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SAGE Video Librarian Resources

Find the tools you need to promote your access to SAGE Video!


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Promote SAGE Video on Campus

SAGE Video poster_catsSAGE Video poster_binge  

Download the poster PDF, add your own logo and website information in the editable box, then print it out to hang up and direct users to SAGE Video.
"do your research faster than streaming cats"
"guilt-free bing watching"

Banner Ads & Logos

Download one of the banner ads or the logo below for your library's website so that users know they have access to SAGE content. Simply right-click to save the image on your desktop, then use wherever you'd like to promote SAGE Video.

Download the SAGE Video logo

Choose a SAGE Video banner ad:


Embed a Search Widget

Embed a search widget on your library website or subject guides:

<iframe src=""">" style="height:140px;width:250px;overflow:hidden;" frameborder="0"></iframe>