Robert Tett
Leadership Personality
H Lee Swanson
Learning Disabilities
Carmen Vizacarro Guarch
Learning Strategies
Elaine Wethington
Life Events
Christopher Peterson
Locus of Control
Jos[ac]e Mar[ac]ia Ru[ac]iz Vargas
Memory (General)
Lilianne Manning
Memory Disorders
Miguel Angel Verdugo
Mental Retardation
Elaine M Heiby, Velma A Kameoka and Judy H Lee
Mood Disorders
Richard Koestner
Will A C Spijkers
Motor Skills in Work Settings
Cees A M Glas
Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Mark Davison
Multidimensional Scaling Methods
Rolf-Dieter Stieglitz
Multimodal Assessment (Including Triangulation)
Levent Dumenci
Multitrait-Multimethod Matrices
Salvador Chac[ac]on-Moscoso and [ac]Angel Lara-Ruiz and Jos[ac]e Antonio P[ac]erez-Gil
Needs Assessment
Andreas Kruse
Neuropsychological Test Batteries
Anil Kanjee
Norm Referenced Testing
Methods and Procedures

Hans Westmeyer
Mar[ac]ia Teresa Anguera Argilaga
Observational Methods (General)
Warren W Tryon
Observational Techniques in Clinical Settings
Siegfried Greif
Observational Techniques in Work and Organisational Settings
Christopher Peterson, Fiona Lee and Martin E P SeligmanAnnette Kulge
Organizational Culture
James L Zazzali
Organizational Structure, Assessment of
Mark E Maruish
Outcome Assessment/Treatment Assessment
Jos[ac]e Le[ac]on-Carri[ac]on
Outcome Evaluation in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Pilar Barreto
Palliative Care
Jos[ac]e Antonio Corraliza
Perceived Environment Quality
Eva L Baker and Richard S Brown
Barbara S Plake
Performance Standards
Constructed Response Item Formats

Gregory J Cizek
Performance Standards
Selected Response Item Formats

Jens B Asendorpf
Person/Situation (Environment) Assessment
David A Winter
Personal Constructs
Gian Vittorio Caprara and Daniel Cervone
Personality Assessment (General)
Georg Rudinger and Christian Rietz
Personality Assessment through Longitudinal Designs
Kevin R Murphy and Zinta S Byrne
Personnel Selection, Assessment in
Edwin A Fleishman
Physical Abilities in Work Settings
Sarah L Friedman and Heather Biggar
Giray Berberoglu
Planning Classroom Tests
Richard Wener
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Built Environment
Richard K Wagner
Practical Intelligence
Conceptual Aspects

Linda S Gottfredson
Practical Intellligence
Its Measure

Hubert Feger
Prediction (General)
Hans Westmeyer
Clinical versus Statistical

Robin L Phaneuf and Gary Stoner
Pre-School Children
Martin Kersting
Problem Solving
Danilo R. Silva
Projective Techniques
Gian Vittorio Caprara
Prosocial Behaviour
John M Hintze
Psychoeducational Test Batteries
Victor J Rubio
Jaime Vila
Psychophysiological Equipments and Measurements
Greg J Neimeyer and Marco Gemignan
Qualitative Methods
Abilio Reig-Ferrer
Quality of Life
Dato N M de Gruijter
Gary Groth-Marnat
Report (General)
Howard Wainer
Reporting Test Results in Education
Svein Friis and Torleif Ruud
Residential and Treatment Facilities
Babette Fahlbruch
Risk and Prevention in Work and Organizational Settings
Alfredo Fierro
Self, The (General)
Elaine M Heiby, Peter G Mezo and Velma A Kameoka
Albert Bandura
William J Korotitsch and Rosemery O Nelson-Gray
Self-observation (Self-Monitoring)
Delroy L Paulhus
Self-Presentation Measurement
Ruth A Baer, Jason C Rinaldo and David T R Berry
Self-Report Distortions
Leslie C Morey
Self-Report Questionnaires
Roc[ac]io Fern[ac]andez-Ballesteros and Mar[ac]ia Oliva M[ac]arquez
Self-Reports (General)
Mar[ac]ia Xes[ac]us Froj[ac]an Parga
Self-Reports in Behavioural Clinical Settings
Peter F Merenda
Self-Reports in Work and Organizational Settings
Marvin Zuckerman
Sensation Seeking
Rudolf H Moos and Charles J Holahan
Social Climate
Francisco Xavier M[ac]endez Carrillo and Jos[ac]e Olivares
Social Competence (Including Social Skills, Assertion)
Marc Pilisuk and Angela Wong
Social Networks
Benjamin H Gottlieb
Social Resources
Juan D[ac]iez Nicol[ac]as
Socio-Demographic Conditions
Rosario Mart[ac]inez Arias
Sociometric Methods
Daniel R Eignor
Standard for Educational and Psychological Testing
Hannelore Weber
Nancy M Wells and Gary W Evans

Toni C Antonucci and Jessica M McIlvane

Guillem Feixas
Subjective Methods
Mar[ac]ia Jes[ac]us Froj[ac]an Parga
Substance Abuse
Jan Strelau
Stan Scarpati
Test Accommodations for Disabilities
Fons Van de Vijver
Test Adaptation/Translation Methods
Moshe Zeidner and Gerald Mattheus
Test Anxiety
Patrick C Kyllonen
Test Designs

Gerardo Prieto and Ana R Delgado
Test Directions and Scoring
Lorraine Dittrich Eyde
Test User Competence/Responsible Test Use
Juana G[ac]omez-Benito
Testing in the Second Language in Minorities
Dave Bartram
Testing through the Internet
John D Cone
Theoretical Perspective

Cesare Cornoldi and Nicola Mammarella
Theoretical Perspective

Susan B Watson et al
Theoretical Perspective

Robert A Neimeyer and Heidi Levitt
Theoretical Perspective

Irving B Weiner
Theoretical Perspective

Arthur W Staats
Theoretical Perspective
Psychological Behaviourism

Kurt Pawlik
Theoretical Perspective

G[um]unter Schiepek
Theoretical Perspective

James H Kleiger
Thinking Disorders Assessment
Phillip G Zimbardo and John N Boyd
Time Orientation
Francisco Fern[ac]andez-Ballesteros
Total Quality Management
Rolf Steyer
Trait-State Models
Robert J Sternberg
Triarchic Intelligence Components
Jos[ac]e Berm[ac]udez
Type A
A Proposed Psychosocial Risk Factor for Cardio-Vascular Diseases

Lydia R Temoshok
Type C
A Proposed Psychosocial Risk Factor for Cancer

Lee Sechrest and Rebecca J Hill
Unobtrusive Measures
Katrin Borcherding
Stephen G Sireci
Validity (General)
Wayne J Camara
Validity Construct
Stephen G Sireci

Stephen B Dunbar and Virginia L Ordman

Piotr K Oles & Hubert J M Hermans
Jos[ac]e Le[ac]on-Carri[ac]on
Visuo-Perceptual Impairments
Georg Goldengerg
Voluntary Movement
William Pavot and Ed Diener
Well-Being (Including Life Satisfaction)
Ursula M Staudinger
Fred R H Zijstra
Work Performance

“This unique work provides comprehensive treatment of the discipline of psychological assessment. . . . An impressive international group of scholars. Highly recommended.”


"The volumes expand our knowledge and understanding of the assessment involved in psychology."

Anita Zutis
American Reference Books Annual
American Reference Books Annual

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ISBN: 9780761954941

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