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Six Volume Set

January 2012 | 2 088 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Neuropsychology is a vast field, overlapping with psychiatry, medicine and neuroscience. It essentially addresses the relationship between mind and brain through the study of dysfunction, with a range of research paradigms drawing from cognitive, clinical, neurological and neuroscientific perspectives. Neuropsychology has a long history, but newer methods for analyzing the brain (neuroimaging) have taken the field on an exciting new trajectory in the past 10 years.

This six-volume collection provides a set of original sources that have proved to be popular, influential and enduring, and explicitly integrates modern neuroscience into neuropsychological endeavours. It represents the historical evolution of the field by presenting a set of papers which guide the reader from early thinking, often at a theoretical level, through the core empirical experiments and case studies which represent the advances of the field, up to more modern perspectives provided by neuroscientific accounts of brain and behaviour.

Volume One: Conceptual and Historical Issues revisits early works to provide a context for key topics that are still being investigated by a range of neuropsychological methods.

Volume Two: Cognitive Neuropsychology presents some of the "natural experiments" that are brought about by various injuries and diseases.

Volume Three: Clinical and Applied Neuropsychology explores how neuropsychological assessment is used in clinical and applied settings.

Volume Four: Cognitive Neuropsychiatry shows how neuropsychological paradigms can further our understanding of cognitive impairments traditionally associated with psychiatric disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, and developmental conditions.

Volume Five: Imaging Brain and Behaviour describes the key techniques that are used to measure the activity of the brain in typical and atypical circumstances.

Volume Six: Stimulating and Disrupting the Brain illustrates how various interventions can be used to affect brain function.

A. Hughes Bennett
Cases of Cerebral Tumour
Symptoms Simulating Hysteria

Wilder Penfield
The Twenty-Ninth Maudsley Lecture: The Role of the Temporal Cortex in Certain Psychical Phenomena
Malcolm Macmillan
Restoring Phineas Gage
A 150th Retrospective

Ola Selnes and Argye Hillis
Patient Tan Revisited
A Case of Atypical Global Aphasia?

Geoff Watts
Henry Gustav Molaison, 'HM'
Sahib Khalsa, Steven Moore and Gary van Hoesen
Hughlings Jackson and the Role of the Entorhinal Cortex in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
From Patient A to Doctor Z

Anastasia Kucharski
History of Frontal Lobotomy in the United-States, 1935-1955
Chenjie Xia
Understanding the Human Brain
A Lifetime of Dedicated Pursuit - Interview with Dr Brenda Milner

John Marshall and Geroen Fink
Cerebral Localization, Then and Now
Richard Cooper and Tim Shallice
Contention Scheduling and the Control of Routine Activities
Jeffrey Bowers
On the Biological Plausibility of Grandmother Cells
Implications for Neural Network Theories in Psychology and Neuroscience

Martin Davies
Double Dissociation
Understanding Its Role in Cognitive Neuropsychology

John Crawford, Paul Garthwaite and David Howell D.C.
On Comparing a Single Case with a Control Sample
An Alternative Perspective

Alfonso Caramazza and Max Coltheart
Cognitive Neuropsychology 20 Years on
Gregory Miller
Mistreating Psychology in the Decades of the Brain
Eelco Wijdicks and Coen Wijdicks
The Portrayal of Coma in Contemporary Motion Pictures
Larry Weiskrantz et al
Visual Capacity in the Hemianopic Field Following a Restricted Occipital Ablation
A.R. Luria
Disorders of 'Simultaneous Perception' in a Case of Bilateral Occipito-Parietal Brain Injury
Semir Zeki
Cerebral Akinetopsia (Visual Motion Blindness)
Melvyn Goodale and A. David Milner
Separate Visual Pathways for Perception and Action
M. Jane Riddoch and Glyn Humphreys
A Case of Integrative Visual Agnosia
M-Marsel Mesulam
A Cortical Network for Directed Attention and Unilateral Neglect
Ian Robertson
Cognitive Rehabilitation
Attention and Neglect

Antonio Damasio, Hanna Damasio and Gary van Hoesen
Anatomic Basis and Behavioural Mechanisms

Isabelle Peretz et al
Congenital Amusia
A Disorder of Fine-Grained Pitch Discrimination

Alastair Smith and Iain Gilchrist
Within-Object and between-Object Coding Deficits in Drawing Production
Alfonso Caramazza
The Logic of Neuropsychological Research and the Problem of Patient Classification of Aphasia
William Beecher Scoville and Brenda Milner
Loss of Recent Memory after Bilateral Hippocampal Lesions
Alan Baddeley et al
The Decline of Working Memory in Alzheimer's Disease
A Longitudinal Study

Clare Rathbone, Chris Moulin and Martin Conway
Autobiographical Memory and Amnesia
Using Conceptual Knowledge to Ground the Self

Bruno Dubois and Bernard Pillon
Cognitive Deficits in Parkinson's Disease
Laura Rabin, William Barr and Leslie Burton
Assessment Practices of Clinical Neuropsychologists in the United States and Canada
A Survey of INS, NAN and APA Division 40 Members

Stephane Lehéricy et al
Functional MR Evaluation of Temporal and Frontal Language Dominance Compared with the Wada Test
Daniel Slick, Elisabeth Sherman and Grant Iverson
Diagnostic Criteria for Malingered Neurocognitive Dysfunction
Proposed Standards for Clinical Practice and Research

Brian Sullivan, Kim May and Lynne Galbally
Symptom Exaggeration by College Adults in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disorder Assessments
Alastair Smith
On the Use of Drawing Tasks in Neuropsychological Assessment
Timothy Rogers et al
Fitness to Plead and Competence to Stand Trial
A Systematic Review of the Constructs and Their Application

Steven Essig et al
Practices in Forensic Neuropsychology
Perspectives of Neuropsychologists and Trial Attorneys

Jeffrey Dawson et al
Neuropsychological Predictors of Driving Errors in Older Adults
Roberta White et al
Neuropsychological Function in Gulf War Veterans
Relationships to Self-Reported Toxicant Exposures

Ruben Echemendia and Robert Cantu
Return to Play Following Sports-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
The Role for Neuropsychology

Christopher Bowie et al
Determinants of Real-World Functional Performance in Schizophrenia Subjects
Correlations with Cognition, Functional Capacity and Symptoms

Keith Cicerone et al
Evidence-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation
Recommendations for Clinical Practice

Kati Renvall et al
Anomia Treatment with Contextual Priming
A Case Study

Emma Berry et al
The Use of a Wearable Camera, Sensecam, as a Pictorial Diary to Improve Autobiographical Memory in a Patient with Limbic Encephalitis
A Preliminary Report

Linda Clare et al
Intervening with Everyday Memory Problems in Dementia of Alzheimer Type
An Errorless Learning Approach

Bruce Volpe et al
A Novel Approach to Stroke Rehabilitation
Robot-Aided Sensorimotor Stimulation

Anne Hoff et al
Ten-Year Longitudinal Study of Neuropsychological Functioning Subsequent to a First Episode of Schizophrenia
Christine Mohr, H. Stefan Bracha and Peter Brugger
Magical Ideation Modulates Spatial Behavior
Katarzyna Kucharska-Pietura et al
The Recognition of Emotion in the Faces and Voice of Anorexia Nervosa
Elena Mikhailova et al
Abnormal Recognition of Facial Expression of Emotions in Depressed Patients with Major Depression Disorder and Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Barbara Montagne et al
Reduced Efficiency in Recognizing Fear in Subjects Scoring High on Psychopathic Personality Characteristics
D. Head, D. Bolton and N. Hymas
Deficit in Cognitive Shifting Ability in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
J. Douglas Bremner et al
Deficits in Short-Term Memory in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
F. Xavier Castellanos et al
Characterizing Cognition in ADHD
Beyond Executive Dysfunction

Sally Ozonoff et al
Inhibitory Deficits in Tourette's Syndrome
A Function of Comorbidity and Symptom Severity

Elizabeth Pellicano et al
Abnormal Global Processing along the Dorsal Visual Pathway in Autism
A Possible Mechanism for Weak Central Coherence

Elizabeth Walter, Paul Dassonville and Tiana Bochsler
A Specific Autistic Trait That Modulates Visuospatial Illusion Susceptibility
Dian Donnai and Annette Karmiloff-Smith
Williams Syndrome
From Genotype through to the Cognitive Phenotype

Candy McCabe et al
A Controlled Pilot Study of the Utility of Mirror Visual Feedback in the Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Type 1)
Charles Miezejeski et al
A Profile of Cognitive Deficit in Females from Fragile X Families
Marie Bruandet et al
A Cognitive Characterization of Dyscalculia in Turner Syndrome
Richard Henson
What Can Functional Neuro-Imaging Tell the Experimental Psychologist?
Roberto Cabeza and Lars Nyberg
Imaging Cognition II
An Empirical Review of 275 PET and fMRI Studies

Fabienne Collette and Martial Van der Linden
Brain Imaging of the Central Executive Component of Working Memory
Timothy Andrews et al
Activity in the Fusiform Gyrus Predicts Conscious Perception of Rubin's Vase-Face Illusion
Michael Fox et al
The Human Brain Is Intrinsically Organized into Dynamic, Anticorrelated Functional Networks
V.S. Ramachandran and William Hirstein
The Perception of Phantom Limbs
The D.O. Hebb Lecture

R. Quian Quiroga et al
Human Single-Neuron Responses at the Threshold of Conscious Recognition
Andrew Chen
New Perspectives in EEG/MEG Brain Mapping and PET/fMRI Neuro-Imaging of Human Pain
Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki
The Neural Basis of Romantic Love
Eleanor Maguire et al
Navigation Expertise and the Human Hippocampus
A Structural Brain Imaging Analysis

Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel et al
Intra-Cerebral Evoked Potentials in Pitch Perception Reveal a Functional Asymmetry of the Human Auditory Cortex
Kevin Allan, Edward Wilding and Michael Rugg
Electrophysiological Evidence for Dissociable Processes Contributing to Recollection
Gemma Calvert et al
Using fMRI to Study Recovery from Acquired Dysphasia
Abigail Baird et al
Frontal Lobe Activation during Object Permanence
Data from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Craig Bennett et al
Neural Correlates of Interspecies Perspective-Taking in the Post-Mortem Atlantic Salmon
An Argument for Multiple Comparisons Correction

Craig Bennett and Michael Miller
How Reliable Are the Results from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging?
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, David Bartres-Faz and Julian Keenan
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Studying the Brain-Behaviour Relationship by Induction of 'Virtual Lesions'

Tomáš Paus
Imaging the Brain before, during and after Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Paolo Rossini and Simone Rossi
Clinical Applications of Motor-Evoked Potentials
Otto Bjoertomt, Alan Cowey and Vincent Walsh
Spatial Neglect in Near and Far Space Investigated by Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
George Ojemann et al
Cortical Language Localization in Left, Dominant Hemisphere
An Electrical Stimulation Mapping Investigation in 117 Patients

Joel Perlmutter and Jonathan Mink
Deep Brain Stimulation
Morten Kringelbach et al
Translational Principles of Deep Brain Stimulation
John Sidtis et al
Cognitive Interaction after Staged Callosal Section
Evidence for Transfer of Semantic Activation

Larry Squire and Pamela Slater
Electroconvulsive Therapy and Complaints of Memory Dysfunction
A Prospective Three-Year Follow-up Study

Jessica Payne and Lynn Nadel
Sleep, Dreams and Memory Consolidation
The Role of the Stress Hormone Cortisol

Sonia Lupien et al
Stress Hormones and Human Memory Function across the Lifespan
Ian Hindmarch, John Kerr and Neil Sherwood
The Effects of Alcohol and Other Drugs on Psychomotor Performance and Cognitive Function
Elizabeth Maylor et al
Effects of Alcohol on Speed and Accuracy in Choice Reaction Time and Visual Search
Paul Newhouse, Alexandra Potter and Abhay Singh
Effects of Nicotinic Stimulation on Cognitive Performance
Jean Bancaud et al
Anatomical Origin of deja-vu and Vivid Memories in Human Temporal-Lobe Epilepsy

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ISBN: 9780857022677