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Terrorism: What the Next President Will Face

Terrorism: What the Next President Will Face

Edited by:

July 2008 | 280 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

The United States' approach to fighting terrorism is among the most debated in the 2008 presidential campaign. The new administration will face an immediate need to address Islamist extremist terrorism and develop a long-term strategy that will shape U.S. interests abroad and life at home. This special volume of the ANNALS provides valuable insight that can help influence policy choices and strategies for addressing the challenges of combating terrorism.

Special editor, Richard A. Clarke, served the past three presidents as a senior White House advisor on counter-terrorism. Clarke has pulled together a panel of distinguished scholars and experts to prepare a detailed background and agenda for a U.S. strategy to address the problem of Islamist extremist terrorism.

Taken together, these unclassified briefs are designed to assist the new president and administration—as well as scholars and the general public-- to examine terrorism. They provide a fresh perspective from which to set an agenda to counter violent Islamist extremists – especially the growing threat of nuclear terrorism – immediately following the inauguration, before day-to-day crises obstructs long-term planning and strategies.

Divided into four parts, this substantial collection offers considerations of strategic policymaking:

I. Al Quaeda's Incarnations

Examines the recent status of this violent and well-known Islamist extremist group

II. Motivations

Attempts to explain the impetus for terrorists to carry out violence against innocent people

III. Specific U.S. Policies and Programs

Reviews important areas of expertise where the United States must succeed in order to counter violent groups

IV. Overall U.S. Strategy

Proposes ways to develop broad strategies to counter violent Islamist extremists

Drawing from the diligent work of scholars, journalists, prosecutors, and legislators, this collection of articles elucidates, analyzes, and sets an agenda for addressing the threat of terrorism. It is a must-read for students of political sciences as well as policymakers, and although prepared as a brief for the new administration, it is in the interest of every U.S. citizen to gain the important knowledge gathered in these articles.

Richard A. Clarke and Emilian Papadopoulos
Introduction: Terrorism: The First Portfolio for the Next President
Al Qaeda’s Incarnations

Peter Bergen
Al Qaeda, the Organization: A Five-Year Forecast
Bruce Riedel
Pakistan and Terror: The Eye of the Storm
Brian Fishman
Using the Mistakes of al Qaeda’s Franchises to Undermine Its Strategies
Daniel L. Byman and Kenneth M. Pollack
Iraq’s Long-Term Impact on Jihadist Terrorism
Sidney Jones
Briefing for the New President: The Terrorist Threat in Indonesia and Southeast Asia

John Horgan
From Profiles to Pathways and Roots to Routes: Perspectives from Psychology on Radicalization into Terrorism
Evan F. Kohlmann
“Homegrown” Terrorists: Theory and Cases in the War on Terror’s Newest Front
Specific U.S. Policies and Programs

Jonathan M. Winer
Countering Terrorist Finance: A Work, Mostly in Progress
Eric Rosenbach
The Incisive Fight: Recommendations for Improving Counterterrorism Intelligence
Tom Malinowski
Restoring Moral Authority: Ending Torture, Secret Detention, and the Prison at Guantanamo Bay
Baruch Fischhoff, Scott Atran, and Marc Sageman
Mutually Assured Support: A Security Doctrine for Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Threats
John Brennan
The Conundrum of Iran: Strengthening Moderates without Acquiescing to Belligerence
Overall U.S. Strategy

Karin von Hippel
A Counterradicalization Strategy for a New U.S. Administration
Reid Sawyer and Michael Foster
The Resurgent and Persistent Threat of al Qaeda
Hady Amr and P. W. Singer
To Win the “War on Terror,” We Must First Win the “War of Ideas”: Here’s How
Marc Sageman
A Strategy for Fighting International Islamist Terrorists
Peter Bergen and Laurence Footer
Defeating the Attempted Global Jihadist Insurgency: Forty Steps for the Next President to Pursue against al Qaeda, Like-Minded Groups, Unhelpful State Actors, and Radicalized Sympathizers
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Terrorism: What the Next President Will Face

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ISBN: 9781412969864

ISBN: 9781412969857