The Art of Case Study Research
Case Study & Narrative Analysis | Educational Research Methods | Evaluation (General)
Robert E Stake uses and annotates an actual case study to answer such questions as: How is the case selected? How do you select the case which is most likely to lead to maximizing what can be learned? How can what is learned from one case be applied to another? How can what is learned from a case be interpreted? In addition, the book covers: the differences between quantitative and qualitative approaches; data-gathering including document review; coding, sorting and pattern analysis; the roles of the researcher; triangulation; and reporting.
This is an excellent book for case study research focussing on qualitative case studies. Essential for researchers looking to use this approach.
Excellent introduction into qualitative, case study research. Very well written, conveying the key issues in clear and very engaging manner. Can also serve as a very short introduction manual to qualitative research in general.
A helpful text for the those students considering case study methodologies at post graduate level.
The art of case study research is mainly focused upon an interpretivist perspective in that the cases discussed are centred on people’s stories and accounts. This book contains 10 chapters with the first chapter providing a definition of what a case study is in terms of how it focuses on the ‘uniqueness’ and ‘commonality’ of a particular problem, event, place or experience to better understand a phenomenon. This chapter also describes criterion for case selection and discusses issues related to ‘generalisation’, as well as ways in which researchers can generalise within cases. Chapter two discuses types of research questions which can be addressed through case study research and chapter three describes the characteristics of qualitative research ands its limitations for undertaking an interpretivist inquiry. Chapter four presents’ ways of gathering data and organising the data gathered from observations and interviews, with chapter five discussing data analysis and interpretation of the case, in terms of identifying patterns from within the data obtained from select paragraphs within interview transcripts. Chapter six covers the researcher’s role in the case study research in relation to where the researcher has positioned themselves within the case study with regards to: researcher as teacher, evaluator, advocate and more. Chapter seven addresses research validity in qualitative research in connection with triangulation and presents triangulation protocols as one solution to increasing the validity of case studies which employ a qualitative approach to data collection and analysis. Chapter eight provides the reader with ways in which to organise and report the findings from case studies. Chapter nine presents the author’s reflections about undertaking case study research and chapter 10 outlines a typical case study as an example for the reader to examine before undertaking their own case study research.
This text contains a useful bibliography of references and a glossary index. The language in this book is accessible to undergraduate, postgraduate and researchers seeking to employ case study approach to qualitative research projects. This text is useful for anyone seeking to undertake case study research using interpretivist methods. Of particular use are chapters six and seven as they cover the importance of the researcher’s role in case study research and triangulation as one solution to validity.
The Art of Case Study Research is an indispensable source for the case study researcher. Essential reading prior to embarking on case study research.
Many of the post-graduate students take a case study vapproach in their small scale research projects and this book will be very useful for them in develeoping their methodologies and procedures.
It is clearly evident that the author has many years experience in designing and undertaking case studies and as such this is an essential text for any researcher undertaking a case study. It is easy to read and is laid out in a clear, logical way. Thank you.
A superb supporting text for undergraduate and post graduate students conducting empirical research. Written in a logical and methodical order, workshops help students gain detailed understanding of the chosen concepts
This book will be used as a useful resource in developing learning activities and supplementary instructional handouts for students
This is an excellent text for students undertaking case study research.