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Literacy Assessment and Instructional Strategies

Literacy Assessment and Instructional Strategies
Connecting to the Common Core

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October 2014 | 520 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Literacy Assessment and Instructional Strategies prepares literacy educators to conduct reading and writing assessments and develop appropriate corrective literacy strategies for use with their grade K–5 students. Connecting Common Core Literacy Learning Standards to effective strategies and creative activities, the book includes authentic literacy assessments and formal evaluations to support reading teaching in the elementary classroom. Initial chapters discuss literacy assessment and evaluation, data-driven instruction, high-stakes testing, and instructional shifts in teaching reading, while later chapters focus on the latest instructional and assessment shifts, including pre-assessing literacy knowledge bases, using informational texts for vocabulary development, and close reading of text. Written by reading practitioners and researchers, this book is a must-have for novices as well as for veteran classroom teachers who want to stay on top of changing literacy trends.
Section I. Foundations of Literacy Assessment and Instruction
Chapter 1. Building Teacher Knowledge for Literacy Assessment, Evaluation, and Measurement
Chapter 2. Literacy Background Knowledge and Assessment
Chapter 3. Students Who Struggle With Literacy Learning
Chapter 4. Student Factors Impacting Assessment
Chapter 5. Setting the Stage for Literacy Assessment Through Affective Measures
Section II. Grade-Level Literacy Assessments
Chapter 6. Early Childhood-Level Assessments: Breaking the Code
Chapter 7. Early Childhood Grade-Level Assessments: Spelling, Vocabulary, Fluency, Comprehension, and Writing
Chapter 8. Intermediate Grade-Level (3-6) Assessments and Strategies
Chapter 9. Informal Reading Inventories
Chapter 10. Reading Commercial Screening and Diagnostic Assessments
Chapter 11. Planning for Interventions
Section III. Designing Instructional Strategies Based on Students' Needs
Chapter 12. Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Word Work Strategies and Assessments
Chapter 13. Comprehension and Writing Strategies
Chapter 14. Strategies for Fluency Through Reading
Section IV. Connecting Readers to Texts
Chapter 15. Connecting Kids to Texts
Chapter 16. Assessing New Literacies and Media Literacies
Appendix A. International Reading Association Standards for Reading Professionals
Appendix B. Common Core State Standards, State Assessments
About the Authors
About the Contributors


Instructor Resource Site

The open-access Instructor Resource Site includes the following:

·  A Microsoft® Word® test bank is available containing short answer and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.

·  A Respondus electronic test bank is available and can be used on PCs. The test bank contains multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter and provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding. Respondus is also compatible with many popular learning management systems so you can easily get your test questions into your online course.

·  Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course. Highlight essential content, features, and artwork from the book.

·   Lecture notes summarize key concepts on a chapter-by-chapter basis to help with preparation for lectures and class discussions.

·  Author-created suggested course projects  promote students’ in-depth engagement with course material.

·  Web resources are included for further research and insights.

Student Study Site

The open-access Student Study Site includes the following:

  • Mobile-friendly eFlashcards reinforce understanding of key terms and concepts that have been outlined in the chapters.
  • Web resources are included for further research and insights.
  • Additional appendices including:
    • Appendix C. State Agencies for Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
    • Appendix D. Family Engagement Program Mandates
    • Appendix E. Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a School’s Family Engagement Plan
    • Appendix F. Supplemental Forms for Literature Circles
    • Appendix G. Assessments for Literacy Circles

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 5

Chapter 9

For instructors

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