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Environment and Planning

Environment and Planning

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

October 2011 | 2 800 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Academic publisher, Pion, has an outstanding reputation for publishing high quality journals in the fields of geography, physics and experimental psychology. The four geographical journals in the Pion stable - the Environment and Planning series - are committed to publishing innovative, interdisciplinary quality papers which tackle a range of important questions. This collection, edited by a stellar editorial team under the leadership of Stuart Elden and published by SAGE, draws from all four journals to showcase the best of the best on offer in urban and regional research.

Volume One: Cities and Regions provides a selection of papers from the original journal in the series, focused on the opportunities and challenges associated with urban and regional transformations around the world. The wide-ranging remit of the journal allows readers to draw on sources from many disciplines - geography, sociology, economics, environmental science, political science, planning, and regional studies.

Volume Two: Planning and Design brings together seminal articles that promote research relating to spatial problems and plans concerning the built environment and the spatial structure of cities and regions. It brings an avowedly interdisciplinary approach to urban design, planning, modeling, simulation, GIS and spatial analysis, focusing on new scientific and computational approaches.

Volume Three: Government and Policy presents the path-breaking papers that have been at the forefront of research on government, governance, and innovations in public policy. The journal encourages international perspectives and dialogue as illustrated by the varied selection in this volume.

Volume Four: Society and Space brings together papers from the pre-eminent journal for interdisciplinary debates around society and space involving, among others, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, historians and political scientists. It includes articles that exemplify the discussion of the mutually constitutive relation between the social and the spatial.

Volume Five: Foundations, edited by the whole team, rounds off the collection with a selection of articles that eloquently demonstrate the theoretically sophisticated and practically relevant focus of this remarkable family of journals.

Production, Consumption, Networks
'It's Gotta Be Da Shoes': Domestic Manufacturing, International Subcontracting, and the Production of Athletic Footwear

Richard Barff and Jonathan Austen
External Control and Regional Development: The Case of Scotland

John Firn
The Technopoles of Southern California

Allen Scott
Whither Global Production Networks in Economic Geography? Past, Present, and Future

Martin Hess and Henry Wai-Chung Yeung
Displacement, Consumption, and Identity

Philip Crang
Understanding Alternative Food Networks: Exploring the Role of Short Food Supply Chains in Rural Development

Henk Renting, Terry Marsden and Jo Banks
The Politics of Relocation: Gender, Nationality, and Value in a Mexican Maquiladora

Melissa Wright
Nature, Environment, Ecologies
At the End of Nature: Cyborgs, 'Humachines', and Environments in Postmodernity

Timothy Luke
First World Political Ecology: Lessons from the Wise Use Movement

James McCarthy
Back to the Land: The Paradox of Organic Food Standards

Julie Guthman
Power, Nature, and the City: The Conquest of Water and the Political Ecology of Urbanization in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1880 - 1990

Erik Swyngedouw
Pimping Climate Change: Richard Branson, Global Warming, and the Performance of Green Capitalism

Scott Prudham
Strategy, Regulation, Governance
Corporate Strategy and Corporate Strategists: Power, Identity, and Knowledge within the Firm

Erica Schoenberger
Embedded Statism

Peter Taylor
'Real' Regulation: The Administrative State

Gordon Clark
Towards a Schumpeterian Workfare Regime in Britain? Reflections on Regulation, Governance, and Welfare State

Bob Jessop
Trojan Pig: Paradoxes of Food Safety Regulation

Elizabeth Dunn
Globalization, Regionalization, Locality
From Localised Social Structures to Localities as Agents

Kevin Cox and Andrew Mair
The Political Place of Locality Studies

David Massey
Regional and Interregional Interdependencies: Alternative Accounting Systems

Geoffrey Hewings
The Elusive Concept of Localization Economies: Towards a Knowledge-Based Theory of Spatial Clustering

Anders Malmberg and Peter Maskell
Globalization and the Production of New Urban Spaces: Pacific Rim Megaprojects in the Late 20th Century

Kris Olds
Deconstructing Regions: Notes on the Scales of Spatial Life

Annssi Paasi
Spatialities of Globalisation

Ash Amin
Building Morphologies
The Palladian Grammar

George Stiny and William Mitchell
The Bungalows of Buffalo

F Downing and U Flemming
A Palladian Construction Grammar - Design Reasoning with Shape Grammars and Rapid Prototyping

Larry Sass
Architectural Morphospace: Mapping Worlds of Built Forms

Philip Steadman and Linda Mitchell
Urban Flows, Forms and Fields
To Take Hold of Space: Isovists and Isovist Fields

Michael Benedikt
From Isovists to Visibility Graphs: A Methodology for the Analysis of Architectural Space

Alasdair Turner et al
A Statistical Examination of Visual Depth in Building Elevations

Andrew Crompton and Frank Brown
Natural Movement: Or, Configuration and Attraction in Urban Pedestrian Movement

Bill Hillier et al
Self-Organizing Pedestrian Movement

Dirk Helbing et al
The Network Analysis of Urban Streets: A Primal Approach

Sergio Porta, Paolo Crucitti and Vito Latora
Urban Simulation
Graph-Cellular Automata: A Generalised Discrete Urban and Regional Model

David O'Sullivan
A Self-Modifying Cellular Automaton Model of Historical Urbanization in the San Francisco Bay Area

Keith Clarke, Stacy Hoppen and Leonard Gaydos
SIMPOP: A Multiagent System for the Study of Urbanism

Lena Sanders et al
Urban Settlement Transitions

Claes Andersson, Steen Rasmussen and Roger White
Building a City In Vitro: The Experiment and the Simulation Model

Erez Hatna and Itzhak Benenson
Planning and Design Processes
Evolution, Modelling and Design in a Complex World

Peter Allen
The Myth of Rationality: Development Planning Reconsidered

Melvin Webber
To Plan or Not to Plan, that is the Question: Transaction Cost Theory and its Implications for Planning

Ernest Alexander
Planning as Argumentation

Harvey Goldstein
Structure of a Planning Support System for Urban Development

Lewis Hopkins
Interactive Multimedia Planning Support: Moving from Stand-Alone Systems to the World Wide Web

Michael Shiffer
The Global Trend towards Devolution and its Implications

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Nicholas Gill
Closing the Gap: Fiscal Imbalances and Intergovernmental Transfers in Developed Federations

Richard Bird and Andrey Tarasov
Local Government Systems: From Historic Divergence towards Convergence? Great Britain, France, and Germany as Comparative Cases in Point

Hellmut Wollmann
Environmental Policy
On the 'Efficient Boundaries of the State': The Contribution of Transaction-Costs Economics to the Analysis of Decentralization and Devolution in Natural Resource Management

Regina Birner and Heidi Wittmer
Europeanisation and the Uneven Convergence of Environmental Policy: Explaining the Geography of EMAS

Richard Perkins and Eric Neumayer
Participatory Methods for Water Resources Planning

Giorgos Kallis et al
Governing Space: Planning Reform and the Politics of Sustainability

Richard Cowell and Susan Owens
Environmental Governance
The Governance of Sustainable Development: Taking Stock and Looking Forwards

Andrew Jordan
Corporations and the Governance of Environmental Risk

Andrew Gouldson and Jan Bebbington
Representing People, Representing Nature, Representing the World

John O'Neill
Urban Policies and Regimes
Urban Regime Theory in Comparative Perspective

Gerry Stoker and Karen Mossberger
The Rise of Urban Growth Coalitions, UK-Style?

Alan Harding
The Urban Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

Christine Kessides
Urban Processes in the Face of China's Transition to a Socialist Market Economy

Fulong Wu
Intergovernmental Social Transfers and the Welfare State: Menace or Promise?

Douglas Ashford
Local Economic Development Policy
Cities and Regions Competing in the Global Economy: Knowledge and Local Development Policies

Edward Malecki
The Molecular Biology Revolution and the Rise of Bioscience Megacentres in North America and Europe

Philip Cooke
Institutional Innovations, Asymmetric Decentralization, and Local Economic Development: A Case Study of Kunshan, in Post-Mao China

Shiuh-Shen Chien
The Restructuring of Municipal Services: A Canada - United States Comparison

Robert Hebdon and Patrice Jalette
Small Businesses Policy and Regulation
The Public Choice Approach to Tax Reform

Geoffrey Brennan
Modelling the Impact of Taxation on the Small-Business Economy: The Natwest/MBS Tax Index for the Self-Employed, Sole-Traders, and Partnerships

P Panikkos Poutziouris, Francis Chittenden and Nicos Michaelas
SME Policy Support in Britain since the 1990s: What Have We Learnt?

Robert Bennett
Corporeal Cartographies
Power, Space, and the Body: A Critical Assessment of Foucault's Discipline And Punish

Felix Driver
The Body in Theory

Felicity Callard
Bodies and Spaces: An Exploration of Disabled People's Experiences of Public Space

Ruth Butler and Sophia Bowlby
A Corporeal Geography of Consumption

Gill Valentine
Gender and Performativity
Gender, Class, and Space

Gerry Pratt and Susan Hanson
Boys Town

Rosalyn Deutsche
Taking Butler Elsewhere: Performativities, Spatialities and Subjectivities

Nicky Gregson and Gillian Rose
Human and Non-Human Landscapes
(Re)Reading the Landscape

Jim Duncan and Nancy Duncan
Animals, Geography, and the City: Notes on Inclusions and Exclusions

Chris Philo
Burning Cities: A Posthumanist Account of Australians and Eucalypts

Adrian Franklin
Where Eagles Dare: An Ethno-Fable with Personal Landfill

Shiloh Krupar
Political Economies
Postmodernism in Economic Geography: Metaphor and the Construction of Alterity

Trevor Barnes and Michael Curry
Geographies of Consumption: A Commodity-Chain Approach

Elaine Hartwick
Transnational Hegemony and US Labor Foreign Policy: Towards a Gramscian International Labor Geography

Jim Glassman
Hawala Discourses and the War on Terrorist Finance

Marieke de Goede
(Dis)Placing Geopolitics: Writing on the Maps of Global Politics

Gearóid Ó Tuathail
Mapping Schengenland: Denaturalizing the Border

William Walters
From Arab Land to 'Israel Lands': The Legal Dispossession of the Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of 1948

Geremy Forman and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar
Justice and the Geographies of Moral Protest: Reflections from Mexico

Melissa Wright
The City
Taking Los Angeles Apart: Some Fragments of a Critical Human Geography

Edward Soja
Governing Cities: Notes on the Spatialisation of Virtue

Thomas Osborne and Nikolas Rose
Retrieving the Baby from the Bathwater: Slum Upgrading in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sumila Gulyani and Ellen Bassett
Urban Transformation in China, 1949 - 2000: A Review and Research Agenda

Laurence Ma
Space and Social Theory
Theorizing Sociospatial Relations

Bob Jessop, Neil Brenner and Martin Jones
Crisis, Planning, and the Quality of Life: Managing the New Historical Relationships between Space and Society

Manuel Castells
'Deconstructing' Architects' Houses

Julienne Hanson
Actor-Networks and the Evolution of Economic Forms: Combining Description and Explanation in Theories of Regulation, Flexible Specialization, and Networks

Jonathan Murdoch
The New Mobilities Paradigm

Mimi Sheller and John Urry
Planning Theory and Practice
Between Modernity and Postmodernity: The Ambiguous Position of US Planning

Robert Beauregard
Strategic (Spatial) Planning Reexamined

Louis Albrechts
Building Institutional Capacity through Collaborative Approaches to Urban Planning

Patsy Healey
Individual Determinants of Participation in Community Development in Indonesia

Victoria Beard
Design Machines

George Stiny and Lionel March
On the Description of Shape and Spatial Configuration inside Buildings: Convex Partitions and their Local Properties

John Peponis et al
Equilibrium Values and Dynamics of Attractiveness Terms in Production-Constrained Spatial-Interaction Models

B Harris and A G Wilson
Modelling the Local Impacts of National Social Policies: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach

Dimitris Ballas and Graham Clarke
New Economies
Moral Money? LETS and the Social Construction of Local Economic Geographies in Southeast England

Roger Lee
The Internet and the Rise of the New Network Cities, 1969 - 1999

Anthony Townsend
Industry Building as Contested Market Building: Knowledge, Politics, and the Rise of Beijing in China's Virtual Economy

Jun Zhang
Universities, Innovation, and Territorial Development: A Review of the Evidence

Helen Lawton Smith

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ISBN: 9781446208083