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Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology

Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology

Two Volume Set
Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Social Psychology (General)

August 2011 | 1 144 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Providing a comprehensive exploration of the major developments of social psychological theories that have taken place over the past half century, this innovative two-volume handbook is a state of the art overview of the primary theories and models that have been developed in this vast and fascinating field.

Authored by leading international experts, each chapter represents a personal and historical narrative of the theory's development including the inspirations, critical junctures, and problem-solving efforts that effected theoretical choices and determined the theory's impact and its evolution. Unique to this handbook, these narratives provide a rich background for understanding how theories are created, nurtured, and shaped over time, and examining their unique contribution to the field as a whole. To examine its societal impact, each theory is evaluated in terms of its applicability to better understanding and solving critical social issues and problems.

Paul A. M. Van Lange, Arie W. Kruglanski and E. Tory Higgins
Douglas T. Kenrick
Evolutionary Theory and Human Social Behavior
Shelley E. Taylor
Tend and Befriend Theory
John T. Cacioppo, Gary G. Berntson, Catherine J. Norris and Jackie K. Gollan
The Evaluative Space Model
E. Tory Higgins
Accessibility Theory
Fritz Strack and Roland Deutsch
A Theory of Impulse and Reflection
Yaacov Trope and Nira Liberman
Construal Level Theory
Bernard Weiner
An Attribution Theory of Motivation
Robert S. Wyer
A Theory of Social Information Processing
Chester A. Insko
Balance-Logic Theory
Arie W. Kruglanski
Lay Epistemic Theory
Richard E. Petty and Pablo Briñol
The Elaboration Likelihood Model
Shelly Chaiken and Alison Ledgerwood
A Theory of Heuristic and Systematic Information
Susan T. Fiske
The Continuum Model and the Stereotype Content Model
Norbert Schwarz
Feelings-as-Information Theory
Gun R. Semin
The Linguistic Category Model
Robin R. Vallacher and Daniel M. Wegner
Action Identification Theory
Albert Bandura
Social Cognitive Theory
Joel Cooper
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Jeffrey Greenberg and Jamie Arndt
Terror Management Theory
Edward L. Deci and Richard Ryan
Self-Determination Theory
Icek Ajzen
The Theory of Planned Behavior
Jerry Suls and Ladd Wheeler
Social Comparison Theory: From Group Dynamics to Social Cognition
E. Tory Higgins
Regulatory Focus Theory
Charles S. Carver and Michael F. Scheier
A Model of Behavioral Self-Regulation
Peter M. Gollwitzer
Mindset Theory of Action Phases
Paul A. M. Van Lange, Arie W. Kruglanski and E. Tory Higgins
Walter Mischel
Self-Control Theory
William B. Swann
Self-Verification Theory
Carol S. Dweck
Implicit Theories
Michael A. Hogg
Uncertainty-Identity Theory
Marilynn B. Brewer
Optimal Distinctiveness Theory
Leonard Berkowitz
A Cognitive-Neoassociation Theory of Aggression
Roy F. Baumeister
Need to Belong Theory
Mark R. Leary
Sociometer Theory
Philipe R. Shaver and Mario Mikulincer
Attachment Theory
Gerald Echtertoff
Shared Reality Model
Elaine Hatfield and Richard L. Rapson
Equity Theory in Close Relationships
Caryl E. Rusbult, Christopher R. Agnew and Ximena R. Arriaga
The Investment Model of Commitment Processes
Margaret S. Clark and Judson R. Mills
A Theory of Communal (and Exchange) Relationships
Paul A. M. van Lange and Caryl E. Rusbult
Interdependence Theory
Morton Deutsch
A Theory of Co-operation and Competition and Beyond
Robert B. Cialdini
The Focus Theory of Normative Conduct
John T. Jost and Jojanneke van der Toorn
System Justification Theory
Tom R. Tyler
Justice Theory
Charlan J. Nemeth
Minority Influence Theory
Naomi Ellemers and S. Alexander Haslam
Social Identity Theory
John C. Turner and Katherine J. Reynolds
Self-Categorization Theory
Jim Sidanius and Felicia Pratto
Social Dominance Theory
Sam Geartner and John Dovidio
The Common Ingroup Identity Model
Alice H. Eagly and Wendy Wood
Social Role Theory: A Biosocial Analysis of Sex Differences and Similarities
Patrick Rateau, Pascal Moliner, Christian Guimelli and Jean-Claude Abric
Social Representation Theory
Harry C. Triandis and Michele J. Gelfand
A Theory of Individualism and Collectivism

'These volumes would be of interest to professionals in the field, as each chapter provides a scholarly overview of each theory. Graduate students and those just beginning their professional careers should also find the personal narratives of interest. The opportunity to pull back the curtain and peek into the thought process of some of social psychology's most prominent theorists as they struggled with their creations is not only a valuable lesson but a treat as well. I look forward to adding these volumes to my personal collection' -
Mark A. StambushAmerican Psychological Association

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ISBN: 9781847875143