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SAGE Internet Research Methods

SAGE Internet Research Methods

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

June 2012 | 1 680 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Historically, social researchers have shown a willingness to exploit new technologies to enhance, facilitate and support their various activities. However, arguably no other technological development has influenced the landscape of social research as rapidly and fundamentally as the Internet. This collection avoids both uncritical embrace and wholesale dismissal by considering some of the key literature in the field of Internet research methods.

Volume One: Core Issues, Debates and Controversies in Internet Research introduces themes and issues that run across all four volumes such as: epistemology, ontology and methodology in the online world; access, social divisions and the 'digital divide'; and the ethics of online research.

Volume Two: Taking Research Online - Internet Survey and Sampling addresses the range of resources, digital archives and Internet-based data sources that exist online from relatively straightforward and practical guides to such material through to more polemical pieces which consider problems relating to the use, access and analysis of online data and resources.

Volume Three: Taking Research Online - Qualitative Approaches considers the broad range of approaches to conducting researching via or 'in' the Internet. The focus is on conventional methods that have been 'taken online', and which in doing so, have become transformed in scope and character.

Volume Four: Research 'On' and 'In' the Internet - Investigating the Online World follows logically from that which precedes it in exploring how social research has been 'taken online', not simply through the deployment of existing methods and techniques via the Internet, but in researchers' increasing recognition and investigation of the online world as a sphere of human interaction - a socio-cultural arena to be explored 'from the desktop' as it were.

T.L. Taylor
Life in Virtual Worlds
Plural Existence, Multimodalities and Other Online Research Challenges

Christine Hine
Internet as Culture and Cultural Artefact
Chris Mann and Fiona Stewart
Power Issues in Internet Research
Wendy Seymour
In the Flesh or Online? Exploring Qualitative Research Methodologies
Christine Hine
Authenticity and Identity in Internet Contexts
Kendal Broad and Kristin Joos
Online Inquiry of Public Selves
Methodological Considerations

Nalita James and Hugh Busher
Epistemological Dimensions in Qualitative Research
The Construction of Knowledge Online

Claire Hewson and Dianna Laurent
Research Design and Tools for Internet Research
Jaap Denissen, Linus Neumann and Maarten van Zalk
How the Internet Is Changing the Implementation of Traditional Research Methods, People's Daily Lives and the Way in Which Developmental Scientists Conduct Research
Sarah Flicker, Dave Haans and Harvey Skinner
Ethical Dilemmas in Research on Internet Communities
Susannah Stern
Encountering Distressing Information in Online Research
A Consideration of Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

Clare Madge
Developing a Geographers' Agenda for Online Research Ethics
Rebecca Enyon, Jenny Fry and Ralph Schroeder
The Ethics of Internet Research
Kate Orton-Johnson
Ethics in Online Research
Evaluating the ESRC Framework for Research Ethics Categorization of Risk

Andrew Charlesworth
Understanding and Managing Legal Issues in Internet Research
Ted Gaiser and Anthony Schreiner
Some Additional Challenges for Online Researchers
Nalita James and Hugh Busher
The Displacement of Time and Space in Online Research
Susa Leong et al
The Question Concerning (Internet) Time
Shani Orgad
The Cultural Dimensions of Online Communication
A Study of Breast Cancer Patients' Internet Spaces

Sonia Livingstone and Ellen Helsper
Gradations in Digital Inclusion
Children, Young People and the Digital Divide

Ronald Fricker and Matthias Schonlau
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Research Surveys
Evidence from the Literature

Vasja Vehovar and Katja Lozar Manfreda
Online Surveys

Samuel Best and Brian Krueger
Internet Survey Design
Valerie Sue and Lois Ritter
Writing Survey Questions
Valerie Sue and Lois Ritter
Designing and Developing the Survey Instrument
Kevin Shropshire, James Hawdon and James White
Web Survey Design
Balancing Measurement, Response and Topical Interest

Vera Toepoel et al
Design of Web Questionnaires
An Information-Processing Perspective for the Effect of Response Categories

Vera Toepoel, Marcel Das and Arthur van Soest
Design of Web Questionnaires
The Effects of the Number of Items per Screen

Paula Vicente and Elizabeth Reis
Using Questionnaire Design to Fight Non-Response Bias in Web Surveys
Elisabeth Coutts and Ben Jann
Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys
Experimental Results for Randomized Response Technique (RRT) and the Unmatched Count Technique (UCT)

Leah Melani Christian, Nicholas Parsons and Don Dilman
Designing Scalar Questions for Web Surveys
Ronald Fricker
Sampling Methods for Web and E-Mail Surveys
Jörg Blasius and Maurice Brandt
Representativeness in Online Surveys through Stratified Samples
Matthias Schonlau et al
Selection Bias in Web Surveys and the Use of Propensity Scores
Cyprian Wejnert and Douglas Heckathorn
'Web-Based Network Sampling' Efficiency and Efficacy of Respondent-Driven Sampling for Online Research
Douglas Ferguson
Name-Based Cluster Sampling
Florian Keusch
How to Increase Response Rates in List-Based Web Survey Samples
Tse-Hua Shih and Xitao Fan
Comparing Response Rates from Web and Mail Surveys
A Meta-Analysis

Beng Börkan
The Mode Effect in Mixed-Mode Surveys
Mail and Web Surveys

Weiwei Lin and Gregg van Ryzin
Web and Mail Surveys
An Experimental Comparison of Methods for Non-Profit Research

Christine Hine
The Virtual Objects of Ethnography
Nalita James and Hugh Busher
Engaging with Research Participants Online
Alison Powell
Method, Methodology and New Media
Dhiraj Murthy
Digital Ethnography
An Examination of the Use of New Technologies for Social Research

Angela Cora Garcia et al
Ethnographic Approaches to the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication
Robert Kozinets
The Method of Netnography
Henrietta O'Connor et al
Internet-Based Interviewing
Nalita James and Hugh Busher
Credibility, Authenticity and Voice
Dilemmas in Online Interviewing

Cheryl Tatano Beck
Benefits of Participating in Internet Interviews
Women Helping Women

Russel Ayling and Avril Mewse
Evaluating Internet Interviews with Gay Men
Susie Scott
Researching Shyness
A Contradiction in Terms?

Judith McCoyd and Toba Schwaber Kerson
Conducting Intensive Interviews Using E-Mail
A Serendipitous Comparative Opportunity

Ted Gaiser and Anthony Schreiner
Using E-Mail for Data Collection
Nigel Fielding
Virtual Fieldwork Using Access Grid
Kate Stewart and Matthew Williams
Researching Online Populations
The Use of Online Focus Groups for Social Research

Fiona Fox, Marianne Morris and Nichola Rumsey
Doing Synchronous Online Focus Groups with Young People
Methodological Reflections

Robert Kozinets
Data Analysis
Richard Kitto and John Barnett
Analysis of Thin Online Interview Data
Toward a Sequential Hierarchical Language-Based Approach

Jon Hindmarsh
Distributed Video Analysis in Social Research
Mika Raento, Antti Oulasvirta and Nathan Eagle
An Emerging Tool for Social Scientists

Ted Gaiser and Anthony Schreiner
The World of Web 2.0
Blogs, Wikis and Websites

David Beer and Roger Burrows
Sociology and, of and in Web 2.0
Some Initial Considerations

Laura Robinson and Jeremy Schulz
New Avenues for Sociological Inquiry
Evolving Forms of Ethnographic Practice

Clive Seale et al
Interview and Internet Forums
A Comparison of Two Sources of Qualitative Data

Nicholas Hookway
'Entering the Blogosphere'
Some Strategies for Using Blogs in Social Research

Laura Gurak and Smiljana Antonijevic
The Psychology of Blogging
You, Me and Everyone in between

Homero Gil De Zúñiga, Eulàlia Puig-I-Abril and Rojas
Weblogs, Traditional Sources Online and Political Participation
An Assessment of How the Internet Is Changing the Political Environment

Hallvard Moe
Mapping the Norwegian Blogosphere
Methodological Challenges in Internationalizing Internet Research

Axel Bruns et al
Mapping the Australian Networked Public Sphere
Eisa Al Nashmi et al
Internet Political Discussions in the Arab World
A Look at Online Forums from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan

Helen Briassoulis
Online Petitions
New Tools of Secondary Analysis?

Michele Zappavinga
Ambient Affiliation
The Linguistic Perspective on Twitter

Nelya Koteyko
Mining the Internet for Linguistic and Social Data
An Analysis of 'Carbon Compounds' in Web Feeds

Chien-leng Hsu and Han Woo Park
Sociology of Hyperlink Networks of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Twitter
A Case Study of South Korea

Vanessa Dirksen, Ard Huizing and Bas Smit
'Piling on Layers of Understanding'
The Use of Connective Ethnography for the Study of (Online) Work Practices

Christine Hine
Towards Ethnography of Television on the Internet
A Mobile Strategy for Exploring Mundane Interpretive Activities

Drew Ross
Backstage with the Knowledge Boys and Girls
Goffman and Distributed Agency in an Organic Online Community

Mary Homes
Emotional Reflexivity in Contemporary Friendships
Understanding It Using Elias and Facebook Etiquette

Wyke Stommel and Tom Koole
The Online Support Group as a Community
A Micro-Analysis of the Interaction with a New Member

Jeff Gavin, Karen Rodham and Helen Poyer
The Presentation of 'Pro-Anorexia' in Online Group Interactions

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ISBN: 9781446241042

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