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SAGE Publishing announces extended agreement with Kudos

January 26, 2016

London, UK. SAGE Publishing one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers has today announced an extended partnership with Kudos, an online service for authors, to include all content from SAGE’s 900+ journals.

SAGE began a pilot program with Kudos in 2015 and following the success has extended the agreement to two years. By enabling authors to explain their work in plain language, and providing tools to enable them to share their publications, Kudos supports greater research impact.  This partnership will enable all SAGE journal authors within the program to benefit from these extended support services for article visibility and engagement.

Speaking of the partnership SAGE Publishing’s UK Marketing Director, Jane Makoff commented:

“SAGE has always put its authors and their content first through supporting both dissemination and visibility of their high quality research. Partnering with Kudos enables us to enhance this, as the platform provides our authors with a valuable new service to help them increase the usage of their work. We are delighted to be working with Kudos across the full portfolio of our journals and we look forward to seeing the added benefits that a full partnership will offer our journal author base.”

Ann Lawson, Head of Business Development at Kudos, added:

“Academics and institutions are increasingly measured by the wider impact of their research, and researchers feel the urgent need to use their networks better to communicate about their work. Kudos makes it easy for researchers to explain and share their research publications, and to measure the impact of their publications and activities against multiple metrics. Through partnering with Kudos, SAGE Publishing is affirming their ongoing commitment to provide added services for their extensive author base. We’re delighted to extend our relationship with SAGE and look forward to developing Kudos further to meet the needs of SAGE’s academic community.”


 Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE publishes more than 900 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. A growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video. SAGE remains majority owned by our founder and after her lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures the company’s continued independence. Principal offices are located in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC and Melbourne.

Kudos provides a platform for sharing, facilitating, and driving discovery of published work and for measuring and monitoring the effects of these activities. Researchers write a simple explanation of their work and generate trackable links for sharing via e-mail, the web, and social networks. The existence of plain language explanations increases the likelihood that users will read the full text of an article. During a 2013 pilot study, authors using the Kudos sharing tools saw an average of 19% more downloads for their published work. Currently, over 70,000 researchers use the Kudos platform. Kudos won the 2015 Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers Award for Innovation in Publishing

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