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Theories of International Relations

Theories of International Relations

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

December 2005 | 1 616 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This major reference work comprises 80 articles representing the most influential theoretical writings by international relations scholars. Introduced by an essay from Stephen Chan and Cerwyn Moore, the four thematically organised volumes cover the major traditions of international relations (IR) theory:

Volume 1 examines realist theory in IR and includes classic realist statements as well as recent theoretical critiques and debates that have helped set the parameters of this approach.

Volume 2 traces the development of pluralist approaches to IR from the historical emergence of liberalism through to contemporary work on globalisation, human rights and ethics.

Volume 3 covers the various structuralist approaches stemming from the thinking of Marx and Gramsci as well as more recent work on the structures of global civil society and international political economy.

Volume 4 focuses on the range of reflexive approaches to international relations that include constructivism, feminism, postmodernism and critical geopolitics.

Together, the four volumes provide an unparalleled resource providing both broad coverage of the subject, historical depth and contemporary relevance.

The SAGE Library of International Relations is a new series of major works that will bring together the most influential and field-defining articles, both classical and contemporary, in a number of key areas of research and inquiry in International Relations.

Each multi-volume set will represent a collection of the essential published works collated from the foremost publications in the field by an Editor or Editorial Team of renowned international stature.

They will also include a full introduction, presenting a rationale for the selection and mapping out the discipline's past, present and likely future.

This series is designed to be a 'gold standard' for university libraries throughout the world with an interest in International Relations.

Volume One: Approaches to International Relations: Realism
E H Carr
The Science of International Politics
The Beginnings of a Science in The Twenty Year Crisis: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations

Herman Kahn
Alternative National Strategies in On Thermonuclear War
Arnold Wolfers
The Goals of Foreign Policy in Discord and Collaboration
Essays on International Politics

Hans Morgenthau
The Four Paradoxes of Nuclear Strategy
Morton Kaplan
The New Great Debate
Traditionalism versus Science in International Relations

R Harrison Wagner
The Theory of Games and the Balance of Power
Hedley Bull
The Decline of the State System? in The Anarchical Society: The Study of Order in World Politics
Analysis with an Amended Prisoner's Dilemma Model

Stanley Hoffman
Hedley Bull and His Contribution to Interational Relations
Alan James
The Realism of Realism
The State and Study of International Relations

Nicholas J Wheeler and Timothy Dunne
Hedley Bull's Pluralism of Intellect and Solidarism of Will
Robert Jervis
Realism in the Study of World Politics
Kenneth Waltz
Realist Thought and Neo-Realist Theory
Helen Milner
The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations Theory
A Critique

John J Mearsheimer
The False Promise of International Institutions
Barry Buzan
From International System to an International Society
Structural Realism and Regime Theory Meet the English School

John Vasquez
The Realist Paradigm and Degenerative versus Progressive Research Programs
An Appraisal of Neo-Traditional Research on Waltz's Balancing Proposition

Richard Little
Neo-Realism and the English School
A Methodological, Ontological and Theoretical Reassessment

Volume Two: Approaches to International Relations: Pluralism
David Mitrany
Functional Approach to World Organization
John Burton
Peace Research and International Relations
Kenneth Boulding
Organization and Conflict
Johan Galtung
Twenty-Five Years of Peace Research - Ten Challenges and Some Responses
William T Fox
Pluralism, the Science of Politics and the World System
Michael Banks
The Evolution of International Relations in Conflict in World Society
A New Perspective on International Relations

R J Vincent
Human Rights and the Theory of International Relations in Human Rights and International Relations
A J R Groom
Paradigms in Conflict
The Strategist, the Conflict Researcher and the Peace Researcher

Andrew Hurrell
Kant and the Kantian Paradigm in International Relations
Bruce Russett and John Oneal
The Kantian Peace
Assessing the Pacific Benefits of Democracy, Independence and International Organizations, 1885-1992

Michael W Doyle
Liberalism and World Politics
Robert O Keohane
Reciprocity in International Relations
Robert O Keohane and Joseph S Nye Jr
Power and Interdependence Revisited
Oran Young
International Regimes
Toward a New Theory of Institutions

Susan Strange
States, Firms and Diplomacy
Francis Fukuyama
The End of History?
Samuel P Huntington
The Clash of Civilizations?
Charles Beitz
International Liberalism and Distributive Justice
A Survey of Recent Thought

Terry Nardin
The Moral Basis of Humanitarian Intervention
Mervyn Frost
Tragedy, Ethics and International Relations
Volume Three: Approaches to International Relations: Structuralism
Andre Gunder Frank
The Postwar Boom
Immanuel Wallerstein
From Sociology to Historical Social Science
Prospects and Obstacles

Robert Cox
On Thinking about Future World Order
B K Gills
Historical Materialism and International Relations Theory
John Maclean
Marxism and International Relations
A Strange Case of Mutual Neglect

Hazel Smith
The Silence of the Academics
International Social Theory, Historical Materialism and Political Value

Peter Burnham
Open Marxism and Vulgar International Political Economy
Andrew Linklater
Realism, Marxism and Critical International Theory
Roger Tooze and Craig Murphy
The Epistemology of Poverty and the Poverty of Epistemology in IPE
Mystery, Blindness and Invisibility

James Mittelman
Coxian Historicism as an Alternative Perspective in International Studies
Susan Strange
The Persistent Myth of Lost Hegemony
Craig Murphy and Enrico Augelli
International Institutions, Decolonization and Development
Rorden Wilkinson
Global Monitor
The World Trade Organization

Martin Shaw
The State of Globalization
Towards a Theory of State Transformation

R Germain and Michael Kenny
Engaging Gramsci
International Relations Theory and the New Gramscians

John M Hobson
The Historical Sociology of the State and the State of Historical Sociology in International Relations
Chris May
The Political Economy of Proximity
Intellectual Property and the Global Division of Information Labour

Steve Hobden
Theorizing the International System
Perspectives from Historical Sociology

Robert Cox
Civil Society at the Turn of the Millennium
Prospects for an Alternative World Order

Noam Chomsky
Moral Truisms, Empirical Evidence and Foreign Policy

Volume Four: Contemporary Reflexive Approaches in International Relations
Richard K Ashley
The Geopolitics of Geopolitical Space
Toward a Critical Social Theory of International Politics

R B J Walker
On the Possibilities of World Order Discourse
Michael J Shapiro
The Events of Discourse and the Ethics of Global Hospitality
Fred Halliday
'Conclusion: The Future of International Relations' in Rethinking International Relations
Chris Brown
History Ends, Worlds Collide
Cynthia Enloe
Gender Makes the World Go Round
Cynthia Weber
Good Girls, Little Girls and Bad Girls
Male Paranoia

Jean Bethke Elshstain
Feminist Theories and International Relations
Marysia Zalewski
Well, What Is the Feminist Perspective on Bosnia?
Jill Steans
The Private Is Global
Feminist Politics and Global Political Economy

Rajni Kothari
The Yawning Vacuum
A World without Alternatives

Vivianne Jabri
Textualizing the Self
Moral Agency in Intercultural Discourse

Alexander Wendt
Constructing International Politics
James Der Derian
Virtuous War/Virtual Theory
David Campbell
International Engagements
The Politics of North American International Relations Theory

Heikki Patom[um]aki and Colin Wight
After Post-Positivism
The Promise of Critical Realism

Christine Sylvester
Empathetic Co-Operation
A Feminist Method of IR

Roland Bleiker
The Aesthetic Turn in International Political Theory
Hidemi Suganami
Agents, Structures, Narratives
Stephen Chan
A New Triptych for International Relations in the 21st Century
Beyond Waltz and beyond Lacan's Antigone